Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!

Kaelah and I hope that you had a "guten Rutsch" into the year 2015. We're both suffering from a mild case of the common cold right now (sneez!), but apart from that, we had a happy and relaxing holiday together. We also had time for some spanking fun, as you read in our recent post about me paying off my wager in the Football World Cup bet.

I don't have any kink-related new year resolutions other than bringing the blog to a good and satisfying end. As we wrote in our Final Countdown post, we intend to go out with a bang, not a whimper. As one part of that, we are going to post all our as yet unpublished videos. To start off the new year, I would like to give you a sneak peek of what is in store for you.

First off, we have two short video clips left over from our LOL Day 2014 vote. The Ballgown, pictured above, and A Bedtime Caning, pictured below. Both are M/F and feature a short, but fun little caning.

Then, there is the matter of two videos which we filmed back in 2010 together with Pandora Blake. Both are schoolgirl-themed, but with inventive stories which aim to avoid the usual clichés. We were trying to reinvent the genre a little bit, as it were.

The Protection Racket, pictured above, is about two schoolfriends who both come forward individually to confess to the same crime, resulting in a hand spanking and strokes with the wooden ruler for both of them. Our other schoolgirl clips is titled Proof of Innocence, pictured below:

Proof of Innocence, about a pupil who volunteers to take an even harsher punishment than required in order to restore her good name, is one of my favourite schoolgirl caning videos of all time both in terms of the story and the action (and I'm saying this as someone who is generally super-critical of every project he is involved in). It really is very, very good.

Last but certainly not least, Kaelah's Experiment was even longer in the making. We filmed this severe 50 stroke caning back in 2009 with the aim of releasing it someday. In addition to the CP, there are tons and tons of interviews and documentary footage which we need to cut down to a reasonably concise video - for a very long time, I was brooding over how to get this editing task done just perfectly.

We hope you are looking forward to seeing these videos as much as we are to showing them to you. Happy new year!


  1. All the best for both of you, dear German friends. Long time no read, but still there...

    Hope eveythings "sounds" (and I choose teh woord as you imagine) good for you in ALL your life and wishes, including kinky stuffs, as unsual...

    And hope (who knows ?) meeting you "live" somewhere someday in some nice"restaurant" in Paris or everywhere else...

  2. Looking forward to the videos. Nevertheless, going to miss your blog.Perhaps you will keep in touch on Twitter.

  3. Happy New Year to you both.


  4. 50 fisrt caning video is not post, I would love to watch it!


  5. @ Stan/E.:
    Thank you for your kind comment and a Happy New Year to you as well. I haven't been to Paris, yet, but it is certainly on my list!

    @ Gustofur:
    There will surely be a way to stay in touch!

    @ Ronnie:
    Thanks a lot for stopping by! A Happy New Year to you and P.

    @ Klumarer:
    It will be posted before the blog is closed!

  6. Kaelah - I missed this blog and now I just can't wait to see you take a dozen on the seat of that exciting ballgown and, by contrast, fifty hard ones on the bare. Those stripes are most impressive and a tribute to your courage. I seem to remember they drew a little blood but mended well.

  7. @ Peter8862:
    The ballgown clip has just been posted! The 50 strokes caning indeed drew a little blood, but it healed well and after a few months even the slightest hint of the caning was gone.
