While Mood Pictures finish the post-production on part one of our women in prison "documentary" and I write the final part of my behind-the-scenes report, here is a nice little whipping clip from the big screen to keep you entertained. Fittingly enough, it is about... women in prison!
Actually, "big screen" might be a bit of an exaggeration - the scene is from an obscure old exploitation flick from 1969, titled The Detention Girls. Starring Dolly Abrams, Jennifer Early, Ann Welles and a bunch of other people I've never heard of. At the time of this writing, it still has less than 5 votes on IMDB, so it doesn't even have a user rating (probably all for the better). But whatever one's opinion on the cinematic merits of the film might be, you can't deny that the poster is frigging awesome:
Actually, "big screen" might be a bit of an exaggeration - the scene is from an obscure old exploitation flick from 1969, titled The Detention Girls. Starring Dolly Abrams, Jennifer Early, Ann Welles and a bunch of other people I've never heard of. At the time of this writing, it still has less than 5 votes on IMDB, so it doesn't even have a user rating (probably all for the better). But whatever one's opinion on the cinematic merits of the film might be, you can't deny that the poster is frigging awesome:

"Erotic LOVE! Illicit SEX! The sizzling story of sadism, perversion and degradation in a woman's prison!" Ah, those were the days... They don't make 'em like this anymore. Today, only certain trashy tabloids use that kind of unhinged language and laughable CAPITALISATION (it's impossible to not read it louder than the rest, isn't it?). But unlike Mr. Myler's sorry excuse for a newspaper, "The Detention Girls" actually delivers on its promise: the illicit perverted content is quite good. Especially the bullwhipping scene. Of all the CP scenes from the "big screen", it has to be among my favourites.
The movie is about a pretty American college student who is arrested for taking part in a campus demonstration. At the detention center, she encounters - what else! - lesbian guards, lesbian inmates and lots of abuse from both. Her troubles reach their climax when another inmate splashes water on a guard and blames it on our heroine (hmm, splashing a guard, that reminds me of a scene I recently filmed...). She is taken to the basement and savagely whipped.
While the picture quality isn't great (it was a cheap black and white production), the scene stands out for several reasons. First off, the action lasts a solid three minutes, pleasantly long for a simulated CP scene. Secondly, it is well filmed, with a nice variety of shots. Most importantly, the victim is very convincing. She is rather forgettable as an actress during the rest of the film, but here, her grimaces and blood-curdling screams constitute some of the best "fake whipping acting" I've ever seen. Quite a talent in that department. If I had to give out an annual Scream Queen Award for scenes like this, this girl would get the 1969 trophy.
One more thought before I leave you for today: considering the British government's recent fondness for police state laws, I wonder if we will see real cases like this in the UK in the near future? I'm almost convinced that we will, you just wait and see. One day, some poor lunatic is going to climb atop the Tower of London and masturbate in public for all the city to see, and because he bought a DVD with "The Blowjob Adventures of Dr. Fellatio" six years before, they are going to blame it on porn. So they're going to outlaw all porn, they will bring back corporal punishment at the same time, and public protest against any of the new laws will be banned under the penalty of getting thrashed. Which will finally drive the kinky people of Britannia to the streets by the thousands...
The movie is about a pretty American college student who is arrested for taking part in a campus demonstration. At the detention center, she encounters - what else! - lesbian guards, lesbian inmates and lots of abuse from both. Her troubles reach their climax when another inmate splashes water on a guard and blames it on our heroine (hmm, splashing a guard, that reminds me of a scene I recently filmed...). She is taken to the basement and savagely whipped.
While the picture quality isn't great (it was a cheap black and white production), the scene stands out for several reasons. First off, the action lasts a solid three minutes, pleasantly long for a simulated CP scene. Secondly, it is well filmed, with a nice variety of shots. Most importantly, the victim is very convincing. She is rather forgettable as an actress during the rest of the film, but here, her grimaces and blood-curdling screams constitute some of the best "fake whipping acting" I've ever seen. Quite a talent in that department. If I had to give out an annual Scream Queen Award for scenes like this, this girl would get the 1969 trophy.
One more thought before I leave you for today: considering the British government's recent fondness for police state laws, I wonder if we will see real cases like this in the UK in the near future? I'm almost convinced that we will, you just wait and see. One day, some poor lunatic is going to climb atop the Tower of London and masturbate in public for all the city to see, and because he bought a DVD with "The Blowjob Adventures of Dr. Fellatio" six years before, they are going to blame it on porn. So they're going to outlaw all porn, they will bring back corporal punishment at the same time, and public protest against any of the new laws will be banned under the penalty of getting thrashed. Which will finally drive the kinky people of Britannia to the streets by the thousands...