Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Kaelah's Corner (Sep 2020):
Watching New Spanking Porn

(All pictures courtesy of Dreams Of Spanking)
While erotic spanking doesn't occupy as much time in my life anymore as it once did, I still sometimes discover something that catches my interest. And so I have recently been watching several new spanking films published by Dreams of Spanking.

One film especially caught my eye – and the long-time readers among you won't be surprised by which one it was. It's a guest director film, produced by Charlie Forrest, who also is the bottom in the scene with Blake being the top. It is called A Spot of Bother and it's a queer M/M scenario in a historical setting.

Charlie Forrest plays Blake's manservant who has been arrested for getting into a fight. Not because he is generally a rude person or because he was drunk and lost control, but because he wanted to defend Mr Blake and so did the wrong thing for noble reasons.

Still Mr Blake - who has to bail his butler out of prison - can't let his behaviour go unpunished, knowing that he would beat himself up for it for a long time to come. And so after a short warm-up with the hand, it's the ritual six of the best with the cane plus one more. After that it is time to call the case closed and go on to the lighter things in life.

What do I like about the movie? Well, the M/M constellation, the historical setting, the fact that both bottom and top are and behave like men of honour, the consensual ritual caning and, of course, the humour. Plus, with that haircut Blake looks a bit like Wesley Crusher - which is a special bonus!

How about you? Have you been watching any new, interesting kinky porn lately? Please feel invited to share your findings and recommendations in the comments section!


  1. I must say male on male does nothing for me. Kaelah you should get at least 6 of the best, actually you deserve 30, for wasting our time with this, What I have been enjoying is Amelia Jane Rutherford, She has the most desirable bottom.

  2. @ Bob S:
    Well – to each their own! For me, M/M is as hot as it can get.
    Nonetheless I agree that Amelia Jane Rutherford not only has a beautiful bottom but is a overall fantastic spanking / fetish model with a kind nature and a sharp mind. :-)

  3. Have you or Ludwig ever done a scene with her?
