Thursday, March 12, 2009

Infectious Royal Friendship

Prefectdt aka Spanked Hortic has tagged me with another one of those virulent internet memes. On this blog, we already had the Seven Deadly Sins and 7 Facts About Yourself (why this frequent association between digital chain letters and the lucky number seven?). The latest meme is called "Friendship Awards", and it goes without saying that I am pleased to receive from Prefect such a token of appreciation. Thank you, that is a nice gesture.

Not everyone wants to be friends with a mad king, you know, and those who do often have ulterior motives - like Richard Wagner, who used my name patron to pay off all his debts, finance his opera productions and live in sumptuous luxury (he thanked Ludwig by having a rather indiscreet affair with a friend's wife, Cosima von Bülow, which scandalised Munich at the time). It was cool in one way, because we probably wouldn't have Wagner's fascinating and hugely influential late works otherwise. But I'm still going to make sure that I exercise a greater sense of circumspection when I choose the next round of recipients for the awards.

As you can guess already, the concept is fairly simple - you get an award, you (optionally) pass it on to other bloggers you like, the meme spreads. Here is the official wording:

“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandisement. [Note from Ludwig: Actually, I love self-aggrandisement! But I try to go about it in a charming way.] Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.”

"The Rules to accepting this award: Deliver this award to eight bloggers who can, if they like, choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

So this time, it's the mysterious number eight instead of lucky seven. I like that. Now, for this meme, I'm not going to select the usual suspects like Pandora Blake or Adele Haze, bloggers who I link to fairly frequently, anyway. I'm using the opportunity to promote a couple of blogs which I haven't really mentioned before because most of them are pretty new:

The Little Red Schoolhouse by Abby Williams - Actually, this one goes back to mid-2007, so it is hardly new. The only reason why I didn't add it to my link list when I updated it last autumn was that Abby's blog was dormant at the time. However, there has been an upturn of activity in the last couple of weeks. Let's hope that it lasts!

Getting It by Caroline Grey - A twenty-something bottom from the lovely green isle of Ireland, Caroline has recently shot her first spanking video clips for Sound Punishment. Welcome to the wonderful world of porn stardom! I'm looking forward to seeing and reading more about her adventures in the future.

The S Word by Graham - Graham (sic!) is the scene name of an American girl currently living in Eastern Europe and writing about the English vice while she plots to make her first real-life spanking experience. The blog is only three weeks old, but quite interesting already. I thought I'd assist the push out of the starting gate.

Freshly Spanked by Irelynn and Smudge - When they are not plotting to take over the world or threatening to smite their readers, these two kinky university students are busy adding post after post to their excellent blog - almost 200 blog entries in the past six months and no sign of slowing down yet. Your majesties, your royal cousin sends his greetings from Bavaria!

My Dirty Little Secret by Jenni - Jenni is an American college student exploring the art of spanking. Like me, she started her blog in January last year, but I rarely see any links to it anywhere. Which is a pity, because the writing is good and the presentation is very stylish. Even the music is okay - and I usually hate it when people put music on their blogs...

On the Way of Exploration by Kami Robertson - The professional spanking victim with the sweet, innocent face and the thoroughly perverted mind has recently started her own blog. I'm very happy about that, all the more so because I was one of the people who suggested the idea to her. Keep a good eye on this little snake.

Shakespearean Kink by Ophelia, Feste and Puck - Ophelia is a real-life friend of Pandora Blake who writes about spanking, acting and her polyamorous relationships. Another relatively new blog and an interesting concept, I'm curious to see where it goes.

Radspace by Radagast - One of the very few blogs by a fellow male top, and a well-written one at that, so I read it frequently. There seem to be quite a few differences between Rad's kink and mine, but that only makes it all the more enlightening.

Be sure to check out all of these writers, they are well worthy of the friendship award and of your attention.


  1. 'Thoroughly perverted mind' LOL I think I like that.

    And thanks for the links to other blogs!! Each time I blantly follow numerous links I can hardly find something worth reading, but when someone will post it like that there are always interesting thing inside!

  2. Thanks for the shout-out, Ludwig! And I agree with Kami that you've compiled a great set of links. In fact, off to add Kami's link to my blogroll now!

  3. Darn-- I already subscribe to most of these! Not having my own blog makes it easier to find the time, of course.

  4. Royal Greetings from our kingdom too, Ludwig! I suppose we'll let you keep Bavaria then, since you're being all nice. ;-)

  5. Thank you for this honor Ludwig and the new people who will come through my site, as I will enjoy meeting them! :-)


  6. Thank you so much, Ludwig! I'm sorry I didn't see this before now. This makes me really happy! I am linking you and my fellow royal selections post-haste. I have been so excited to get back to writing that I have not had a chance to really make the rounds and see what's going on in our wonderful world. New blogs and new friends! Today is a good day after all.

  7. Aw, thank you so much, Ludwig! That's a lovely set of links. :-)


  8. Well, shucks! I'm tickled pink to see my name here and also some of my vary favourite blogs in this twisted little world of ours, but I am even more tickled to see links to excellent blogs I hadn't unearthed yet. Flattery + utility = awesomeness.

    I don't know if I'll continue the meme as I could hardly put together a better (or much different!) list than this one, but I'll see if I can rustle something up.
