Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My First Day At School - On Camera!

So we're finally back from our trip to the UK. I feel like I've been riding a roller coaster for the last ten days: Rapid speed, permanently changing places and directions, unexpected loopings – and no time to process all the new impressions mentally. Quite frankly, I now need a holiday from the holiday. But before heading off to offline kink-free land, I want to tell you a bit about one very special day of our trip which consisted of more kinky firsts than I think many people experience in one year.

As I already mentioned in our travelling journal, Ludwig and I shot two spanking clips with Pandora and Tom which will be published as free content on our blogs. Since this was my very first experience of that kind, Pandora suggested that I should be the chief creative force. So I came up with two schoolgirl scenarios I had in mind and in cooperation with Pandora (the voice of realism and pragmatism) we fitted them into a realistically shootable format. And Pandora found two great titles for the clips: “Protection Racket” and “Proof of Innocence”.

The first story is about two friends who independently admit to being the culprit of the same crime. Both of their stories aren't very convincing, though, and their teacher soon finds out what's really going on and why the two friends are both so eager to take the blame... My idea behind this story was to create a spanking scenario with two friends being punished together, supporting each other and holding hands through a simultaneous spanking scene bent over the opposite sides of a table. Since Tom unfortunately couldn't join us in the morning, we had to change the scene from a two tops and two bottoms scene to a scene where Ludwig had to deal with both girls. But we still fitted the (almost) simultaneous spanking in and it was wonderful to co-bottom in that scene with the lovely Pandora!

In “Proof of Innocence” the eager beaver and goody-two-shoes Adelheid (a role that didn't require much acting on my part) is accused of being responsible for vandalism in the arts classroom. The strict headmaster Mr Clarke (Ludwig) is, in contrast to her sympathetic form teacher Mr Purvis (Tom), not willing to believe that she hasn't committed the crime. Since all evidence is speaking against Adelheid, she has to find a rather unusual way to prove her innocence and clear her name. The trace then leads to Rosemary (Pandora), the girl who reported on Adelheid to the headmaster. But it seems that Rosemary isn't the end of the chain. Apparently, there is at least one more person involved who is the real culprit and made up the plan to get the unloved eager beaver into trouble...

The role of Adelheid and her special way of dealing with a wrong accusation was something that had been on my mind for quite a long time. The whole scene also included some real-life events from past times and it was great to set them into a new context and to give vent to all the aggressions which are still inside me even today. Actually that was the most liberating experience on that very special day. I was told that my angry glances at Pandora, or rather at Rosemary, were very convincing! And the great thing was that I could do all of that knowing that I wouldn't hurt anyone because I was angry with the fictional character Rosemary, not with Pandora who was bringing that special story to life with me. Releasing aggressions without hurting someone actually is one of the main essences of my kink, a topic on which I'll write a separate blog post some time in the future.

Pandora already wrote her own account of how the idea of making the clips together arose and of the story of the first clip, accompanied by some of the stills we shot. I have to admit that it is quite difficult for me to write a consistent post about the shoot because I've made so many new experiences on that one single day which could all be worth at least one paragraph of their own. So, instead of writing a never-ending story, I've decided to give you an overview of all the little and big firsts in list form (in order of appearance...):

  • playing with someone else than Ludwig – Still something I don't long for in private play, but a great creative experience with the right people on camera, thanks a lot Pandora and Tom for that opportunity!
  • doing a scenario in a foreign language – A partly very scaring prospect, but it works quite well when playing someone who is really confused.
  • being a schoolgirl in a role play – I'm best when I can be the eager beaver – what a surprise!
  • bringing to life a storyline I've created involving more than two characters – Something I can't thank Pandora and Tom enough for!
  • co-bottoming with a kinky friend – I'm still impressed by that special look in Pandora's eyes and her acting skills. And Ludwig did a great job dealing with both of us.
  • getting an OTK spanking on a chair with my head hanging down – Definitely a very nice position, unless it lasts too long and one starts sliding down.
  • being spanked with a ruler – Yummy, what a pity we couldn't do it harder because my bottom had to be unmarked for the second scene.
  • standing in the corner, hands on my head, spanked bottom on display – Not really my thing in front of a camera, but might be interesting for private scenes.
  • holding the hands of a friend while both of us are being spanked – Just loved that two friends position with Pandora!
  • wearing hold-ups for a spanking – Want more often!
  • being caned by someone else than Ludwig – I felt 100 per cent safe in Tom's hands and he was a fantastic supportive form teacher.
  • playing with two tops in one scene – Tom and Ludwig turned out to be a great team and both did a good job with the cane.
  • being spanked with a school cane with a crooked handle – Well, they all hurt, but the crooked handle ones look gorgeous in a school scene.
  • bending over a table and gripping the far end during a caning – Something I wanted to do for a long time, very nice position!
  • being made to watch someone else being spanked in a scene – I'm glad I didn't have to pretend to enjoy Pandora's caning, it's much easier for me to be sympathetic.
  • and of course all that with two cameras running – Thanks to Jimmy for doing a tremendous job!

So, that's it. Quite an impressive list, isn't it? Honestly, I still don't know whether this special experience was the beginning of more clips to come or whether it was a once-in-a-lifetime event. Being in front of a camera for a spanking clip on the bottom-side still scares me somehow and makes me feel very vulnerable. These feelings would be even stronger if I worked for a professional producer without having any control (or with having at least considerably less control) over the plot, camera angles and the editing. But regardless of how this part of the journey will or will not continue, the shoot with Pandora, Tom and my mate Ludwig definitely was a precious experience! And I'm looking forward to seeing the final clips.

Hmm, thinking about it, the journey actually did already continue only three days after our shoot with Pandora and Tom. I give you four buzzwords: Ludwig's creative debts, Leia-Ann Woods, football and topping! Well, the ones among you who read this post carefully might already have realised that I wrote about feeling vulnerable in front of a camera playing on the bottom-side. But that's another story full of firsts to be told on a different day...


  1. I'm not really here -- shhhh, you never saw me! I'm actually not on teh interwebz, but diligently writing my novel! -- but even despite not being here, I just had to drop a note saying how brave you were, Kaelah, and the pictures look *wonderful*!

    Aren't Pandora and Tom just the bestest?!

    I'm so glad you got to have that good experience! As long as you stick to your instincts and are cautious, you should continue just to have good experiences. Just walk away if you don't -- it's not worth the regrets after-wards if you don't. But I don't think I have to tell you that -- you are really on top of that, and you have Ludwig to take care of you!

    Congrats and sexy Klingon growls in your direction!

  2. Dear hologram of the hard working Zille, thanks a lot for being the first to comment on this post! I'm very glad you like the pictures. :-) And you're absolutely right, Pandora and Tom are lovely! I wish you a brave and honourable fight with your novel. Qapla' and don't surrender!

  3. *chuckling at the interaction between Klingon Kaelah and Hologram Zille* :)

    Thanks so much for the comprehensive, glowing and far too generous report, Kaelah! I love those experiences where you write them up and realise quite HOW many firsts were involved ... I hope your holiday is restful and you get the time to do the processing you need. It was such a special experience filming with you, and we were truly honoured by your trust in wanting to try this experiment with us. It was quite a compliment and I had great fun. Can't wait to start editing the footage!

  4. Quite an impressive list? You have to be kidding! It is very impressive. I'm looking forward to seeing the result of this work. The pictures look very promising and the plot - well I don't have to tell you - too.

    It takes quite a bit to shoot a movie clip in a foreign language, not even mentioning in a role as spanking bottom.

    I'm glad you all had a good time and very thankful you share this with us. Merci beaucoup!

  5. Love the two model pose bending over the desk. Reminds me of school days :)

  6. Thanks for the pictures that caning looks like it hurt though!

  7. Sounds like an amazing scene, thanks for sharing with us. I hope that now you are home you'll enjoy going over all the detaild in your head. That's almost my favourite bit.


  8. This is a lovely post, and congratulations on achieving so many firsts.

    I well remember standing watching and talking with you whilst our respective partners were shooting a movie in Prague, fairly early in your time in the scene. So it's particularly lovely to now see you acting in a film yourself, and thus continuing your journey of self-discovery and new experiences.

  9. @ Pandora:
    Thank you so much for that unique experience! We had a rather restful second holiday week, partly being completely offline. I'm really looking forward to seeing the final results of our work!

    @ Ursus:
    You are right, shooting in a foreign language without a script is quite demanding. Especially for someone who is a true perfectionist and didn't even talk very much during the English lessons at school being afraid of making mistakes. But at least as a bottom facing the prospect of a spanking it isn't so bad to stammer and to talk a bit incoherently from time to time... ;-) For what I know about your preferences, I'm quite sure you'll enjoy the story!

    @ James Best:
    I loved the pose, too! I just didn't know that there were schools really using it... ;-)

    @ Cookie Crawford:
    The caning was medium severe – it hurt, but it was bearable. I mark quite heavily (I've still got cane marks today, two weeks after the shoot), but it usually only hurts during the caning, afterwards I'm perfectly alright.

    @ EmmaJane:
    It is indeed very nice to enjoy the memories of past scenes, for example when writing about them for the blog. What is even more thrilling for me, though, is creating images of upcoming scenes in my head and imagining how the final clips might look like! :-)

    @ Abel:
    Yes, I remember that special day very well. I was so happy and relieved when I found out that I wasn't the only partner accompanying one of the actors, trying to avoid standing in the way and watching the fascinating process of a film shoot. Only that you were much calmer and much more experienced! I was very scared that day, never having watched anyone else being spanked, not to mention the severity. I remember that Ludwig took good care of me during the breaks and even Adele was so kind to talk a lot to me and to prepare me for the things to come, despite of not only having to do her job as an actress but also having to prepare herself for a severe spanking! But especially during Ludwig's action scene when both, Adele and Ludwig, were busy in front of the camera, I was very, very glad to have you at my side while all these strong emotions were boiling inside me! :-) Since I'm not 100 per cent comfortable with shooting scenes as a bottom, I might probably never feel capable of making a shoot with Lupus Pictures. But then again, given the right storyline? One never knows, and I'm curious to find out where my journey is going to take me... :-)

  10. Such an interesting post. The actresses seem ideal for the roles and the storyline is great.
    I wonder if Kaelah could extend her range and play a really devil may care pupil who smokes behind the bike sheds and ignores her homework?

    Kind regards
    Mason Pearson

  11. @ Mason Pearson:
    I'm glad you like the post! Smoking behind the bike sheds? Ignoring my homework? I don't think that my acting skills are good enough for that... ;-)

  12. Oh, I think Kaelah could be naughty. I mean, do nice girls use spray pain on nice white walls? Go on, live a little....



  13. @ MasonPearson:
    But that was MY nice white wall... :-)

    Oh, but don't worry: I can be naughty! Just give me an implement and a nice bottom... ;-)

  14. Perhaps there is a requirement for another alter ego? A sort of mischievous sister. And then there could be the authoritarian librarian one too. The possibilities are endless.

  15. @ MasonPearson:
    Maybe I should think about cloning? Being 1/3 Klingon, 1/3 human, 1/3 dachshund is already quite difficult to handle, you know? ;-)

  16. Hmmm... never really seen the canine connection. How about:

    Femme fatale?

    Still working on the fractions though, that's a tricky one.

  17. @ MasonPearson:
    Schoolgirl isn't my favourite role (I prefer adult roles), but there are indeed many other possibilities! :-)
