Today is the ninth blogiversary of Rohrstock-Palast, which I started back in the prehistoric era of 2008. To my horror and amazement, I just discovered that my last post was exactly one year ago - on the eighth blogiversary. Never before has there been such a gap between posts of mine. If it weren't for Kaelah, this blog would be well and truly dead. I suppose we should rename it Kaelah's Rohrstock-Palast.
Obviously, I have not been a very eager blogger this past year, and in the years before when my posts were already pretty rare. I could say that I am very busy with my job and other real-life duties, but that would not be the entire truth. Of course, I could still find at least some free time for blogging - an hour here, an hour there. But blogging can become a job of sorts (it certainly was for me for several years), and I really don't feel like taking on an extra job during what little free time I have at the moment. I just lack the energy and the inspiration for that. Unlike Kaelah, who is much better at multi-tasking, I tend to do things excessively or not at all. Moreover, as I have already said in the past, I've covered almost everything I wanted to write about here, I've done almost every video that was realistically feasible, and there aren't many ideas left that really spark my imagination. Whatever remains to do feels rather like cleaning up and filling in a couple of blanks - worthwhile, but not exactly super-exciting.
That said, it's not like I lost my interest in the blog completely. I still follow everything Kaelah writes, she consults me about almost every post, and I proof-read every one of them. I also still read all the comments. And I can say that my spanking fantasies have become more frequent and more vivid again than they were in the recent past - I guess the absence from the day in, day out job of blogging has helped to re-ignite my kink somewhat. While it probably will never be as existentially important to me again as it was a decade ago when I was a wide-eyed newbie to the spanking community, it's definitely stronger than, say, a year or two ago.
In November 2014, Kaelah and I announced that we would close down the blog the following spring. That was more than two years ago now - so much for things going according to plan! Rest assured, we weren't trying to tease you or play a joke on you. At the time, we really did intend to do precisely what we said we would. But we severely underestimated the time and effort required for the final "firework" of posts and finished videos which we wanted to do, which would have overtaxed us at the best of times - and overtaxed us all the more when our free time became much rarer during the following months and years. Moreover, you know how it is: once you lose touch with any hobby or activity like blogging, it's all the more difficult to get back to a frequent routine.
But enough with the whining and excuses. A blogiversary is a day to celebrate. I am happy that Rohrstock-Palast has made it to the ripe old age (for a blog) of nine years, and I am glad that we still have readers left even though our activity level - mine in particular - has not been great. Thank you for that. Now that we have got to nine, we might as well make the decade complete and go to ten. So you will get to enjoy the blog for at least one more year. And I do sincierely hope and intend to write more again.
There is also the not-so-small matter of editing at least five videos which we have already shot (preview pictures of some of them can be seen in Klingons Do Not Faint!, My First Day At School - On Camera! and A Creative Valentine's Weekend). Some of the material is almost as old as the blog itself, and from that point of view, it's outright ridiculous that it still hasn't been published. But I tell you honestly, it includes the best stuff we have ever filmed, and I want to get it just right. I need inspiration for that, which I haven't had in recent years. Hopefully, I'll have it in 2017. Last but not least, we also have at least one more scene to film. As Kaelah loves to remind me, we are still missing a severe, 50 stroke F/M caning in order to complete our array of videos and restore some balance after several hard caning videos which Kaelah has done as a bottom. I keep telling her that we only have very few fans of F/M stuff and that no one would want to see it, but she is not buying it.
As you can see, we still have some exciting spanking porn masterpieces in the pipeline before we finally say farewell, and I still have a couple of things I would really like to write about. I am not going to give you any schedules or deadlines, because we have done that in the past, and we haven't been able to meet them. I'm taking the George R. R. Martin approach: it'll be done when it's done, I don't know when, but winter is coming. Definitely.
In the meantime, thank you very much for reading and commenting for another year. I'll write more posts than I did last year - that much I can safely promise, I think. Here's to a good kinky season of 2017. Let's see what the future brings.