Friday, November 16, 2018

Global Day(s) of Delurk 2018 (Day 1):
10th Anniversary

It's that time of the year again! Time to thank all our silent readers, those among you who read our blog and are interested in what we have to say but whom we don't know about because you don't feel the urge / don't like to / don't dare to write a comment. Some of you might have accompanied us for quite some time already, some might just have stumbled over our blog today. No matter who you are or how long you have been here, this is the day to tell you that we appreciate you taking your time to read this blog.

For us, Ludwig and Kaelah, this institution, invented by Bonnie and now organised and hosted by Hermione, has a very special meaning that goes far beyond celebrating the silent readers of our blog. This is the eleventh time this blog is taking part in LOL Day and at the same time it is the 10th anniversary of Ludwig and me making our first contact. Because on LOL Day 2008 I, being a complete newbie to erotic spanking at the time, left my first-ever comment on this blog under my old nickname K'Ehleyr.

At that time Ludwig thought his new commenter was a German guy, maybe with a Turkish heritage. Well, he found out how wrong he was when we started communicating via email. After a while, I asked Ludwig to lead me through my first erotic spanking experience, because I really came to trust him and felt that he was the right person to take this plunge with. We met in person for the first time, found out that the chemistry between us was indeed great, and shared a very elaborated and wonderful spanking initiation ceremony together.

Not much later we became a couple and started writing about our kinky journey here on this blog. The picture in this post was taken around that time. How young we were! Today, ten years after our very first contact, after a fantastic kinky journey that involved lots of writing for this blog, meeting like-minded people from around the world, participating in kinky events and shooting videos, we are married and living together as mates and confidants, sharing much more than just our kink.

You might have been wondering why our writing has become so infrequent in the last years, though. As we wrote, our day-to-day life is very challenging and our vanilla duties are rather time-consuming. But there is more to it than that. We pondered for a while whether to share this intimate part of our life here on our blog or not (funny to say that on a blog on which we have shared quite some intimate things). We finally decided to do so.

As a matter of fact, I already hinted at it in my last series of posts about a very painful and life-changing event Ludwig and I shared. You can read about the prolo
gue, the preparations and the actual event here. Some of you obviously already realised what happened exactly. Tomorrow in our second LOL Day post (or, Global Day of Delurk, as we like to call it here) we will share more with you.

Until then, we want to use this opportunity to thank Bonnie for having created this special event and Hermione for hosting LOL Day XIII. And a big thank you to all of you out there who have been reading this and have taken the time to accompany us on our journey. We would be very happy to hear from all of you, but of course we also accept your wish to remain silent if that's what suits you. May many of you be as happy as we are and not only get the chance to live our their kinky erotic fantasies but also meet many friendly people here in this community and maybe even that one special person to share your life with.


  1. Can't wait for more information. I wish you much fun by preparing your text for tomorrow!

  2. @ James Stephenson:
    Thanks a lot for stopping by and Happy LOL Days to you!

    @ Anonymous:
    Thank you very much for your kind comment! The second part is online now and I very much hope you enjoy reading.

  3. @ Lindy:
    Thanks a lot for stopping by! I hope you had a wonderful LOL Day event. :-)
