[Disclaimer: the title of this post does not reflect any musical tastes or preferences of the author, who is actually not a Britney Spears fan. But it was too fitting to ignore.]
This is the 13th edition of Kaelah's Corner, one year after my first-ever post on this blog. In other words, this is my first blogiversary! So, today's edition of Kaelah's Corner must be special somehow. But what exactly could be a proper way of celebrating? I brooded over that question for quite a long time.
At first I thought about taking a look back on the last year and what has or has not changed over time. Starting from my earliest posts about my kinky fantasies and my limits. But thinking about it, there haven't been many changes, except for maybe being a bit more comfortable with severe scenes, some unexpected explorations into more BDSMy stuff with Ludwig, and a practical interest in topping (it was already there earlier, but I didn't feel ready yet). Then we have the posts about the person behind Kaelah, my family and vanilla friends and my relationship with Ludwig. In this department the last twelve months have been full of developments, many good ones and a few bad ones, and unfortunately also some very sad losses. Definitely too much stuff to put it into one post. And there was Ludwig's and my kinky journey, including role play, a very severe caning and finally film projects with other kinksters. It's definitely time to release Ludwig's and my first spanking clip! But the editing is going to take at least one more week, so this didn't work, either, for my blogiversary post. That's why I finally gave up the idea of writing a retrospective post.
My next plan was to write a very thoughtful post about one of the essential topics for our community. A main purpose of my writing is to initiate discussions and the exchange of thoughts among our dear blogreaders. So, writing an especially elaborated post seemed to be a good way of celebrating my blogiversary. But what could be an appropriate subject? Since I've made a lot of new practical experiences during the last year, I had some working titles for posts about practical spanking-related topics on my mind, like: “How to earn oneself a spanking without being a brat” (definitely an important topic for someone like me who is just too nice for bratting!), “Life with a paranoid top” (I've already written a short advice in my comment on Ludwig's post about paranoia) or “Baggage restrictions and take-away implements for holidays” (canes for example don't fit into most of the bags one is allowed to check in at some cheap airline flights, poor Ludwig!). But somehow these topics didn't seem to have the adequate intellectual level.
So, I developed new ideas, this time for more philosophical discussions: “Can spankos enjoy an afterlife that is based on an infinite disembodied existence of the soul?”or “Is it morally objectionable to threaten bottoms NOT to spank them if they misbehave?”. Definitely interesting themes, but writing a rational, well-balanced post which takes all the facts and points of view into consideration would have required a lot of research and I was running out of time. That forced me to skip my second plan, too.
I finally decided to do something utterly boring and ordinary – celebrating my first blogiversary with a spanking! Yes, I know, not a very inventive and unique idea. Of course the spanking will be captured on film and published on the blog. Yeah, that's what most bloggers who celebrate their blogiversary spanking do. I guess, most people have already stopped reading this post by now... For those who haven't: Since I love the interaction with the readers so much, I've decided to actively involve you in the creative process (in case you haven't already fallen asleep given the low intellectual grade of that prospect). I know that you would prefer an in-depth cultural and political discussion over taking part in the development of an ordinary spanking clip, but this is all I can offer you right now - love it or leave it!
So, here are the regulations for your participation: There are five outfits you can choose from: cowgirl, punk, secretary, Starfleet ensign and witch. And there are five possible implements: belt, flogger, paddle (a leathery kind), riding crop and switch. All you have to do is leaving a comment naming your favourite outfit and implement. Anonymous comments don't count, if you don't have a blogger profile you can use the Name/URL option and give yourself a random nickname – there is no URL necessary! The outfit that gets the majority of votes wins. Your choice of implements will be taken directly into account, meaning that a certain number of strokes with the selected implement is added to the spanking. Therefore, the clip will most probably feature different implements.
Since I want to use this opportunity to thank especially the regular commenters, I've decided to calculate the number of strokes which are added for a vote as follows: Each vote adds at least one stroke to the score, so even first-time commenters (you are very welcome!) can take part. For every of the last twelve Kaelah's Corner posts you've commented on, one additional stroke with your implement will be added. Of course the comments must have been made under the same nickname, multiple comments by the same reader on one post only count as one stroke and (for health reasons!) only the Kaelah's Corner posts are taken into consideration. And, before anyone makes up strange plans: I always appreciate new comments on my older posts, but for the vote only comments made before the time of publishing of this post count! The voting ends after one week, that means on the 7th of September at 9:35 pm German time (UTC+2). Sounds complicated? Well, you didn't really expect me to come up with rules that are simpler than the regulations Ludwig develops on similar occasions, did you?!
Now I only have to hope that the most regular commenters don't vote... Actually there are six people who could each be responsible for at least five strokes or even more. Well, with some luck Miss ! won't return from her hiatus in the next seven days. And Pandora is always very busy with a lot of different projects, so she probably won't find the time. Peter usually has a very full schedule, too. Abel on the other hand might be kept busy by the womenwho are looking after him whom he is in charge of. And there is a chance that Indy is still working on new posts about her experiences during her UK trip. Ursus Lewis is scaring me, though. That man alone could add eleven strokes to the total score. But you won't do that, Ursus, right?
So, here are the rules for the vote one more time in short form: Write a comment on this post, NOT using the “Anonymous” option. Start with a short (8-10 sentences) essay on how much you like me and why you love my posts. Okay, that part is optional! Name your favourite of the five possible outfits (cowgirl, punk, secretary, Starfleet ensign or witch) and implements (belt, flogger, paddle, riding crop or switch). Hit the “publish your comment” button before the 7th of September 2010, 9:35 pm German time. Thanks to everyone who accompanied me on my journey during the last year. Live long and prosper!
This is the 13th edition of Kaelah's Corner, one year after my first-ever post on this blog. In other words, this is my first blogiversary! So, today's edition of Kaelah's Corner must be special somehow. But what exactly could be a proper way of celebrating? I brooded over that question for quite a long time.
At first I thought about taking a look back on the last year and what has or has not changed over time. Starting from my earliest posts about my kinky fantasies and my limits. But thinking about it, there haven't been many changes, except for maybe being a bit more comfortable with severe scenes, some unexpected explorations into more BDSMy stuff with Ludwig, and a practical interest in topping (it was already there earlier, but I didn't feel ready yet). Then we have the posts about the person behind Kaelah, my family and vanilla friends and my relationship with Ludwig. In this department the last twelve months have been full of developments, many good ones and a few bad ones, and unfortunately also some very sad losses. Definitely too much stuff to put it into one post. And there was Ludwig's and my kinky journey, including role play, a very severe caning and finally film projects with other kinksters. It's definitely time to release Ludwig's and my first spanking clip! But the editing is going to take at least one more week, so this didn't work, either, for my blogiversary post. That's why I finally gave up the idea of writing a retrospective post.
My next plan was to write a very thoughtful post about one of the essential topics for our community. A main purpose of my writing is to initiate discussions and the exchange of thoughts among our dear blogreaders. So, writing an especially elaborated post seemed to be a good way of celebrating my blogiversary. But what could be an appropriate subject? Since I've made a lot of new practical experiences during the last year, I had some working titles for posts about practical spanking-related topics on my mind, like: “How to earn oneself a spanking without being a brat” (definitely an important topic for someone like me who is just too nice for bratting!), “Life with a paranoid top” (I've already written a short advice in my comment on Ludwig's post about paranoia) or “Baggage restrictions and take-away implements for holidays” (canes for example don't fit into most of the bags one is allowed to check in at some cheap airline flights, poor Ludwig!). But somehow these topics didn't seem to have the adequate intellectual level.
So, I developed new ideas, this time for more philosophical discussions: “Can spankos enjoy an afterlife that is based on an infinite disembodied existence of the soul?”or “Is it morally objectionable to threaten bottoms NOT to spank them if they misbehave?”. Definitely interesting themes, but writing a rational, well-balanced post which takes all the facts and points of view into consideration would have required a lot of research and I was running out of time. That forced me to skip my second plan, too.
I finally decided to do something utterly boring and ordinary – celebrating my first blogiversary with a spanking! Yes, I know, not a very inventive and unique idea. Of course the spanking will be captured on film and published on the blog. Yeah, that's what most bloggers who celebrate their blogiversary spanking do. I guess, most people have already stopped reading this post by now... For those who haven't: Since I love the interaction with the readers so much, I've decided to actively involve you in the creative process (in case you haven't already fallen asleep given the low intellectual grade of that prospect). I know that you would prefer an in-depth cultural and political discussion over taking part in the development of an ordinary spanking clip, but this is all I can offer you right now - love it or leave it!
So, here are the regulations for your participation: There are five outfits you can choose from: cowgirl, punk, secretary, Starfleet ensign and witch. And there are five possible implements: belt, flogger, paddle (a leathery kind), riding crop and switch. All you have to do is leaving a comment naming your favourite outfit and implement. Anonymous comments don't count, if you don't have a blogger profile you can use the Name/URL option and give yourself a random nickname – there is no URL necessary! The outfit that gets the majority of votes wins. Your choice of implements will be taken directly into account, meaning that a certain number of strokes with the selected implement is added to the spanking. Therefore, the clip will most probably feature different implements.
Since I want to use this opportunity to thank especially the regular commenters, I've decided to calculate the number of strokes which are added for a vote as follows: Each vote adds at least one stroke to the score, so even first-time commenters (you are very welcome!) can take part. For every of the last twelve Kaelah's Corner posts you've commented on, one additional stroke with your implement will be added. Of course the comments must have been made under the same nickname, multiple comments by the same reader on one post only count as one stroke and (for health reasons!) only the Kaelah's Corner posts are taken into consideration. And, before anyone makes up strange plans: I always appreciate new comments on my older posts, but for the vote only comments made before the time of publishing of this post count! The voting ends after one week, that means on the 7th of September at 9:35 pm German time (UTC+2). Sounds complicated? Well, you didn't really expect me to come up with rules that are simpler than the regulations Ludwig develops on similar occasions, did you?!
Now I only have to hope that the most regular commenters don't vote... Actually there are six people who could each be responsible for at least five strokes or even more. Well, with some luck Miss ! won't return from her hiatus in the next seven days. And Pandora is always very busy with a lot of different projects, so she probably won't find the time. Peter usually has a very full schedule, too. Abel on the other hand might be kept busy by the women
So, here are the rules for the vote one more time in short form: Write a comment on this post, NOT using the “Anonymous” option. Start with a short (8-10 sentences) essay on how much you like me and why you love my posts. Okay, that part is optional! Name your favourite of the five possible outfits (cowgirl, punk, secretary, Starfleet ensign or witch) and implements (belt, flogger, paddle, riding crop or switch). Hit the “publish your comment” button before the 7th of September 2010, 9:35 pm German time. Thanks to everyone who accompanied me on my journey during the last year. Live long and prosper!