Sunday, December 31, 2017

Kaelah's Corner (Dec 2017):
Another Year Passed By

It's hard to believe, folks, but this is already the last day of 2017! I hope it was a good year for you, vanilla- and kink-wise. For Ludwig and me it was a year of unexpected events, both good and bad. By the end of the year we have made it through all of them and managed to cope with the additional work caused by my illness and the one of our close family member whose health condition has fortunately improved a lot in the past weeks.

In spite of the struggle with health problems and lots of work, 2017 war a good year for Ludwig and me. We both had a successful year job-wise, we spent wonderful days with our loved ones, had a great holiday - and we managed to face all the challenges 2017 brought as a great team. Still, we didn't have much quality time for just the two of us and not much alone-time for either of us to recharge our batteries. And we neither managed to stay in contact with our vanilla friends as much as we would have liked nor to find time for kinky adventures or at least keeping up a regular blogging schedule.

So, our simple wish for 2018 is that the upcoming year might allow us to plan our life a little bit better than we could in 2017, so that we can have more time both for ourselves and for activities with vanilla friends as well as here on our blog. The last weeks gave me some hope since I had the chance to meet a few friends again and – as you might have noticed – write more posts. I hope you had time to read my tailor-made spanking story and enjoyed it!

Ludwig and I wish all of you a good start into the new year and a happy and healthy 2018! If you would like to share anything about your experiences in 2017 and maybe your hopes for 2018, you are welcome to do so in the comment section!

Do you have any kinky resolutions for 2018? Anything new you want to try? Please feel free to tell us about it, too. Maybe we and the other readers will get some inspiration from your ideas! One thing Ludwig and I want to do (apart from finally editing and posting some of our already filmed spanking scenes) is a severe caning with Ludwig on the receiving end which will of course also be immortalised on camera. I hope we will get to that in the second half of 2018!


  1. All the best for Ludwig and you, my german friends... from Paris, France...

  2. Best wishes to you both for a happy and healthy New Year. I enjoy reading your blog and hope that you keep it going during 2018. Looking forward to the videos. We've seen Ludwig on the receiving end of a cane in the past and it will be excellent to see that again. Of course, his backside might not be so happy about this!

  3. I wish you both a Successful and Happy New Year !!!

  4. Alles gute für das Jahr 2018 aus Kalifornien!

    My "kinky resolution" is to spend more time with (new and old) kinky friends in North America. More spankings, more canings and more hugs.

    That was already the plan for 2017 and it went fairly well but work and other things occupied more weekends than they should have.

  5. Hope you have a great year ahead and manage to do more that you have resolved to do in the coming year!

  6. @ Stan/E.:
    Thanks a lot for stopping by! All the best to you as well and many greetings from Germany to France. :-)

    @ Spearthrower:
    Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year, too! I think Ludwig indeed isn't so sure whether it was a good idea to set himself up for another caning. He is quite sure that he will like the resulting video, though, so he has to go through the caning to get that! :-)

    @ Domhnall the Second:
    Thank you very much for your kind wishes and a successful and happy New Year to you as well!

    @ Andy:
    Viele Grüße zurück aus dem regnerischen Deutschland nach Kalifornien!
    I think that sounds like a very good resolution and keep my fingers crossed that work doesn't get in the way too often this year!

    @ Fondles:
    Thanks a lot for your kind wishes! I hope that 2018 will be a good and happy year for you as well. :-)

  7. Happy New Year to you both!

    Here we are in 2018 - with another World Cup approaching. You may vaguely remember that after your series of kinky World Cup bets in 2014, I came into it very belatedly, making my predictions of the matches after they had happened - not that that helped me to get a good score!

    I wondered whether you intended to do something similar this year? If so I will try and be reading your blog at the right time of year so I can make my predictions _before_ they happen this time!


  8. Hi -

    Finally stopping by again.
    My resolution for this year is to find a "young lady" to spank on a regular basis.


  9. @ Ernest:
    Thanks for your kind wishes! I have to admit that I wasn't aware it is already time for the next World Cup until you mentioned it in your comment. I don't know, yet, whether there will be any betting action again, but it's definitely an idea that I will take into consideration. The last time was lots of fun, sadly we didn't have many participants.

    @ Enzo:
    That sounds like a really good resolution! I keep my fingers crossed. :-)
