Friday, November 15, 2019

Global Day(s) of Delurk 2019

Eleven years ago, in 2008, I wrote my first-ever comment on a kinky blog. At the time, I was a total newbie to the world of erotic spanking, and had no practical experience whatsoever. I wrote my comment because us silent readers had been invited to do so on a special occasion titled Love Our Lurkers Day. The blog I commented on was called Rohrstock-Palast and belonged to a guy named Ludwig. It was not only my first comment on a kinky blog, it was my first-ever comment on any kind of blog, and I was very nervous when I finally hit the "publish comment" button.

About three months later, I had lost my virginity in the field of erotic spanking to Ludwig, with whom I had started an intense email-conversation, whom I had then met in person and who had quickly become a close friend. On LOL Day 2009, we were already writing this blog together, not as friends but as mates. As a couple, we made lots of new kinky experiences, met fellow kinksters and even produced some spanking videos – all of which we shared with you on this blog.

Today, eleven years, one wedding and two little ones later, our lives have altered completely. And so has the kinky community. Thankfully, there are a few constants, like the presence of Bonnie, the inventor of LOL Day, and Hermione, who hosts LOL Day now, and their blogs. Many thanks to both of you! Apart from that, fellow bloggers have come and gone, and so have commenters.

Sometimes there have been happy and unexpected returns, too. In April this year we got a heads-up from Ursus Lewis, who used to be an avid commenter for many years, but had stopped commenting in 2014. It was great to hear that you are still out there and doing fine! And then in July this year, our lovely fellow-blogger Spankedhortic (Prefectdt) was finally able to resume blogging, after having been forced to quit due to problems with his eyesight in 2014. It's wonderful to have you back!

Since this blog isn't as active anymore as at used to be some years ago, I don't know how many silent readers are out there, if any. But if you are, you are wholeheartedly invited and very welcome to write a comment and say hi! You don't have to be very creative and you don't have to share anything about yourself you aren't comfortable sharing. It would just be great to hear from you! And don't worry, you don't have to marry anyone just because you have decided to write a comment. ;-)

Since LOL Day (or the Global Day of Delurk, as we like to call it on our blog) is very dear to our hearts, I would like to use this occasion to make at least a small announcement: I have planned to add a new infrequent series of posts to my blogging routine titled "Snippets from a fantasy". As the title says, these posts will contain short snippets (a few paragraphs long) from kinky fantasies of mine, leaving enough space for you to fill in the voids with your own fantasies and ideas. I hope you'll enjoy it! If you are interested, you are invited to come back on Sunday, when I will publish the very first instalment titled "The Mirror".

Until then, thank you very much for reading and for accompanying Ludwig and me on our journey!


  1. Hi Kaelah and Ludwig!

    I am delighted to be among your first commenters on this LoL Day XIV (or GDoD). You two share what is still my favorite LoL Day story. May the coming year be filled with discovery, warmth, and joy.


  2. Some of my most cherished kink memories involve you two. I can summon you up at short notice in quite graphic detail without even a computer, let alone internet connection! That dates back quite a while. I have not commented often but I call by reasonably often (every few months at least). Love you lots, both of you.

    Simply Red

  3. I am a regular reader of your blog and look forward to reading about your fantasies. In fact I look forward to reading everything you write.

  4. That was a really nice LOL day(s) post. It made me feel all mushy. Have a great event and I will be back to read your new posting series.


  5. Thank you for joining us in encouraging lurkers to cast off their inhibitions!


  6. Dear Kaelah

    I enjoy your post Look forward to reading them and following your journey. I however believe there should be Mandatory well spanked bare bottom pic of your lovely behind attached to each post ! welllllllll i can wish cant I ??? lol

  7. Just want to tell you I love your blog


  8. Just recently started visiting your site. I'll be back more regularly. Happy LOL day!

  9. Hello,
    I don't comment much, but I am reading your Blog since many years and I still enjoy every post :)

  10. Hi Kaelah and Ludwig -

    I don't consider myself a lurker on your blog as I comment when able, but I just have to say once more that I love your personal story - how you met and found each other and are together now. It always gives me hope.


  11. @ Bonnie:
    You have been the first commenter! Thank you so much for having brought this special event to our kinky community. :-)

    @ Simply Red:
    Thank you very much for your lovely comment and for having accompanied us for such a long time already!

    @ Gustofur:
    Thanks a lot for being such an loyal reader and avid commenter!!!

    @ Spankedhortic:
    I hope you had a great LOL Day(s) event, too! It's wonderful to have you back. The first instalment of my new series of posts will be published in a few minutes.

    @ Hermione:
    Thank you for making the effort to host this special event, Hermione, and thanks a lot for stopping by!

    @ Anonymous:
    Thank you very much for your sweet and lovely comment! :-)

    @ Stan:
    Welcome and thank you very much for your kind comment! It's wonderful to hear from a real first-time commenter on LOL Day and I hope we will hear from you again. I am very happy that you enjoy reading our blog. :-)

    @ Lurker48:
    Thank you very much for saying hi, and a very warm welcome to our blog! I hope you will enjoy reading more and of course you are invited to comment more often if you like. :-)

    @ Chinos:
    Thanks a lot for having taken the time to write such a nice comment! It's always wonderful to hear from someone who has accompanied us for so many years already. :-)

  12. @ Enzo:
    Thanks a lot for your lovely comment (I had already published my last comment when I saw yours, which is why I reply to you separately)! I hope you had wonderful LOL Days. Thank you very much for having created the beautiful images for this year's event! :-)

  13. A lovely post. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I do lurk more than I comment these days.

    Love to yo both,

  14. So pleased that you are continuing with the blog, which is a regular place to visit for me. I'm not a delurker, as I have been commenting for several years now. But keep up the good work -- and I see a new post even before I had a chance to comment on the LOL XIV (quattuor annis est nimis longum tempus!!)!

  15. @ Ronnie:
    Thanks a lot for stopping by and commenting! Like you, I am much more of a lurker than a commenter these days. :-)

    @ Spearthrower:
    Thanks a lot for your kind comment and for being such an avid reader and commenter for such a long time already!
