Saturday, September 1, 2018

Kaelah's Corner (Aug 2018):
Ninth Blogiversary

It's hard to believe, but a few days ago was my ninth blogiversary! Nine years of kinky blogging. That's really a long time. The beginning seems so far away already. But I still remember how nervous and excited I was when my first-ever post went online. And how happy when I got really nice and welcoming comments from our readers.

It was one important milestone in a long journey that started with me writing my first comment on this blog as a new reader and someone who was completely new to erotic spanking and hadn't ever tried it out for real. It continued with Ludwig and me exchanging emails, then meeting in person and my first spanking scene with him just a short time later. We finally became a couple and I started writing for this blog at the end of August in 2009.

In the last nine years I've written hundreds of posts about our kinky adventures and about our development as mates and a now married couple. What a ride it has been!

As I told you in my last post, our life is quite out of control right now because we have to cope with the loss of a close family member and are drowned in the work that comes with administering an estate. That's why posts are very rare at the moment and will be for a few more weeks.

Still I am looking very much forward to continuing my series of posts about a very special experience that I've made a while ago which was a life-altering one. I hope I will at least manage to release the second part in September.

Until then I would like to thank you all very much for having accompanied us throughout the years and for all the friendly, thoughtful and personal comments that still make me very happy today!


  1. Happy blogaversary, Kaelah and Ludwig! Nine years is a long time in blogland.

    I am sorry for your loss, and look forward to reading more about your special experience.

    By now you should have received an email from Blogger that will allow you to resume getting emails for comments on your blog.


  2. Nice to see your post. Looking forward to more.

  3. Hi Kaelah (and Ludwig),

    I used to lurk around here many moons ago and popped on just to see if you guys were still blogging. Congratulations on entering your tenth year of blogging and thank you for sharing your experiences!

    I wish you both strength in working through your grief and the accompanying administrative duties.


  4. Kaelah and Ludwig, Wow - Happy Blogaversary indeed!
    Congratulations and thank you for continuing to post for so many years.

    Wishing you find some peace of mind soon as you deal with the loss.


  5. Dear Kealah and Ludwig,
    Cogratulations with 9th blogaversary.
    I hope that the next 9 years will be pleased.

  6. @ Hermione:
    Thanks a lot for your congratulations and your consoling words. I've finally written the second part of the story about my special experience. It will be published within the next few hours. Receiving mails from blogger luckily works fine again, so I don't miss out on any comments anymore (just still need quite a long time to reply to them, unfortunately).

    @ Gustofur:
    Thank you for sticking with us and thanks a lot for your kind email, too!

    @ !:
    It's wonderful to hear from you! Thanks a lot for stopping by again after all those years and for your comment. If you like, you can shoot me an email. I would love to hear what you are up to these days! It just might take me a few days to reply...

    @ Enzo:
    Thank you very much for your kind words!

    @ Canelover:
    Thank you! :-)
