Friday, January 25, 2019

Eleventh Blogiversary

I started this blog on the 25th of January 2008. That was eleven years ago, and it actually feels more like twenty-one or thirty-one years ago to me. My life was very, very different back then compared to today. I was single, I was fairly new to the BDSM scene, and BDSM played a much more important role in my life at the time (which is why I started blogging about it). And when I started the blog, I could never, ever have imagined that I would meet my future wife because of it and that we would have two children a decade later.

So, anyway, today is my eleventh blogiversary. On the one hand, it is a cause for celebration, because very few blogs last that long - even in a semi-active state. On the other hand, I am saddened by the fact that I didn't have time to return to blogging or edit any of our spanking videos in 2018, either. I keep having to postpone it, then another year begins, and I write another blogiversary post where I explain how busy I have been... I'm starting to feel like a broken record.

What makes me feel a little better about the blog is that, by now, Kaelah has revealed to you that we've become the parents of two adorable children in the last couple of years. Truth be told, I was hesitant about letting you, the readers, in on this fact, because I am a very private person and I don't like sharing private information that isn't directly related to kink. This is, after all, an erotic blog about adult consensual CP. It isn't a diary, and it isn't about the other aspects of my life or of my personality. However, now that you know Kaelah and I are parents, you are able to understand why we have been so busy. I don't have to make obscure references to "real life duties" and "we've had many things to take care of". Instead, I can just tell you openly what is going on. And hopefully, you can now appreciate much better why the blog hasn't exactly been a beehive of activity lately.

In January last year, I was genuinely optimistic that this would be the year when I can return to blogging, finally edit and publish those old spanking videos Kaelah and I filmed, and wrap everything up. Kaelah and I had married by that point, we had moved in together, we had even begun to settle into our new role as parents and become accustomed to our routines in that area - okay, I thought, maybe I can even get back to blogging this year. But it was not to be. Before long, we were once again swamped with work. Among other things, as Kaelah already mentioned to you, there was a death in the family, and taking care of all the business that has to be done in the aftermath literally kept us busy for months. That, plus my usual job, plus the two children... There were quite a few nights last summer when I only slept for three or four hours.

Fortunately, that year is behind us now, and things have begun to quiet down a little. Actually, life with two active little toddlers is never really quiet, but it's not as hellishly hectic any more as it was a couple of months ago. So, we will see. I am once again optimistic that this is going to be the year when Ludwig makes a proper return. But I am also cautious, and reluctant to make promises I can't keep.

What I can promise you is that, someday, you will get to read the final series of posts I have been talking about - I still have to wrap up a few things here -  and I will edit the videos Kaelah and I have filmed so you can finally see them. I don't know when that will be, exactly, but it is definitely going to happen, and this blog is not closing down before it happens. It isn't closing down, either, until Kaelah and I have filmed and published one last F/M caning video we are planning (I am not looking forward to the filming of it at all, but getting to see it and publish it should be nice!).

With that, I wish all of you a happy and healthy 2019. Thank you for sticking with us even during the times when the blog isn't very active. Kaelah and I will do our best to make it worth your wait, hopefully this year.


  1. Thank you for the update. Yours is a Quality blog so don't worry about the quantity. Your long time readers don't.

  2. I have enjoyed your blog over the years and won’t stop reading because you declared your humanity. Reading about your family life has been most enjoyable. You and Kaelah obviously make a good team.

  3. Ludwig: Just great to hear from you. of course, real life has a habit of getting in the way of blogging and kinky activities. But I am looking forward to seeing some of the long-promised videos. Seeing your views on a range of issues would also be welcome. It is always excellent to see Kaelah's perspective but seeing yours as well would be a plus. Best for a productive and healthy 2019. I've enjoyed reading this blog over all these years and happy that you are keeping it going.

  4. Thank you all for your kind comments! I absolutely agree with Spearthrower, reading more from Ludwig and having his perspective more often would definitely be great. We'll see how busy life will turn out to be this year!
