Saturday, November 17, 2018

Global Day(s) of Delurk 2018 (Day 2):
1 + 1 = 4

This is the second day of this year's LOL Day event, and today's post will be the most personal and intimate one ever on this blog - which is saying a lot. As I explained yesterday, LOL Day 2008 was the very starting point of our relationship and of Ludwig's and my crazy kinky and vanilla journey that finally resulted in our marriage.

Since then our blogging has become rather infrequent, though. There were several reasons for this. After years filled with lots of kinky experiments and experiences, that part of our life had become less important. Plus, our vanilla life was very busy – job responsibilities, household chores, time with family and friends, a few minor health issues and even medical emergencies in our family.

But that wasn't the whole story. This blog has always been first and foremost about kink. In addition to that we have shared a few things about our development as a couple. It never was and never will be a vanilla couple's blog, though. We don't write posts about the two of us doing laundry together. And while we are very open about our kink, our erotic exploits and our relationship, we are very careful to protect the privacy of our vanilla environment.

That's why Ludwig and I were pondering for a while whether we should share this very special, intimate thing with you or not. But since it might actually be the most important step in our relationship, and since it explains why we have hardly had any time for kink or blogging, we finally decided to let you in on this very personal development. In a recent series of posts, I wrote about a special and rather painful event that altered our life. Some of you already figured out what I was writing about.

Here is the solution of the riddle (which will hopefully also explain why I left out a few details in my account): As the long-time readers among you might remember, I always wanted children. I already
pondered the question how to handle our kinkiness with little ones being around long before Ludwig and I were even married. Ludwig wanted kids, too, and our dream has come true. As a matter of fact, today we already are parents of not only one, but two wonderful little ones, a  girl and a boy!

We ask for your understanding that we won't share any more information about the two for the reasons mentioned above. But we hope that the revelation of our parenthood helps you understand why kink and erotic adventures don't play such an important role in our relationship any more, at least for the time being, and why keeping up this blog has been so difficult in the recent past.

I hope that you feel happy for us, despite the negative effects on our blogging. And I can only encourage the silent readers among you who ask themselves whether they should take the plunge and follow their kinky dreams and fantasies to sincerely consider doing so. As you can see, it can lead to things you might never have thought possible, which go far beyond erotic adventures. Or at least you might very probably find some kind new friends here in the spanking community. You are definitely very welcome to write a comment on our blog, share your experiences and ask questions anytime! A Happy LOL Day to all of you and thank you for reading!


  1. Oh my, Kaelah, I am so happy for all of you. It may not always seem so, but children are a wonderful blessing. I can assure you that there is definitely kink after children. It just requires a bit more planning.

    May your days be filled with peace and joy.

    Happy LOL Day anniversary!


  2. Wow - Congratulations! That is the best news to be sharing. Wishing you nothing but health and happiness with your new family! I think you win best LOL Day post!

    Your love story gives me hope.


  3. Congratulations on your children. They will be the source of much joy and other stuff also.
    I did not comment on your previous as I had no idea what it was about. Still don't.

  4. Hi Kaelah, :) Happy LOL Day, and double congratulations!! What joy for you both! There is nothing sweeter that holding those little bundles in your arms! Have so much fun! You will be busy! As Bonnie says above though, with a little planning, there can be the kink that you enjoyed.

    I haven't been here since the last LOL Day, but am always happy to stop by. Your news today was a super treat! Hope that you are feeling well, and that you both are getting some sleep too. Congratulations! Many hugs,

    ❤️Katie xoxo

  5. Congratulations to Kaelah and Ludwig. And thank you for sharing your experience.
    I respect your privacy but I also enjoy your kinky blog.
    Looking forward to future posts, even if you have to resort to your fantasies. You are a great story teller.

    All my best wishes.


  6. Kaelh, Ludwig, I'm so happy to read that. Having children is a definitive wonderful adventure, believe my own experience... of five ! (two differents mothers)
    Considering having less activities on the blog and its importance, I totaly share... Your reasons are quite natural, life is short and we have so many priorities...

    All my frienship from France to your great german couple...
    Stan - Au Fil des Jours

  7. What wonderful news, congratulations and thank you for sharing this with us. I am so happy for you all. Children are such a joy. We've recently become grandparents for the first time.

    Love and hugs to you all,


  8. Hey, that is great news! Congratulations to you both. When I read the previous posts I had my suspicions of what was actually happening. I am not sure if this counts as a prank because the boy and girl are real but fun nonetheless. Best wishes for the next 20+ years! ;)

  9. @ Bonnie:
    Thank you so much for your kind words and of course for having invented LOL Day! Quite frankly, right now I don't miss kink very much because I am so busy with the kids and tired in the evenings. ;-) But it is good to hear that there is kink after children and I am sure the time will come for us, too!

    @ Enzo:
    Thank you for your lovely words! And I definitely keep my fingers crossed for you!

    @ Our Bottoms Burn:
    Thank you for your congratulations! My previous posts haven't really been about a kinky event as I implied, they have been a birth report. Preparing for giving birth and the event itself made me think about certain aspects of kink. That's where the idea for these posts came from. There will be a final one in which I will explain how being kinky helped me with preparing for delivery and what this vanilla event in turn told me about my kink.

    @ Katie:
    Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you are well, too, and that you had a wonderful LOL Day event. :-)

    @ Gustofur:
    Thanks a lot for your sweet words and for being such an avid commenter! :-)

    @ Stan/E.:
    It's wonderful to hear from you. Thank you for your lovely words! Five children – wow! Even if they are a bit older already, it's still amazing that you find the time for blogging. Many greetings from Germany to beautiful France.

    @ Ronnie:
    Thank you so much and congratulations on having become grandparents! I am sure that grandchildren are a great joy as well and that one can enjoy time with them in a different way than with one's own children for whom we are responsible 24/7 (at least in the first years).

    @ Spearthrower:
    Thanks a lot for your congratulations and for your kind wishes! In a way my previous posts were a bit of a prank, but there was more to it than that. As I already wrote in my reply to Our Bottoms Burn, the vanilla experience of giving birth made me think about different kinky aspects as well. That's why I had the idea to link the two in my posts. I'll tell you more about it in my next post.

  10. Hi Kaelah,
    Happy LOL Day, and congratulations to you both.
    I hope that you will continue to share your life with us.
