Monday, March 7, 2016

In Court (Part 1):
The Prehistory

Two years after having visited our first spanking party in Germany, it was time for another adventure. And a new experience, too! While Ludwig and I had attended one schoolgirl themed party in the UK, we had never been to a roleplay event, muss less in an active role. For our friend Fenris, who accompanied us, this was a new experience as well, so he preferred to take the role of a spectator only this time.

Those among you who read our blog regularly will know Donpascual aka Ramon Herzog. He isn't only an avid commenter, Donpascual has also written a guest column about M/M spankings from a (heterosexual) man's point of view. Donpascual also writes his own German blog called Justitia Dolorem Facit. The title of his blog already gives you a hint what the party we visited was all about. The roleplay event which takes place twice a year is organised by Donpascual and called Spanking Gerichtshof (spanking court).

Now I have to admit that judicial scenes aren't really my cup of tea when it comes to the bottom perspective (except for naval judicial discipline involving young cadets of course). The idea of being charged for some misdeed and punished (maybe even by unapologetic officers) with others watching doesn't push my buttons. But the role of a judge is a completely different thing – exactly the right position for a control freak like me. Which is why I offered Donpascual to take that responsibility as one of three judges for the event.

When Kristall, my very experienced colleague, greeted his two new female fellow judges via e-mail and told us that he hoped we knew what we had signed up for, I could easily explain to him why I was the right person for the job. Okay, it was just supposed to be one step on my way to taking over the world, but, hey, for a hypocrite and smart-ass like me it was a good one. The real reason why I wanted to be a judge was the little hammer, though. I always wanted to be the one with that little hammer which could be smashed on the table as a sign of authority! Kristall added another very valid reason. The judge's robe looks really good!

The court did not only need judges, though, of course someone also had to carry out the verdicts (read: spankings). And so Ludwig offered to work as a bailiff for the female offenders. It turned out that the correct form was offender because there was only a single female one, but Sissi really rocked the event on her own! I offered to carry out some of the punishments, too, not anticipating how much work that meant. Luckily, I shared my "load" with a wonderful experienced fellow bailiff who already knew several of the miscreants. Together we selflessly punished five errant guys  in order to help them to become better human beings.

(To be continued...)


  1. Sounds like fun. And I can imagine how you fit into your role, your honor.

  2. Dear Kelah,

    thank you for honouring the Spanking Court with a double posting. I will gladly hand over "the hammer" to you again. If I ever witnessed a "natural" taking over that difficult job, it was you. Imagine, dear readers, this young women dared to invent new evidence on the fly!! None of our very willful, prejudiced, and ignorant judges had been such a bold member of the legal profession, before!!
    Thank you also for reporting about your visit at SGH at the correct time: when the next Spanking Court will go into session on April 30th. A bit of added and welcome support.
    Your post also closes a circle. In 2012, we did an interview on M/M play. As you know, our Court always has a much larger number of male passive delinquents than females. Usually, after sentencing, we hand them over for a caning to female bailiffs. You did a great job as bailiff as well.
    But last time, one of them requestet to be punished by a man. So, once again, I had to face a bare male bottom. This time I simply thrashed him without thinking twice about sexual feelings. Later, he thanked me profusely for a thorough beating.
    I hope, that last punishment of the day was interesting for you regarding our joint posting in 2012.

  3. Loos like you guys had fun - wonderful images - when are you going to post another video?

  4. @ Gustofur:
    It was indeed fun! And I have to admit that I enjoyed my role very much.

    @ Ramon Herzog:
    I will definitely write about the M/M scene, too! It's sad that we won't be able to make it to the next Spanking Court. Both the duties as a judge and as a bailiff were lots of fun. But what do you mean with "inventing new evidence on the fly"? The evidence I brought up was of course the result of a very intense and diligent research in the name of justice! ;-)

    @ Anonymous:
    We had fun, indeed! Life is quite turbulent at the moment, but I hope that we will be able to post another video in a few weeks' time.
