Ludwig and I recently talked about what our kinky alter egos mean to us. That has led me to a couple of different little topics I would like to discuss here on the blog. EmmaJane and Graham both wrote a post about the question of how open they are on their blogs and how much they show of themselves. I would like to look at that topic from a slightly different point of view. So, the question for today’s post is: How “real” are the kinky personas on the web? Obviously, there are different possible ways of dealing with one’s second identity, depending on one's type of person and what someone uses his or her kinky personality for.
On the one end of the scale there might be people who just need a protective shell allowing them to chat openly with strangers about their interest in spanking. They might not even see their kinky profile on the net as another identity, but just as a nickname under which they can write about intimate thoughts without the risk of someone using the knowledge about their sexual preferences against them. On the other end of the spectrum there might be those who create a complete new identity like in an online role play, a character enabling them to live a second life on the web which might be quite different from their offline life and personality.
The percentage of matching between the kinky character presented on the net and the real person behind it might vary a lot then, depending on the background for the kinky persona. And the character developments we see can either just reflect personal developments or be part of a planned character development path. I think that many kinky alter egos and their development might be a bit of both. And to my mind the quota of both parts might change depending on how long a second identity exists and how much it presents a public persona.
I’m of the opinion that most kinksters at first just need a nickname to take part in the online discussions and to chat with like-minded people. Those who then become more active members of the community by chatting a lot and/or meeting other spankos might start to think about what to tell about themselves in their profiles and whether they want to write comments rather from their own perspective or from the perspective of for example their favourite kinky role play character. It could also be a mixture, depending on the topic and type of discussion. For some people then comes another step, when they decide to write a blog and maybe also publish photos and spanking clips. I guess at least then the question of how much to show of oneself occurs, and quite literally. I can’t really imagine that there are bloggers out there who don’t ask themselves: “Is my writing and am I (or is my online character) interesting enough?”
Last but not least there is the group of kinky professional spanking models and others who work in the business. They might not even earn their livings with that job, but nonetheless they have to get people’s attention in order to sell their products. I don’t think that has to mean that professional models per se see their kinky identity as a kind of movie character rather than a reflection of their real personality. But to my mind working in a business that is supposed to sell dreams and fantasies and having a public persona in that business environment requires much more thinking about how to present oneself on the internet than being for example a kinky hobby blogger does.
So, how about Kaelah? First of all, I’m very happy I’m just a hobby blogger and don’t earn any money in the spanking business. Not because I have any moral objections against the production of spanking porn, not at all, but because it gives me the freedom to write and post only what I want, when I want and the way I want it without feeling any obligations. Given that spanking for me is something very intimate, personal and wonderful, being free of obligations and doing only what I really like to do and sharing only what I like to share is very important to me in that field.
The main reason for me to create a personal profile in the first place was that I wanted to chat with other kinky people. I chose a name telling something about my character and interests (being a trekkie and having a weakness for warriors), hoping that like-minded people would notice. My aim was to get a close, personal contact to others, not only touching the surface in the chats, but going deeper. It still is my main drive today. That’s why there isn’t much difference between the public persona Kaelah and my private persona. I think I actually write very openly about my thoughts, hopes, fears and my weaknesses.
But when I started writing for the blog, there was a second motivation – I love writing and not only entertaining people but also providing them with some thought-provoking fodder. If that leads to thoughtful responses and a dialogue that gives me new ideas, well that’s perfect! But I definitely have a kind of exhibitionistic streak especially in written communication. And in addition to that I always wanted Kaelah and Ludwig to reflect the eye-to-eye relationship the two of us have offline, which meant to me that I wanted to be accepted as Ludwig’s equal partner in the spanking community. That led of course to thoughts like: Which kind of topics would be interesting for the blog readers? Is my writing good enough for Ludwig’s blog? Will the readers and Ludwig’s friends in the community accept me? And: Should I publish pictures of myself and maybe also spanking clips, so that the readers would have a visual impression of me like they had of Ludwig?
As you know, I made the decision to post photos and Ludwig and I have also filmed two little clips which will hopefully be published this year (the editing requires a lot of work). Visually presenting myself like that might be the one thing that is much more a part of Kaelah than of the private me. First of all, that’s because Kaelah allows me to make experiments in that field which I wouldn’t exactly call one of my core competences. As a matter of fact I hadn’t felt very womanly or sexy before I started living out my kink. Secondly I don’t think it is a big surprise that an alter ego I use on an erotic blog is naturally more focused on sexual topics than I am in my normal all-day life.
But I don’t think I’ve created a “character”, meaning that Kaelah has personality streaks or opinions which I don’t have in private. And I don’t think that I’ve got a clear kind of development path in mind for Kaelah. After having done that very hard scene last December, I thought: Oh, now there won’t be any climax possible concerning the severity of the scenes I’m going to write about. And I hoped the readers wouldn’t be disappointed. But still I had done the scene when it felt right for me, not when it might have been more interesting for Kaelah’s “character development”.
I have to admit, though, that the thought of having the chance to blog about it afterwards makes certain private play sessions or personal developments more attractive, because I like the thought of sharing a special experience with others or presenting myself in a certain new way. One example is that I would like Ludwig to give me a training in topping and the handling of different implements. It’s something I would like to do, anyway, but the thought of using the training for a little series on the blog, showing me in a different position than usual, makes it all the more appealing.
So, in conclusion I would say: Yes, I do care how Kaelah is seen and accepted by the blog readers and the community. Yes, I think about the question whether something might be interesting for the blog readers when planning special private kinky activities. And yes, certain developments I would like to make are more attractive when they allow me to present another facet of me on the net. But, no, Kaelah isn’t a kind of online role play character and I’m not “playing” her. The thoughts, ideas and fears I write about are 100 per cent me. Kaelah is closer to being just a nickname than a second identity. When I want her to be accepted it translates into me wanting to be accepted. One thing I have decided to do, though, is not to show everything online that belongs to the private me. But that’ll be the topic of another rambling blog post...
So, how about you? How do you see your kinky internet persona? What is it good for? Have you maybe got more than one kinky online persona, using different identities for different purposes? How big is the difference between your online presentation and your offline personality? Has the way you’ve seen your kinky identity changed over time? All ideas and thoughts are welcome!
On the one end of the scale there might be people who just need a protective shell allowing them to chat openly with strangers about their interest in spanking. They might not even see their kinky profile on the net as another identity, but just as a nickname under which they can write about intimate thoughts without the risk of someone using the knowledge about their sexual preferences against them. On the other end of the spectrum there might be those who create a complete new identity like in an online role play, a character enabling them to live a second life on the web which might be quite different from their offline life and personality.
The percentage of matching between the kinky character presented on the net and the real person behind it might vary a lot then, depending on the background for the kinky persona. And the character developments we see can either just reflect personal developments or be part of a planned character development path. I think that many kinky alter egos and their development might be a bit of both. And to my mind the quota of both parts might change depending on how long a second identity exists and how much it presents a public persona.
I’m of the opinion that most kinksters at first just need a nickname to take part in the online discussions and to chat with like-minded people. Those who then become more active members of the community by chatting a lot and/or meeting other spankos might start to think about what to tell about themselves in their profiles and whether they want to write comments rather from their own perspective or from the perspective of for example their favourite kinky role play character. It could also be a mixture, depending on the topic and type of discussion. For some people then comes another step, when they decide to write a blog and maybe also publish photos and spanking clips. I guess at least then the question of how much to show of oneself occurs, and quite literally. I can’t really imagine that there are bloggers out there who don’t ask themselves: “Is my writing and am I (or is my online character) interesting enough?”
Last but not least there is the group of kinky professional spanking models and others who work in the business. They might not even earn their livings with that job, but nonetheless they have to get people’s attention in order to sell their products. I don’t think that has to mean that professional models per se see their kinky identity as a kind of movie character rather than a reflection of their real personality. But to my mind working in a business that is supposed to sell dreams and fantasies and having a public persona in that business environment requires much more thinking about how to present oneself on the internet than being for example a kinky hobby blogger does.
So, how about Kaelah? First of all, I’m very happy I’m just a hobby blogger and don’t earn any money in the spanking business. Not because I have any moral objections against the production of spanking porn, not at all, but because it gives me the freedom to write and post only what I want, when I want and the way I want it without feeling any obligations. Given that spanking for me is something very intimate, personal and wonderful, being free of obligations and doing only what I really like to do and sharing only what I like to share is very important to me in that field.
The main reason for me to create a personal profile in the first place was that I wanted to chat with other kinky people. I chose a name telling something about my character and interests (being a trekkie and having a weakness for warriors), hoping that like-minded people would notice. My aim was to get a close, personal contact to others, not only touching the surface in the chats, but going deeper. It still is my main drive today. That’s why there isn’t much difference between the public persona Kaelah and my private persona. I think I actually write very openly about my thoughts, hopes, fears and my weaknesses.
But when I started writing for the blog, there was a second motivation – I love writing and not only entertaining people but also providing them with some thought-provoking fodder. If that leads to thoughtful responses and a dialogue that gives me new ideas, well that’s perfect! But I definitely have a kind of exhibitionistic streak especially in written communication. And in addition to that I always wanted Kaelah and Ludwig to reflect the eye-to-eye relationship the two of us have offline, which meant to me that I wanted to be accepted as Ludwig’s equal partner in the spanking community. That led of course to thoughts like: Which kind of topics would be interesting for the blog readers? Is my writing good enough for Ludwig’s blog? Will the readers and Ludwig’s friends in the community accept me? And: Should I publish pictures of myself and maybe also spanking clips, so that the readers would have a visual impression of me like they had of Ludwig?
As you know, I made the decision to post photos and Ludwig and I have also filmed two little clips which will hopefully be published this year (the editing requires a lot of work). Visually presenting myself like that might be the one thing that is much more a part of Kaelah than of the private me. First of all, that’s because Kaelah allows me to make experiments in that field which I wouldn’t exactly call one of my core competences. As a matter of fact I hadn’t felt very womanly or sexy before I started living out my kink. Secondly I don’t think it is a big surprise that an alter ego I use on an erotic blog is naturally more focused on sexual topics than I am in my normal all-day life.
But I don’t think I’ve created a “character”, meaning that Kaelah has personality streaks or opinions which I don’t have in private. And I don’t think that I’ve got a clear kind of development path in mind for Kaelah. After having done that very hard scene last December, I thought: Oh, now there won’t be any climax possible concerning the severity of the scenes I’m going to write about. And I hoped the readers wouldn’t be disappointed. But still I had done the scene when it felt right for me, not when it might have been more interesting for Kaelah’s “character development”.
I have to admit, though, that the thought of having the chance to blog about it afterwards makes certain private play sessions or personal developments more attractive, because I like the thought of sharing a special experience with others or presenting myself in a certain new way. One example is that I would like Ludwig to give me a training in topping and the handling of different implements. It’s something I would like to do, anyway, but the thought of using the training for a little series on the blog, showing me in a different position than usual, makes it all the more appealing.
So, in conclusion I would say: Yes, I do care how Kaelah is seen and accepted by the blog readers and the community. Yes, I think about the question whether something might be interesting for the blog readers when planning special private kinky activities. And yes, certain developments I would like to make are more attractive when they allow me to present another facet of me on the net. But, no, Kaelah isn’t a kind of online role play character and I’m not “playing” her. The thoughts, ideas and fears I write about are 100 per cent me. Kaelah is closer to being just a nickname than a second identity. When I want her to be accepted it translates into me wanting to be accepted. One thing I have decided to do, though, is not to show everything online that belongs to the private me. But that’ll be the topic of another rambling blog post...
So, how about you? How do you see your kinky internet persona? What is it good for? Have you maybe got more than one kinky online persona, using different identities for different purposes? How big is the difference between your online presentation and your offline personality? Has the way you’ve seen your kinky identity changed over time? All ideas and thoughts are welcome!