Monday, October 31, 2016

Kaelah's Corner (Oct 2016):

Happy Halloween, everybody! Ludwig and I were quite busy this evening, handing out sweets to little ghosts, monsters and skeletons. We weren't really prepared because "trick or treat" is not an old tradition here in Germany and has only become popular in the past years. We were lucky, though, as we had just enough sweets at home.

When we were finally sitting at the dinner table, we discussed what a kinky adult version of Halloween might look like. We didn't find an ultimate answer to that question, but here are some of the things we discussed:

First of all, would it be "spank or treat" or "trick or spank"? I guess that might depend on whether you are a top or a bottom. Tops could threaten to spank people if they didn't give them a treat (and I am sure many bottoms incidentally wouldn't have any sweets at home that day). Trick or spank, on the other hand, could be the motto of choice for some bottoms, if they went from door to door at a kinky Halloween. And I am sure they would find a number of tops willing to serve their needs.

Then, what would a proper kinky Halloween costume look like? A zombie schoolgirl or professor? Maybe a revenge demon? A ghost buster on a mission to spank all the ghosts who cross his (or her) path? I guess there are plenty of possibilities. Ludwig mentioned that spanking inspired horror movies would be a little bit different as well and offer more choices for Halloween characters. There would be no serial killer, but a serial spanker...

I suppose one of my favourite costume choices would be the ghost of an 18th century seaman. Maybe he was a seaman recruit, responsible for the sinking of his ship and now bound to walk the Earth and atone for his sins. Or maybe he was a captain already, known for his strict regime, who became the victim of a mutiny. Or maybe a woman who had served on a ship disguised as a man to flee her old life until her real identity had been found out. After having been whipped for her masquerade in front of the whole crew, she jumped in the sea and drowned. And now she haunts the Earth to take revenge for her fate.

Of course, there would be roleplay scenarios aplenty as well, depending on the costumes and background stories. There could even be follow-up events like a Halloween themed spanking court where delinquents could be convicted for having scared elderly people with their costumes, for having eaten too much chocolate or for having rung at the same door several times in different costumes in order to get more of the delicious sweets the inhabitants were giving away.

Ludwig and I have never been to a Halloween themed spanking event, but we mused that there must be such a thing. So, my questions are: How would your kinky Halloween look like? Have you ever done a Halloween inspired spanking or been to a Halloween themed spanking event? How was it? Please feel welcome to share your thoughts in the comments section!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

In Court (Part 4):
Judge Kaelah

 (A snapshot from the smartphone videos of the event - link below.)

This is my final post about the spanking court event that Ludwig and I visited last autumn. The first three parts are here, here and here.

I had to preside over the last two cases as a judge. My first announcement was that I was the judge now who had to be respected, I wouldn't tolerate any disturbance (Sissi and Jura tried to irritate the judges as spectators and had already been punished several times) and that I was the only one who was allowed to use that little hammer. This joke referred to something from a mail conversation between Kristall and me, in which I had told him that the most important reason why I wanted to become a judge was because I had always wanted to be allowed to use that little hammer which judges have. Kristall replied that his main reason was that the robes looked sexy. He also called me out on a grammar mistake that I had intentionally made in my email. That was when I knew that I had found a like-minded soul – a sadist, nitpicker and grammar-fetishist like me!

My first case was a traffic offence. Of course I was able to prove that the defendant deserved a severe punishment – after all I had found out that he had been accused of several violations of traffic rules before and had always gotten away with light sentences. Not so this time!

This was the most interesting punishment scene for me as a spectator – the delinquent had asked to be punished by a man and so I could sit down and watch as Donpascual was doing the honours. I guess I would have enjoyed the scene even more had both participants been into M/M spankings (while Donpascual doesn't mind spanking a man, he isn't really into it), but it was the first M/M scene I had ever seen live and I savoured it.

The second case was the funniest of the day from my point of view. The complaint sounded pretty harmless – the culprit was supposed to have destroyed a window with a ball. The trial became strange when the accused argued that he couldn't be convicted because the whole story was just made up by him, he couldn't remember having kicked in a window with a ball and the whole court and hearing was fake anyway.

Since I had evidence in form of pictures from a surveillance camera, though (it's good to watch crime series like NCIS), I decided that there were only two possible conclusions. First of all, the strange things said by the defendant (like the court not being real) showed that he was seriously disturbed. It was clear to me, though, that he wasn't criminally incapable. No, I didn't need any psychiatrist to be sure of that! Secondly, the fact that he insisted on not having destroyed the window despite of the evidence could only mean two things: Either he lied or he had taken some really hard and illegal stuff and truly couldn't remember the incident. No matter what – both possible explanations warranted a severe punishment. And that's what I sentenced the delinquent to.

Erika and I dished out that last punishment as well. Behind the scenes, I had been aware that the delinquent was as new to the spanking court as I was, so I had talked to him about which level of severity was okay for him before I heard his case. I tried not to overdo it and to communicate with our convict throughout the scene, but it turned out that he could take a rather severe spanking, too.

And then it was time for two special scenes at the end of the day which took place in a separate room in case some visitors didn't want to watch especially the second, more severe scene. First Sissi and Jura were tied together and in turn punished by Erika, Ludwig and me with different implements. You can download a short video from that scene through the link at the end of this post.

(A snapshot of Sissi being whipped tied to Jura.)

Sissi and Jura had an agreed total number of strokes coming to them and each of them could say how many strokes the other was supposed to take in the next round. That way they were able to split up the strokes between them as they liked. One time I got so much into the flow when dishing out a spanking to Jura that I forgot to stop at the agreed number. Oops! He didn't really mind, though, and I played little Miss Tough, telling him that it was his problem if he didn't tell me that the agreed number of strokes had been exceeded.

The last scene was Jura's birching on the legs, administered by Erika. I hadn't been comfortable dishing out a birching on the legs. Earlier I hadn't even been sure whether I wanted to watch such a severe scene. But then it felt okay. Jura is a really tough guy and didn't make much noise. And while the scene was severe, the undertone was playful as the rest of the spanking court event had been as well. Thus watching the scene wasn't as overwhelming as I had feared.

And then the court was over. Before we left, we all had supper together and talked to each other about the event, our kink and more. It had turned out that several of the participants were readers of our blog which felt great and a bit strange at the same time. The dinner was very relaxed and again we looked like the members of some kind of nice little serious maybe even square club. But of course we weren't.

After a day full of kinky fun (I had never played as much and with as many different people as I did on that day) we finally bade our farewells. It had been wonderful to meet Donpascual and several of our readers in person and to meet new fellow kinksters and like-minded meticulous role-players like Kristall and Sissi!

Kristall sent us two short videos which he had taken with his smartphone during the event and which he generously allowed us to share with our readers. The first video is a short excerpt (56 sec) from Sissi's caning by Ludwig and the second gives you a glimpse (41 sec) of the special scene with Sissi and Jura. As is the rule at the event, there are no faces shown. But nonetheless the clips might give you a small impression of the scenes.

You can download the two videos in one zip-File (size just 6 MB) here:

(A close-up of Sissi's beautiful bottom.)

A few final thoughts that come into my mind when I look back on the event: One thing that surely was different about the event compared to the kinky events we had been to in the UK and the US was how easily different kinks were mixed up. Both Jura and Julle wore women's clothes at the event. Nobody ran away during the M/M scene (in the first place, there WAS an M/M scene!). There were the special punishments of the cavity search and the birching on the legs. Another thing I hadn't experienced before: There were more male bottoms than female ones (although it wasn't an event aiming especially at male spankees).

What I really liked was that the more severe or unusual scenes weren't forced on all spectators. So nobody had to be scared of having to watch something they felt uncomfortable with. The level of severity was rather high, anyway, but I didn't find it over the top. And of course it wouldn't have been a problem if a spankee had told us bailiffs that he or she only wanted to play at the lighter end of the spectrum!

Still, Donpascual told me that the gap between those who would like to play out and watch lighter scenes and whose who want to be punished severely is a problem which might also keep female bottoms away from the event. That's why the upcoming court
will be made of two events which take place on the same weekend (one on Saturday and one on Sunday). There will be a softer spanking court on October the 15th and a more severe whipping court on October the 16th. That way everyone can visit the event they fancy more (or of course both events).

Unfortunately, Ludwig and I didn't make it to the spanking court event which took place in spring this year. And we won't make it to the upcoming one in ten days, either. But maybe we will be able to participate again sometime next year. It would be great to meet Donpascual, Kristall, Sissi, Erika, FJ and all the others another time and to swing that little hammer (and some implements) again!