Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Kaelah's Corner (Dec 2014):
Coming Home

This is the third part of my series about my journey as a kinky blogger during the past years. You can read the first two parts here and here.

I think my third year of blogging maybe was the best one. It was the time I felt more and more comfortable with exploring my kink and with meeting other kinksters as well. I also think that by this time my exhibitionistic streak had fully set in and I loved posting spanking pictures and videos.

In September 2011 Ludwig and I went to Vegas to take part in the Shadow Lane party. It was wonderful to meet many fellow bloggers with whom I had chatted online before but whom I had never met in person. This experience among others made me feel like I finally really belonged to the kinky online community and had found real friends.

Another important landmark was the launch of Dreams of Spanking in December 2011. Ludwig and I had made three clips for Pandora's site and it was very exciting to see them posted one after another. I had finally published videos for a professional spanking producer! The clip I am most proud of called Final Test can now be watched for free on Pandora's site Darker Dreams. I also shot a scene for the SM Circus, which was lots of fun as well!

My third year of blogging also was a very active one. I still wrote some philosophical ramblings, for instance about the habit of judging people who are into severe spankings and about rude and respectful tops. I also discussed my personal kink, for instance about sexual references in spanking porn and what F/F play and M/M scenes meant to me. I got many comments on these posts which made the writing all the more exciting and worthwhile.

Of course I also posted about private exploits and shared kinky pictures. And two free videos were published, too, a LOL Day clip called 48 and Ludwig's football bet whipping and caning by Leia Ann Woods and myself. My third blogiversary post in August 2012 again gave our readers the chance to vote for a little free clip. It got 40 comments.

I think there are two posts which reflect very accurately how I felt at that time. The first one is called Point of No Return and discusses in how far exploring my kink was a life altering experience. The second one is about bonding in the kinky online community.

In my last post in 2011 A Past and Future Secret, I wrote: "I have met the man of my life through this blog and his clip-making activities. Writing, getting a positive feedback and kicking of discussions with my posts is something I enjoy tremendously. Taking creative erotic pictures and publishing them makes me feel womanly, sexy and happy. Publishing a clip gives me a wonderful thrill. And sometimes the greatest thing of all happens: I get a nice comment or email from someone who tells me that our writing has inspired him or her."

Looking back at that time and the old posts makes me smile. As the more avid readers of our blog know, this year was a hard one for Ludwig and me. I've been struggling with a few things which had a very negative influence on my sexuality. Some people already speculated whether I might lose my kink altogether. I am sure that this won't happen, though. It was my sex thrive in general which was very low, not the kink in particular.

The last few weeks showed some improvement, though, and I can now actually relate to how thrilling the thought of kink and blogging felt some time ago. I might tell you a bit more about that in the upcoming year.

 For now, I wish you a wonderful New Year's eve. May 2015 be a great year for all of you, bringing you happiness and contentment. I am looking forward to a fun evening with Ludwig and friends!


  1. Where can one buy your videos ?

  2. @ Anonymous:
    As Ludwig already wrote in his reply to the other comment, our private videos can be downloaded for free. Just follow the links. The ones made for Dreams of Spanking and the SM Circus can be found on the respective sites.
