Friday, August 13, 2010

Travelling Journal

This is an experiment of sorts. Kaelah and I are going on our latest UK trip tomorrow, to meet various kinky friends and do not just one, but two video shoots. We have an extremely full schedule this time, actually, even fuller than last autumn. Instead of writing one large post about it all afterwards or writing several small posts while we are travelling, I will just make this single post here and update it whenever I get a chance - a travelling journal, if you will. So here we go.

Friday, August 13th. Undeterred by the ominous date, Kaelah and I have been packing our bags all evening. That is quite a science, too. Imagine trying to fit the following items into three pieces of luggage for a maximum total weight of 35 kg: clothing and travel necessities for two people for ten days, plus quite a bit of extra clothing which is to be used as costumes during spanking video shoots, plus three (!) video cameras with assorted equipment, including one tripod. The thirty-five kilos are used up faster than you can blink. We have been trying to save weight and space everywhere. Worst of all, I cannot take along any of my own canes. Damn it. I just hope we are under the limit for each of our pieces of luggage tomorrow at the airport. Otherwise, I am going to throw a fit.

Sunday, August 15th. Of course, all bags turned out to be under the weight limit, just fine. Kaelah had planned it out exactly right. She just wanted me to let you all know that! Anyway, we arrived in London yesterday and, in the evening, met Indy, who happened to be on a UK trip herself. It was the first time that we met her face-to-face, and with Indy being one of my most long-time blog readers and penpals, and a great person overall, I had been looking forward to it an incredible lot. The three of us had a nice evening indeed, eating at a Chinese restaurant and talking about all sorts of things. While we were at the beginning of our trip, Indy was reaching the end of hers, so she had quite a few recent adventures to talk about. I am sure you will hear about them soon on Indy's blog.

Today, we drove down to Pandora Blake, who we are going to do a video shoot with tomorrow. As I am writing this, on Pandora's computer, Pandora is preparing some dinner (smells delicious from over here), all the while chatting to Kaelah. We will go over some more details of the two scenes we have planned for tomorrow while we eat.

Tuesday, August 17th. Hi there, it's Kaelah making today's update to the travelling journal. We had a very busy and a very efficient day yesterday, shooting two clips with Pandora and Tom. Their friend Jimmy was there as well, working behind the camera. It was the first time for me making a clip involving more people than just Ludwig and me. I was nervous like hell, but it was great to share such a creative experience with two so extremely skilled and lovely people. And Jimmy did a fantastic job with the lightening, the cameras and with shooting the stills!

I already had the chance to take a look at the results and I think the final clips will be a lot of fun to watch (despite my partial dissatisfaction with my own acting). I'll post a more detailed account of the shoot soon. Now we're on our way to Peter, the ancient mariner, looking forward to an evening of sitting together, chatting and laughing. Speaking of sitting, I'm glad I can still sit quite comfortably, despite of the beautiful cane marks on my bottom that surely won't be faded completely before our holiday trip is over...

Monday, August 23rd. It's Ludwig again. Internet connections were a bit harder to get during the later stages of our trip, hence the belated update. After a brief, much too brief visit to Peter and a lovely dinner with him, we returned to London last Wednesday. On Thursday, I finally paid off my betting debts. I have not had an opportunity to look at the footage we filmed yet, but I am optimistic that the video will be worth the long wait. The thrashing was appropriately painful, that is for sure. Leia-Ann Woods did a good job as expected. Kaelah discovered that she enjoys topping. Not much of a surprise there, either. We also captured some bonus segments which you should like. In any case, you can stop making suggestions for the clip now. Thanks to all who took the time to leave a comment.

After a few more days in the UK and a visit to some non-spanko friends, Kaelah and I returned to Germany today. Now, we are going to have a holiday to recover from the holiday - it really was quite a hectic trip. A whole lot of fun, though! You will read more about our recent adventures on the blog soon. In the meantime, head over to Pandora's blog for her account of the shoot we did together, if you have not seen it already.


  1. It was so lovely to spend time with you! I really enjoyed the shoot - will send you pics as soon as I hear back from you :)

  2. Great to talk to you both again -Wish I could put words into play ! Do come again.

  3. Hey the preview of these clips look awesome. I can not wait to see it. I'm sure your whole UK trip was a lot of success. One could get jealous... :) But you hardworking guys deserve all this fun.

  4. It was so lovely to meet both of you last weekend! I hope your trip to England has been every bit as wonderful as mine was and that we meet over Dim Sum again before too much time passes.

  5. @ Val:
    Thanks, we had a great trip!

    @ Pandora:
    The shoot really was a very exciting experience. And I enjoyed the time we shared before and after shooting the clips very much, too!

    @ Peter:
    Thank you so much for having been such a wonderful host again! We'll surely come back, hopefully the next time without being in such a hurry.

    @ Ursus:
    I'm glad you like the stills we shot when making the clips. I've just posted my own account of the shoot accompanied by more pictures.

    @ Indy:
    It was a lot of fun to finally meet you in person! I really hope we'll meet again soon, either in the UK, the USA or in Germany. You're always welcome to visit Ludwig and me here in Germany – I'm sure we'll find a good Chinese restaurant, too! :-)
