Saturday, August 31, 2019

Kaelah's Corner (Aug 2019):
Tenth Blogiversary

I can't really believe it, but it was indeed ten years ago that I wrote my first-ever post on this blog! I had almost forgotten to celebrate that special anniversary with a blogiversary post.

Ludwig and I recently looked at some of the pictures we took when we had just met each other, and Ludwig joked about how extremely young I looked at the time, almost like a teenager. I remember that one of our clips once appeared on an illegal filesharing website, being labeled not only as "spanking" but additionally as "teen".

Porn-wise I am definitely not a "teen" anymore (even though that label is for women who usually aren't legally teens but twens or even thirty-somethings, since that business is and should be for adults only). Today I am definitely (hopefully) a "MILF".

That's fine with me, though, as long as a still feel comfortable with my body. And luckily it isn't the only thing that has changed in the past ten years. Of course there have been sad changes, too, the worst of them being that both my parents have died. But the time also has been filled with wonderful events and experiences. Lots of kinky adventures, traveling, receiving my PhD, Ludwig and I moving in together, marrying and finally the birth of our two little ones.

I still remember how many time I spent writing posts for this blog ten years ago, how excited I was when I posted them and when people commented on them. Ludwig and I used to talk a lot about kink as well, we took the time to try out different things, we met kinky friends, attended kinky events and published kinky videos. And we spent a lot of time hanging around enjoying each other's company, exchanging (vanilla) thoughts, watching films or simply relaxing.

Now our time schedule has changed a lot! Today was the first time in over half a year that Ludwig and I spent some leisure time together, just the two of us without kids. We went to a nice Japanese restaurant for a wonderful dinner. Given that I almost have no time to myself anymore, it is quite clear that I can't write as much for this blog nowadays as I used to. But still this blog is alive and running!

Thank you very much to everyone who accompanied me (and of course, Ludwig, too) on this journey of kink and life during the past ten years! It was wonderful to exchange thoughts and ideas with you, and I appreciated all the nice and thoughtful comments I got.

I am quite sure that there aren't ten more years of kinky blogging lying ahead of me. But I hope that once the kids are at least a little bit older, Ludwig and I will find the time to edit and publish some more spanking clips (several of which have already been filmed) and finally finish this blog after a period of more intense blogging than we currently manage to.

Until then my aim is to keep this blog alive with at least one post a month. Ludwig already has ideas for new posts, too, so maybe he'll be able to join me again a bit more often, soon. I keep my fingers crossed!


  1. Congratulations on ten years. You have been very kind to share your experiences with us, and I wish you lots more years of happiness together. And lots more kinky adventures you can share!

  2. Great to hear that you are celebrating your ten years of blogging. I feel a little sad that I missed the opportunity to send my regards over other events that have occurred in the last five years. Especially your marriage and starting a family. Please accept my belated but heartfelt best wishes for these wonderful occasions.


  3. Thank you for ten years of quality blogging. Your efforts are sincerely appreciated by many.

  4. I look forward to your blog past every month. Reading about your life experiences has been special, as well as the pictures and video clips. Thank you for sharing.

  5. With the many changes life brings it is still good to know a little about you and your life. Thanks for Ten years.

  6. @ Rich Person:
    It is great to hear from you again! Thank you very much for having stayed with us for such a long time.

    @ Spankedhortic:
    Thank you very much for your lovely words and wishes. It is so wonderful to have you back, Prefectdt!

    @ Domhnall the Second:
    Thank you very much for your kind words! Your effort of commenting regularly is very appreciated, too! :-)

    @ Gustofur:
    Thanks a lot for your lovely comment and for being such an avid reader and commenter!

    @ Boll:
    Welcome, and thank you very much for your kind comment!

  7. Congratulations on a decade of blogging. I have really enjoyed the blog which is as much about life as it is about spanking! Although I guess spanking IS life! It was particularly exciting to see your first meeting eventually result in your life together and the arrival of two (no doubt) cute kids.

    Ich freue mich darauf, Ihre Zukunft mit Ihnen zu teilen. Vielen Dank für den Blog.

  8. Dear K and L, we all know how difficult it is to be on the deck every day...

    (In french) Tenir un blog au quotidien c’est vraiment quelque chose de pas simple, et j’en sais quelque chose depuis 14 ans... Et d’ailleurs la plupart des blogs que nous connaissions il y a 10 ans ont soit disparu, soit se sont complètement arrêtés, soit demeurent toujours sur la toile mais en n’étant jamais alimentés.

    C’est pour ça que je VOUS remercie tous les deux de toujours être présents avec ce petit quelque chose en plus qui fait que votre blog possède une réelle attraction pour les lecteurs. Vous êtes un « vrai » couple, on vous suit depuis le début, et c’est ça qui donne le sel de vos publications.

    Sans oublier que Kaelah reçoit des fessées sacrément fortes… Pour tout ça, merci !
    Je voulais dire : Danke !

  9. @ Spearthrower:
    Thank you very much for your kind comment and for having accompanied us for so many years already! Vielen herzlichen Dank und viele Grüße aus Deutschland. :-)

    @ Stan/E.:
    Merci beaucoup! Thank you very much for your kind comment. :-) I really admire you for the number of posts you have managed to write in thirteen years of blogging! Beaucoup de salutations de l'Allemagne à la France! :-)
