Saturday, January 7, 2012

Spanking Porn: That's Too Sexy?

(Picture courtesy of Lupus Pictures)

This is the third and final part of my little series about spanking porn related topics (the first two were Spanking Porn: On Compartmentalization and Spanking Porn: Where Are You?). Today I would like to talk about another aspect concerning which Ludwig and I have quite similar points of view, with small differences though. It's a topic which was interestingly just recently also raised by Emma Bishop in the discussion on my last Kaelah's Corner post A Past And Future Secret. The question I would like to talk about is: How much sex should be involved in spanking films?

Ludwig and I are both purists when it comes to spanking porn. We both generally prefer  formal scenarios and we don't want those to be mixed up with sexual activities. The teacher fondling a schoolgirl or -boy he or she is punishing, for example. Or the prison ward sexually harassing an inmate after punishment. For me, even things like squeezing the spankee's bottom during a hand spanking can be a turn-off in a formal scene.

I think I am slightly more open than Ludwig for explicitly sexual scenarios, though, which depict couples in their spanking play. In that kind of scene an erotic atmosphere is perfectly okay for me. The same goes for Ludwig I think. But I can even imagine watching such a kind of film that depicts real sexual acts as well. It's definitely not one of my core fantasies, but I wouldn't be opposed to giving it a try. Ludwig prefers either spanking or vanilla sex in a porn video, he doesn't really like a mixture of the two.

What about nudity and private parts? Again, Ludwig and I have rather similar preferences here. We both are not interested in any close-ups of boobs and private parts, or open leg shots. Since he is much better when it comes to compartmentalization, Ludwig can ignore such things in an otherwise good scene, though. I have to admit that it irritates me when in a school scenario the camera suddenly zooms in from an angle which is so low that it ends up focused between the legs of the spankee, rather than on the bottom.

And there is another little difference between Ludwig and me. I usually prefer semi-clothed scenarios to full nudity. Ludwig on the other hand is a fan of full nudity, no matter whether the spankee is male or female. He is of the opinion that a completely naked body arranged in an elegant position (which doesn't focus on the private bits) is a very aesthetic sight. In Ludwig's point of view, men sometimes look stranger and more ridiculous with their trousers pulled down than fully naked. And he also appreciates all parts of the female body, not as the only focus (the lower private parts can even be hidden by a spanking bench), but as a part of the whole composition. Since Ludwig is into judicial scenarios, full nudity can believably be integrated into those scenes without adding too much of an erotic atmosphere between spanker and spankee.

There are several reasons why I am a bit more shy about full nudity. First of all, as I already told you a while ago, any form of humiliation in a formal scenario is a big turn-off for me. And often the only plausible explanation for full nudity, for example in judicial scenarios, is humiliation. A bare bottom can still be explained by necessity (clothes would provide too much protection), but full nudity often seems only to be explainable as an act of humiliation. Ludwig has a different view here, as I wrote above: especially when it comes to men, he often finds partial nudity to look more ridiculous than complete nakedness.

(Picture courtesy of Spanking Central)

I have to admit that I often find partial nudity, or sometimes even fully clothed spankings, more erotic than nude ones. If only the spankee's bottom is bare, the attention is completely focussed on the spanking. And even a fully clothed spanking can be highly erotic to me because it underlines the formality of the scene and the focus is more on the reactions of the spankee. Plus, in my view, people in beautiful dresses can even look more sexy than nude people. The picture which I've chosen from Spanking Central is such an example. It's taken from a clip of their series "Dojo Discipline". To me, the posture of the spankee is great and the martial arts suit looks adorable. Of course, clothed spankings don't allow the viewer to see the marks developing, though. That's why I wouldn't want to see them all the time and why I prefer to get at least a glimpse of the resulting marks afterwards.

I'm not generally opposed to nudity in spanking clips, anyway, because it can of course be sexy as well and it creates more variety. For example, there is an interesting scenario in the film The Headmaster's Study: Immodesty by Lupus, a picture of which is featured at the beginning of this post. In one scene of the film, two young offenders who are brought before the headmaster insist on being stripped naked for their canings, pretending that this is how their fathers punish them. In truth they just want to seduce the headmaster whom they fancy. There isn't any intimacy going on otherwise, so the canings themselves remain formal. I like the idea because it is creative, explaining in a whimsical way why there is full nudity in a school setting. It also takes away the aspect of humiliation. Erotic spankings are another category where full nudity fits well in my opinion. I've recently come across an amazing scene on Pandora's site Dreams Of Spanking about which I'm going to write a post, soon. And nowadays, I can even watch unfair or humiliating scenes involving complete nakedness if I know that the spankee is into such things.

I guess the right mixture is an important aspect for me, though. What I'm feeling uncomfortable with are producers where every single scene includes full frontal nudity. That's true especially for some x/F film producers. Even if there are no close-ups of genitals, it gives me the feeling that it's actually the naked bodies of the women and their private parts which are at least as much the focus of the film as the spankings. Of course there is nothing morally wrong with that, but I'm talking about my own preferences and gut feeling here.

When I watch films that focus extremely on the aspect of (frontal) nudity, the most extreme key phrase that sometimes comes to my mind is "thrashed eye-candy". And since I'm watching films at least partly from a bottom perspective, I can hardly eroticise that. Some F/M clips even provoke worse emotions, the key phrase here is "eye-candy dominatrix bashes naked male sandbag". But this leads to another topic about which I'm going to talk in a separate post.

For now, I would like to hear your opinion! How sexy do you want spanking porn scenarios to be? How much nudity are you looking for? Does it depend on the scenario? Do you seek variety? Or are there conditions which must be fulfilled at all times?


  1. In addition to what Kaelah already wrote in the post, I can mention one more tidbit as far as my own personal taste is concerned. This is something that had actually never consciously occurred to me before, but now that it has, it makes a lot of sense.

    I think one thing that turns me on about full nudity in a CP video is that it increases the vulnerability of the spankee a great deal, and in a very immediate, visible way. This, in turn, increases my feeling of pity and compassion towards the spankee, which in a strange way is one integral element of my kind of sadism. I think that wanting to cause suffering, in my case, goes hand in hand with a desire to then help ease that suffering. And full nudity is one factor that increases the feeling of pity and the emotional connection towards the spankee.

  2. In general, I like pure spanking. Nude from the waist down, male or female is fine. But, I want to see spanking, not parts.

    I am turned off by an snarling "eye-candy dominatrix bashing a naked male sandbag".

    I think we are in the minority on this. I estimate that 2% of the women in the western countries have their lips spread right now for the camera. A lot of someone's want to see this.

  3. My preferences towards nudity in a spanking scene are somewhat complex. Generally speaking, nudity is neither a must nor a no-go for me. It should fit the scenario. But I definitely like a well formed female bottom covered by tight jeans, jodhpurs or those victorian split bloomers.
    Voyeuristic shots of private parts are not my taste, though.
    On the other hand, nobody can deny that you can't use the phrase "All dress must down!" too often.

  4. I enjoy some nudity in spanking films but it has to be in context. Nudity in school type scenarios doesn't usually work for me but it can work in other types of stories i.e. domestic. Having said that I enjoy the sight of some of the beautiful women working in spanking films today without their clothes on and I agree with Ludwig that it does increase the vulnerability. I don't enjoy the close ups of private parts you get in some movies but I know that some people do so I am happy to put up with them in an otherwise good film.

  5. My preference to watch (and also for private play) are discipline spankings. For me, sex has no place in such scenarios and it's a big turn off. In erotic spanking scenarios there might be some, but these are not my favorites anyway.

    When it comes to nudity it has to makes sense with the scenario. I like scenes with nude spankees, but it's not a must. I agree with the readers here, close ups are absolutely not needed in spanking clips. At least not for me.

  6. I think there are at least two important aspects to nudity in spanking, one aesthetic, the other a matter of ethics. As to the first, clothes for both sexes can emphasise the good and play down the less attractive features in the average human body. If we all had the superb physical attributes of Kaelah and Ludwig, this would matter much less. But even with such high standards, I do find constant nudity a little tedious and unappealing. For myself, nothing can compare with the excitement of caning a woman beautifully dressed in an elegant evening gown.
    The question of sex in relation to spanking depends much on one's justification for assaulting a fellow human being. Spanking as foreplay is fine; spanking without sex for mutual satisfaction is fine too but of course, non-consensual spanking is indefensible except in very limited judicial situations.
    This is a fascinating topic on which much more can be said. Thank you Kaelah for reaising it.

  7. I am with many of the other comments here - nudity has to fit into the whole scenario, the plausibility of the story depends on the decision for or against nudity.

    In my own, private sessions I like both, being fully naked in an erotic matter, e.g. when I snuggle with my girl becoming desire for a spanking, I like to get off all my clothes. But sometimes I like to get a hard spanking "by the by": my girl is comes to me, gets her belt out of her jeans in order to give me a hard belt spanking. In those situations I only have to let my trousers down - after the spanking I get my trousers up again and we go on with our homework or whatever we did before.

    So I like both, fully naked and only partial. And in videoclips I like close-ups to the face of the spankee, too, watching the corporal pain mirroring in the face... "I like" ;-)

    On the other hand, these long spankings on the trousers, then the next stage, another long spanking on the underwear, and then, finally, much more smacks onto the bare - this is quite borrowing to me.

  8. Just a little clarification for my post: I meant close ups of private parts are not needed in spanking clips not close ups in general. A close up of a face can be interesting for example...

  9. Further to my views in the other thread on 'porn' and 'nudity' etc, one of the worst experiences I ever have is being told to take off my school uniform for punishment, per se. Being stripped of something that is like a comfort blanket to me (my school uniform) with past life flashbacks going on in my head really hurts. It has happened to me a few times since, even when I am undressing after a session..but that's something I have to deal with and I don't think it is totally related to being nude.

    I did this in my very first film 'A Visit to the School Governors' but it was filmed live 'fly on the wall' style in front of a live audience. I was a new spanking model at the time and felt vulnerable anyway because I thought I was attending a spanking party as a guest. I ended up being the main event and just went along with the whole scenario as it was being built by the organisers. Being totally naked in front of a crowd but focussing on my situation made me feel more vulnerable than I could ever remember. However, when the cane was landing 36 times on my bottom I hoped people would be more interested in the action and the plight of me as a schoolgirl rather than focussing on any action shots between my legs! I hoped they would feel a little sorry for me too but be willing me to get through it and be brave. I couldn't at that time be responsible for shaping their experience because I was too worried about the pain.

    I don't mind being told to strip naked, I am totally not a prude, but as others have said, it has to be within the context of the story, so that it fits my taste as to how I see myself. Otherwise to me it makes me feel like it is gratuitous and crossing my very basic and simple personal definition of my 'porn' barrier :) It also depends on the type of film being made. For example I love having cream rubbed in my bottom afterwards but it may not be appropriate to see that in some filmed scenarios. Loving the topic Kaelah and Ludwig, because it makes me think! I admit my views can change through a better understanding and a discussion like this helps.

  10. There seems to be a consensus here, in that nudity must match the context of the scene.
    As a personal watching preference, "real" scenarios interest me, with purely fun and foreplay spankings a distant second. In this former context, gratuitous private shots are not necessary, same for any contrived nudity. Understood, producers may want to put out there material which is appealing to as many viewers as possible, increase their viewership - the example of the Lupus film in your post, Kaelah, is a very good one. Something is just not "right" there. So, school scenarios with nudity are not "real" therefore not apealing; office with semi-nudity is sexy and plausible, judicial scenarios with full nudity plausible, although when thinking of some of the Mood examples they seem to err on the voyeuristic side too, privateswise.
    Same for my own spanking life, it depends on the scenario. Full nudity makes for most vulnerability, on either top or bottom side, although there is something to be said about the half-naked man and his fully clothed spanker, that aspect works on the humiliation factor - which some spankers appreciate and spankees not so much, especially when that particular scene may not be exactly foreplay just then, as Olli also commneted in this Comments section. For example, a mind bending scene which we fall into sometimes is this - concentrates elements of context, reality, fantasy, and no-more-than-necessary nudity: just before parting in the morning, you are told that you are to receive a spanking - undress to expose just sufficiently so that the marks can be seen of course, take your portion at the spanker's will, recompose, and then off you go, with no peeking or touching other than strictly necessary for maximum effectiveness. See how much you concentrate on the work that day :-)

  11. The short version:
    All sorts of spanking - yes.
    Sex - no.
    Nudity - yes.

  12. Val said: ". So, school scenarios with nudity are not "real" therefore not apealing".
    Well, dont be so sure about that. Recent investigations have shown that nudity for cp was not uncommon at all, in boarding institutions, esp catholic, nun-operated. None of us cp video fans want the total realism of child abuse in our fantasy porn. So the realism we want, with the uniforms etc, is a quasi-realism anyway. And in such films, there is nothing unrealistic in the Lupus kind of stripping in a convent school. And with nuns - it is even more realistic!
    (In one old Lupus film it almost got too realistic for my taste. Not for the caning, but one girl started to cry and call for Mami. That's where I draw the line!)

  13. I seem to be with the majority here, in preferring nudity only when it makes good sense in context. So it's not impossible in a school scene, but to me it implies a level of abuse which takes the scene beyond the "firm and fair" type, and shouldn't be the default. I think a prefect abusing their authority, or a creepy matron, would be more likely to strip you naked than a teacher. But then, I think many gym teachers are completely blaze about nudity, so a nude changing room punishment would seem plausible to me.

    Nudity and eroticism within the context of loving consensual play is, of course, completely different. I prefer "BDSM" type play when it's consensual rather than portrayed as non-consensual, and I love to watch couples with good chemistry indulge in loving dominance and submission.

    I definitely agree that I prefer the focus to be on the characters rather than their body parts.

    But you know all this - I don't need to talk about what kind of spanking porn I like any more, I can just point people at my website ;)

    Thanks for this interesting series of posts. I've used it as a springboard for a related topic I'm curious about, which is the question of people's viewing habits when watching spanking videos - do you watch all the way through, fast-forward etc? I'd be very interested to hear people's replies!

  14. As a newcomer, and old enough to be Ks grandfather ( an intriguing concept!),I was pleased to find both the post and responses intelligent and entertaining.
    On sexual content, I am firmly in the 'No Sex, Please,We're Disciplinary' camp.
    Once the punishment is finished, and matters have reached the 'All Is Forgiven' stage, by all means let future sex be implied, but keep it off the screen.

    On nudity, the answer surely lies in Moderation. This Blog pursues a sensible middle course. We have some lovely stills of a nude K, some bearing the honourable scars of battle, others not.
    On the other hand, no stills are more appealing than those of K bent over a bench, in a beautiful gown, awaiting a caning.
    Of course, once the caning is over, we should like to see the results, a pleasure so far denied us.

  15. Everything has been written about nudity, crotch shots etc. I fully agree with all of you. However, I want to make a comment to aesthetics.

    The matter of aesthetics – if nudity is called for by a plot – is very important to me. A naked body must of necessity be at least a pleasant sight. If that model is a good actress as well, all the better for her! A welted red rump is not the only thing that arouses and titillates.

    But everybody gets older and spanking models are not immune to aging, as are all people who are marketing their bodies. For some, it is important to work as long as possible, others are more critical towards themselves.

    The all time great bottom Elizabeth Simpson has addressed that taboo theme quite dispassionately and honestly (approximately like this): if I cannot accept my body as a commercial asset anymore when looking into the mirror, its time to cover it. As a consequence she crossed the line to topping – which she had done on and off anyway – and her site is still going strong.

    It saddens me that at least one formerly very successful site has switched to outright fat bottoms. Considering that they used to work with stars like Niki, Amelia Jane, Sarah Collins, just to name a few, it’s a deep fall. Once again, I am talking about the lack of attractiveness of voluminous bodies for myself, not for other paying customers. I also don’t want to hurt the feelings of these voluptuous women. It is my very own opinion; and “De gustibus non est disputandum”.

    How do I get from this famous quote to Sandbags? Perhaps, the cruel aristocratic women of the city of Rome deliver the connection.

    You made a remark about male models, Kaleah using that word for describing an absolutely disastrous femdom scene.

    Although I am not gay at all, I have played with men and have no objections to watch a video with an attractive male bottom, if this bottom would deserve that description. But most of the male models on femdom sites are sorry looking pain addicts. To compound the problem, the female tops are treating these poor creatures exactly as you wrote: sandbags, many of these still patched up with band aids to cover cuts from earlier “treatments”! No qualities of plot, dialogues, psychological finesse and even for the spankings, you could as well fix a few steaks across the trestle. They will be quite ready for cooking after the caning by these “tops”. And it grieves me to see intelligent and respectable professionals like Amy Hunter or Leia Ann Woods amongst these men haters.

    If that would be all, we had a lamentable situation; yet obviously, enough people are ready to pay for that thrash. Its commerce, after all. But that is not the total picture.

    Assuming that both of you are not gay, you probably never had a look at the multitude of M/M sites where you can watch perfect bodies with highly attractive bottoms receiving their comeuppance. Conclusion: there ARE plenty attractive male models around. Even if they are gay, many movie actors have been known to be that, but gave highly successful lovers for hot women. Why is there no cross over from M/M to F/M and back? After all, the name of the game is – amongst other things – earning a living.

    Well, perhaps Pandora Blake will fix it. She seems to have taste and perhaps can attract some stunning male models from the “other side”.


  16. I think, is always a mixted feeling but only nude is no fun.

    Weihnachten ist gerade vorbei, jedem dürten die großen Augen beim Geschenke auspacken noch viel zu gut in Erinnerung sein.

    Wer will darauf schon verzichten. Und wie ist das mit dem "berühren", funktioniert das völlig nackig überhaupt?

  17. Kaelah, I forgot to say, I LOVE that still from Spanking Central! Hot, hot, hot.

    Donpascual, I'm doing my best! Pretty young men who can act and take a hard spanking are certainly out there. I'm interviewing a couple more this month :)

  18. @Pandora,

    glad to hear this Pandora. There should be a way to make decent F/M videos with attractive bottoms.

  19. @ Ludwig:
    That makes indeed a lot of sense! Looking at it from that perspective, I don't find the claim for full nudity so scary any more. What often disturbs me are comments by viewers which combine the claim for nudity with claims for humiliation and severe thrashings for “deserving women”. Because then the vulnerability isn't connected with affection any more. But that's a topic for another post.

    @ Our Bottoms Burn:
    Yes, I remember your post Thanks, But I Really Don’t Care To See Your Hoohah. I think you are right, there surely are quite some viewers out there who like close-ups of private parts or at least don't mind them. I guess for me that is okay in a sexual (hardcore) scenario, but I don't like it in formal scenarios, which are my core kink when it comes to watching spanking films. I assume that many male bottoms or switches would love to see better F/M clips but unfortunately the focus often still seems to be on the dominatrix only, and the poor male bottom is just a kind of living aim for the lashes she is dishing out.

    @ Fenris:
    “All dress must down.” really is a hilarious line that will always remain connected with Lupus Pictures and Niki Flynn.

    @ Simon:
    I guess you are right, some viewers very much like close-ups of private parts. And so several producers provide them, hoping that some might buy their product because of it and that those like you who don't really need the close-ups at least won't be appalled. It seems that you are good when it comes to compartmentalizing and ignoring aspects that don't suit your taste. That's great because it allows you to enjoy the good parts of a scene without being annoyed by the aspects you don't like.

    @ Ursus:
    When it comes to discipline spankings, nudity and the lack thereof can of course both make sense. I think depending on the concrete scenario different levels of nudity are more or less believable. So, one can get a lot of variety, even within the rather specific premise of discipline.

    @ Peter8862:
    I'm with you about clothes and beauty. I often find (partially) clothed people more attractive than nude ones, no matter how well-built they are. When it comes to spanking porn, I guess it depends on the scenario and my current mood. I definitely seek variety.

    @ Olli:
    Like you I enjoy the variety. Spankings without the possibility to watch the facial reactions are usually boring for me as well. And I'm not such a huge fan of the classical built-up, either, at least if it is shown too often. From time to time, with a fitting storyline and an interesting dialogue between spanker and spankee, it can also be interesting and nice to watch, though.

    @ Emma:
    Now I understand a bit better why you aren't a big fan of full nudity, at least not under certain circumstances! The experience with that live show doesn't sound too nice, either. I think I would have been utterly scared. For me, full nudity can be okay, but it has to be my decision, I must be in control of how much I want to show and I have to like the context. For example, I love to take nude pictures outside, surrounded by a beautiful landscape. Furthermore, Ludwig and I have filmed a severe caning a while ago (which will hopefully released some time this year), for which I was completely naked. That was part of an experiment, though, and I had come up with the whole idea. Plus, we didn't show any frontal nudity at that time because I didn't feel comfortable with it. I wouldn't want to be fully naked in certain scenarios, though, at least not in front of a camera. A nude schoolgirl in a classical school scenario for example would somehow feel “wrong” for me.

  20. @ Val:
    I guess what you mean by “real” is suspension of disbelief. Because if the spankings were really close to the real thing, many scenarios would be M/M and without any nudity. That said, I could probably live with that... ;-) Joking aside, I understand what you mean by “real” and for me certain levels of nudity also fit best to certain scenarios. The scene shown in the picture at the top of the post from the Lupus film is okay for me, though, because it is absolutely clear that it is a parody and not to be taken seriously.

    @ frants:
    I absolutely agree with you, I think what many viewers want is “suspension of disbelief”, not reality. Sometimes spanking films become too real for me as well, which means that they are reminding me of non-consensual real-life CP and abuse. When that happens, it's a big turn-off, it makes me very sad and I can't eroticise the scene any more.

    @ Pandora:
    Thanks for the link to my posts, I'm glad you like them! Your question about how people watch porn is very interesting as well. I'm not so sure how to answer it, though, because I don't watch so much spanking porn, actually. But I think I usually watch the whole clip (I haven't watched many full-length films, yet) because the scenario, the characters and the build-up are important to me. I might fast forward, if either the dialogue or the spanking is too boring - which usually means that I'm not so fond of the whole clip. There are only very few clips which I watch more often, and then I usually watch them completely again.

    That picture from Spanking Central is great, isn't it! That is the scenario that inspired my caning at Dreams Of Spanking. What is fascinating as well, is how the top wields the cane in this clip. He has a martial-arts type swing and still seems to be very accurate. I know that I won't ever be able to wield a cane like that, but it looks great and fits the scene perfectly. Here is the link to the free preview clip, in case you like to take a look.

    I'm looking forward to hearing about (or seeing ;-) ) the results of your interviews with potential new male models for your site!

    @ murray roberts:
    Welcome! :-) I assume you refer to the What You Say is What You Get post. Yep, indeed there are no marks pictures from that scene because actually we were just fooling around and there wasn't any real spanking. There are a few pictures of my bottom after a caning on the blog, but none in which I'm wearing a ball-gown. That's a combination which is still missing...

  21. @ Donpascual:
    Actually the majority of my fantasies as a viewer are M/M! That's why I have chosen the picture from Spanking Central as an example for a scene which I like. You are right, there is much more good M/M material out there than good F/M material.

    That said, I haven't got any problem with the severity and the scenarios of F/M clips, as long as both are okay for the spankee. It might not be my personal taste, but there seems to be an audience for certain (humiliating) scenarios and quite a number of male bottoms seems to be into severe or very severe spankings. What I don't like, though, is when the male models aren't paid properly, when the dommes are inaccurate spankers and when the focus of the camera is completely on the domme and not on the spankee.

    I'm not sure why you assume that Leia-Ann Woods and Amy Hunter were men haters, though. Ludwig and I have met Leia-Ann Woods several times and she is definitely anything but a men hater. Ludwig even chose her as the top for one of our clips, and he is very picky when it comes to being topped. I know that Leia-Ann is into rather dark and humiliating scenarios, on the bottom as well as on the top side. But I'm sure that she wouldn't ever do anything which hasn't been agreed upon in advance and that she is definitely not a person who treats others disrespectfully.

    I'm sure that Pandora is going to shoot much more great F/M material – with creative plots, some good dialogues, interesting and good-looking spankees and beautiful sets. I'm looking forward to hear about the results of the interviews.

    @ Spankingfreunde / Rainer:
    I agree with you, a good mixture is the key. And unwrapping a present is of course a lot of fun!

  22. @Kaelah
    nice to have a fellow kinkster who likes M/M.

    My mentioning Leia Ann and Amy in context of thrashy F/M sites was not meant as an insult. They both belong to my favourite models. I just think, they don't belong into that crowd.

    However, you are absolutely right to challenge my post. Everybody has the right to explore his/her dark side and live out fantasies. Niki did this to the extreme when she worked with the Lupus people.
    Of course, Leia-Ann and Amy are neither men haters, nor are they operating outside of ssc rules.

    I am also looking forward to Pandora's next videos. We have exchanged a few mails, kicking around an idea.

    So, we really have very similar opinions. Perhaps, I moved away abit too far from the original topic of nudity.

  23. Actually the majority of my fantasies as a viewer are M/M!

    Really? Have a looh at our Bordingschool.

    Ask the former Dekan from the School Donpascual fpor more information. :D

  24. @ Donpascual:
    The difference between what is happening in front and behind a camera is a very complicated and important topic, I think. It seems that there are producers who make very edgy movies but behind the camera the models are respected and treated very well. And there are others whose videos seem to be much less extreme but who for example try to push models into stuff they don't want to do. For me, the “real” treatment of the people involved is what really counts. Lupus is a very good example! Many of their films are much too dark for my personal taste. But since I had the luck to be behind the scenes when Ludwig shot “A Garden Party” with them, I am put at ease because I have seen how friendly the crew is and how much fun the participants have behind the scenes.

    @ Donpascual & Spankingfreunde / Rainer:
    M/M is indeed my favourite combination as a video viewer. You can read a bit more about my fantasies in general here if you like. Once I find the time I will write a post about why M/M is so attractive for me. Pandora recently wrote about that topic and I think it is an interesting and important one. By the way, did you also play out mixed gender scenarios at your boarding school?
