Friday, November 20, 2020

Global Day of Delurk 2020

It is “Love Our Lurkers Day” again. Or, as Kaelah and I like to call it, the “Global Day of Delurk”. Over time, LOL Day has become a venerable tradition among spanking bloggers like us. I believe the first LOL Day was 14 years ago, and I’ve been participating on each and every occasion since 2008.

Back then, in 2008, I was writing this blog on my own. On LOL Day, Kaelah was among the “delurkers” who posted a comment for the first time (using the nickname “K’Ehleyr”). She had just begun exploring her fascination with erotic spanking and BDSM, and it wasn’t just her first comment on my blog, but on any spanking blog. Those of you who are familiar with our blog know the story that follows: Kaelah and I started e-mailing each other and then meeting face to face, I initiated her into the world of spanking and CP, we quickly became a couple, and we’ve been together ever since. Fast forward eleven-and-a-half years, and we are married and have children. It is quite an amazing story, really.

Today, kink isn’t as important to us as it used to be. There usually isn’t any time for it, what with the responsibilities of parenthood, and besides, we already had our fair share of adventures in the first couple of years when we were together (like attending BDSM parties in Las Vegas, or shooting spanking porn videos with Pandora Blake). But, we still keep the blog going with a couple of posts per year (more precisely, Kaelah keeps it going, since she is doing most of the writing). And there is still some stuff we plan to publish before we call it a day.

Since the blog has been on the backburner for quite a few years now, I wonder if we still have any silent readers left at all? If we do, and if you are one of those “lurkers” who never dared to leave a comment, we would be delighted if you use this occasion to step out of the shadows. That’s what Love Our Lurkers Day is all about. Don’t be shy – you are among like-minded kinksters here! Just say hello and let us know you’re there. Or, if you like, tell us a little bit about yourself, about what got you into spanking/corporal punishment/BDSM in the first place, and how you discovered this blog.

We look forward to hearing from you. And if you are a long-time commenter, your are welcome to say hello as well, of course. Have a great LOL Day, everyone!


  1. I'm still here. Happy LOL Day.


  2. Hello, long tome no see, or comment.

  3. Hi K&L,

    I'm not a lurker, but I don't comment very often, so Happy LoL Day!


  4. I am a lurker and do avidly read your blog....and will continue

  5. Hi

    Still reading here often


  6. No longer a lurker, but still reading when you post!

  7. @ Spankedhortic:
    Thanks a lot for stopping by, Prefectdt! A belated Happy LOL-Day to you as well. :-)

    @ Fred:
    It's great to hear from you! When I just followed the link from your comment, I realised that you are blogging quite regularly again. That's wonderful! :-)

    @ Bonnie:
    Thanks a lot for having invented that very!!! special day and for stopping by!

    @ Peaches Heart:
    Welcome and thank you so much for having stepped out of the shadows! It is wonderful to hear from someone who avidly reads our blog but hasn't commented, yet. That's what LOL-Day is all about. :-)

    @ Boru:
    Thank you very much for having taken the time to write a comment and letting us know that you are here and reading our blog. :-) It's great to know we're still having avid readers despite our rare posting!

    @ Midwest Reader:
    A warm welcome and thanks a lot for delurking and for reading our blog! :-)

  8. Kaelah and Ludwig -
    Happy Belated LOL Days to you both!
    I've said it before and will again; your story always inspires me and no doubt others that there is hope in finding the like-minded one.

    Be well & stay safe.

  9. While I may not comment enough to be considered a regular I do periodically make an appearance. Best wishes to you and your family in these traumatic times.

  10. Love you guys to bits and always have done. Have enjoyed your life story as well as your kink story.


  11. @ Enzo:
    Thanks a lot for stopping by and for your kind words! I hope you had a wonderful LOL Day.
    And I keep my fingers crossed that everyone out there who is looking for a like-minded partner finds one. I think there is quite some luck involved, especially when it comes to meeting a possible mate, as our story certainly shows. All the more for someone with an attachment phobia like me. But then, I don't believe in the "there is only one other person on this planet one fits to" theory, I think there are thousands of possible fits for everyone. As long as one doesn't believe that life is perfect and always happy with Mrs or Mr Right and that keeping up a good relationship comes effortlessly with that perfectly fitting person, just like many fairy tales, some movies and celebrities try to make us believe. In that case there are zero fits...
    Please stay safe in these strange times!

    @ Bob S:
    I definitely consider you at least a semi-regular commenter! Thank you so much for having accompanied us for such a long time already and for your kind wishes. Luckily we are very well, despite corona. Stay safe and healthy!

    @ SimplyRed:
    Thank you so much for your lovely words! :-)
