Friday, November 19, 2021

Global Day of Delurk 2021

This is a little bit of a strange day for us, since this year on LOL Day, we not only say hello and thanks to our silent and not-so-silent readers, but kind of delurk on our own blog as well. I haven’t published a post since May, not even on my blogiversary in August.

But as the long-time readers among you know, this occasion is very important to Ludwig and me. LOL Day in 2008 was the first time I left a comment on this blog, which at the time was written solely by Ludwig. Actually, it was my first-ever comment on any spanking blog or any blog at all. I was a total newbie to spanking. While I’d had spanking fantasies for as long as I could remember, I didn’t know what these things I was fantasizing about were actually called and that there were many others like me. Only a short time earlier had I stumbled upon erotic spanking-related content for the first time, and a short time later upon this blog.

I remember how excited and nervous I was when I read about LOL Day and finally decided to write a comment and come out of the dark. It was wonderful to see how happy Ludwig was to hear from new readers. A short time later, I started exchanging e-mails with him. It was great to talk about “those fantasies” to someone who understood me. I started trusting Ludwig so much that I eventually asked him to meet in person and find out whether the chemistry was right for him to introduce me to the world of spanking.

Well, it was... And so, I did not only experience my first erotic spanking in a wonderful and very geeky Klingon initiation ceremony, but also found a boyfriend in Ludwig. The next years were full of new kinky and vanilla experiences. We met fellow bloggers and readers of our blog, visited spanking parties and made a few spanking videos. We wrote many blog posts, discussed ethical questions, shared our private exploits and kinky pictures.

We also wrote openly about some of our flaws and problems. For instance, about my commitment phobia. But despite the trouble that came especially with my anxieties, Ludwig and I became “Mr and Mrs Rohrstock-Palast” and parents, too. That changed our lives drastically. Today, I try to write this post on the fly with two vocal kids in the background.

Of course, now that we are parents and have many other new responsibilities as well, our lives have  been centered around other things than kink and erotic fun during the last few years. But still we kept this blog alive until May this year.

What happened then had nothing to do with our kids. Ludwig and I have another big project that had already started last year and which we had been looking forward to. But this spring many things started going wrong. Things that were partly out of our control. Suddenly we were having trouble with people we had hoped to get along with, there were new financial challenges thanks to Covid and the increasing prices, and the time schedule didn’t work out as planned, either. Ludwig and I tried to get things right. We worked even harder, we did even more than we had already done before. Part of the things we were able to handle, especially the costs and the time schedule. We know that we can be happy, because our jobs weren’t affected negatively by Corona and we didn’t lose any family members to it. But the emotional trouble and the stress with some people because of our project escalated, and all of our attempts to calm things down were to no avail.

It got so bad that I started having panic attacks again. Ludwig was very close to a burnout, too. That was when I stopped writing on this blog, because I didn’t even have enough energy left for a singe Kaelah's Corner post a month. Or for answering e-mails (my apologies to those of you who have written to me and didn’t get a reply, I’m still planning to get back to you sometime in the future). My job, the kids, our project, looking after a family member who is suffering from health problems, and trying to work on my own health was as much as I could handle. Moreover, my libido was down to almost zero and there weren’t any kinky thoughts on my mind. So, what could I have written about, anyway?

The situation is slowly starting to get back to normal again, but it probably won’t be fully resolved until autumn next year. I hope I will be able to resume blogging earlier, but I don’t know when exactly this will be.

Still, Ludwig and I definitely wanted to use this occasion to say hello to all of you and tell you we are still around and that we will be back, too. Until then, we hope you are well and enjoy kinky fun or at least kinky erotic fantasies despite the pandemic and the still dramatic situation all over the planet.


  1. Kaelah -- you come back when you're ready. Sometimes, there just isn't the time or willingness to blog. Meanwhile, happy LOL Day to you and Ludwig. It's good to see you.

  2. And hello back to you two. It sounds like you have been through the mill a bit. I hope that you will be finding calmer waters soon. It is nice to see that you are both still alive and kicking. Happy LOL Day


  3. Hi Kaelah,

    I'm sorry to read that real life concerns have interfered with your enjoyment. Let's hope it's a short term situation. In any case, it's always good to hear from you. Happy LoL Day!


  4. Hi Kaelah,

    In the midst of all your problems, thank you for taking the time and energy to check in with us. We all wish you and Ludwig well. Stay safe.


  5. Very good to hear from you again! Best wishes for resolving the difficulties you face and getting back on a happier path.

  6. @ Erica:
    Thank you so much for stopping by! I've lurked a few times on your blog, even in the last months, when I didn't have enough time and energy left to write posts on our own one. I hope you had a wonderful LOL Day, too!

    @ Spankedhortic:
    I hope you had a wonderful LOL Day, Prefectdt! Thanks a lot for your kind words.

    @ Bonnie:
    Thank you for your kind comment and of course for having invented that very special day!

    @ Hermione:
    Thank you very much for your kind wishes and for all the time and energy you invest in organising and hosting the new version of LOL Day!

    @ Midwest Reader:
    Thank you very much for stopping by and for your kind words! :-)

  7. Hi Kaelah -

    To repeat what others have said, hope things improve for you both real soon and take your time coming back whenever that may be.
    It is just nice to have you check in and give everyone an update.

    Be well,

  8. @ Enzo:
    Thank you so much for your kind words! :-) I hope you had a wonderful LOL Day!

  9. So glad I found this blog! You were featured on a podcast that reviewed "Diplomatic Mission."

  10. Hi Kaelah, sorry to read about your troubles. I hope things improve for you both.

    Love and best wishes to you and Ludwig,


  11. Hello Kaelah. Very good to read your blog post. I check back periodically and was beginning to believe that your previous comments on winding up the blog had come to pass. So good to know you will keep it going for a while at least. And sorry to hear of your challenges. Of course, Germany is going through tough times with COVID. Best of luck over the coming months.

  12. Hi Kaelah,

    I am sorry to hear from your problems, dear Kaelah. During the many decades my wife and I have been living we had to adjust to many challenges. I am quite sure, the two of you will stay on top as we did and hopefully soon.
    Happy LOL day.

  13. I'm just so impressed that you manage to update this blog at all, Kaelah! I'm sorry to hear that the work project got so overwhelming, I think after two years of parenting during a pandemic a lot of us have reduced "surge capacity" at the moment to deal with the unusually stressful things that come along from time to time. It's lovely to read this update, and I hope you get some time to rest and recharge your energy soon.
