Friday, November 18, 2016

Global Day(s) Of Delurk 2016

Welcome, dear readers, to this year's Love Our Lurkers Day(s), or the Global Day(s) of Delurk as we like to call the event on this blog. This is the day on which we would like to invite all our silent readers to say hello. Thanks to Hermione who organises and hosts the event!

You don't have to tell us any more about yourself than you feel comfortable with, you don't have to write a very long or special comment and of course you don't have to (and our recommendation is that you really shouldn't) use your real name. If you are interested in erotic spanking and like our blog, we would be very happy to hear from you! It's always great to hear that there are people out there who enjoy what we are doing here. So please feel very welcome to leave a short comment and say hi. We don't bite!

To increase the fun, there is a little additional incentive! We would like to repeat something we already did once back in 2010. I'm is going to write a tailor-made spanking story for you which will most probably turn out to be quite strange and chaotic. The reason is that every lurker who makes his (or her) first comment today (or, rather, until Sunday 20th 23:59:59 German time) can contribute five words which will then be included in the story. They can be random words of your choice, or a phrase. The only thing that matters is that the maximum number of words is five. And if you are a regular commenter already, you can still contribute two words to the story. I'm looking forward to your creative choices!

As the long-time readers among you know, Ludwig and I got to know each other on LOL-Day 2008 when I left my first-ever comment on this blog. A short time later, we started exchanging e-mails and finally decided to meet in person. I asked Ludwig to introduce me to the world of erotic spanking – which he gladly did. While our common kink was what brought us together in the first place, we soon realised that we had much more to share with each other. And so we fell in love and became a couple.

This is our first LOL-Day as a married couple. In a way, this is all Bonnie's fault – after all, she was the one who invented the LOL-Day tradition. :-) So our special thanks go to her! Unfortunately we don't have the time to update our blog more than about twice a month right now, but we still try to provide you with a mixture of thought-provoking posts, free pictures and videos and write-ups of our own kinky experiences. And we hope you still enjoy reading our blog. We also don't manage to comment much on other blogs – so I guess we will use this occasion to write a few comments and let fellow bloggers know we are still reading!

Over the years, we have had quite a few readers who took the plunge on LOL-Day and wrote their first comment on our blog. Some just said hi, some shared a bit more about themselves and their kinky interests. Some commenters were very new to our blog, some had already been reading it for years. Some had made their own experiences with erotic spanking, some had just started gathering information about it and some enjoyed reading about erotic spanking without practising it. Some readers just left that one single comment and fell silent again afterwards. Others became regular commenters. And some even started exchanging e-mails with us and we even had the chance to meet the one or other in person.

No matter what – we cherished every comment we got. Because, as you surely can imagine, it can be boring and tough to take a lot of time to write a post without getting much response. We find interaction much more interesting than just sharing our thoughts with a silent mass, not knowing whether anyone found one of our philosophical ramblings enlightening or one of our free videos sexy or a post about one of our private exploits entertaining. And so we would also love to use this occasion to thank all readers who ever left a comment on our blog!

But of course, not everyone feels comfortable leaving a comment on a blog, no matter how short or anonymous. And we know that there are people who have diligently read our blog for many years without ever commenting. So, while we only know from the stats that you are out there and unfortunately don't know what makes and keeps you reading our blog, we still want to thank you for having accompanied us in the past weeks, months or even years! A Happy LOL-Day to all of you!


  1. Not strictly a lurker but not a frequent leaver of comments, so hello again and congrats on your marriage. My two words would be knickers...

  2. I do lurk here sometimes but always enjoy my visit. Happy LOL day and congratulations to you both on your marriage.

    My five words - I whimpered and whined and apologised.


  3. Oh wow, that is the story of lol day!!! I hope you have a long and happy marriage, we are almost thirty five years in, it's great. My words are "she entered the room tentatively"
    Love Jan,xx

  4. Happy Anniversary. I hope other lurkers out there are reading this, it's such a wonderful story. Now for five words - Sorry, I didn't mean it.

  5. I'm not exactly a lurker. Congratulations on eight years!! My five words are "cane swaying in the wind"

  6. I LOVE the story behind how you met, and that it led to marriage! Wonderful! This is my first time here.

    Rob and I have been married for over 28 years. We started practicing ttwd over four years ago, and have never been happier! We are now empty nesters. There is plenty of spanky business around our place, and lots of mighty fine loving to go with it!

    My five words are: It was all quite unexpected!

    Happy LOL Days to you both! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

  7. Great blog! Happy LOL day from Rod of The Canery

  8. Hi Kaelah, I don't visit as much as I should but always love reading all your exploits and very thoughtful articles. My five words, love, laughter, happiness, together, cuddles. Happy LOL day to you both

  9. Thanks a lot for your comments! Several of you naughty people gave me five words, though, in spite of not being first-time commenters. ;-) That's true for Ronnie, Leigh, Spearthrower, Katie and Downunder Don. I will try to use all of your suggestions, though, because there are so many nice ones and so many good phrases.

    @ Michael M: Thanks for stopping by, for your congratulations and your word suggestions!

    @ Ronnie: Thanks for commenting and a Happy LOL-Day to you as well.

    @ Jan: Thank you very much for your first-ever comment on our blog! As I also wrote in my comment on your blog, such a long and happy marriage is indeed inspiring. :-) I love your choice of words.

    @ Leigh Smith: Thank you for stopping by, for your congratulations and for your kind words!

    @ Spearthrower: Thank you for having accompanied us for such a long time already (I think your first comment was in 2011) and for your congratulations!

    @ Katie: You actually already left a comment on LOL-Day 2014. :-) Thanks a lot for stopping by and I am happy that you enjoyed the story of our marriage. As I already wrote on your blog, such a long and happy marriage plus four children - that is indeed inspiring. And your cat is incredibly cute!

    @ thecanery: Thanks a lot for your comment, Rod! A Happy LOL-Day to you as well. And thanks for providing us with so many M/M spanking stories.

    @ Downunder Don: Thank you very much for being such a regular commenter on our blog! I don't know whether I will be able to use all of your words, but I really love them because they all get me in a happy mood, so I'll definitely give it a try!

  10. I think this is my very first visit to your blog!!
    And I will be back to read again ;-)

  11. Hi! I definitely lurk at times and adore your story of romance!
    No, why, because I said!

  12. Hello Kaelah, I'm new here. Happy LOL day to you and Ludwig. What a lovely story about you two. My words for the story Bring the strap immediately subbie.

    Hugs Lindy x


  13. As it seems I might add extra words my 5 would be ...elastic of the blue knickers....

  14. This is my first time to your blog. Happy LOL Day! What a beautiful story :)

  15. @ Lilli Clairmont: Welcome, and a Happy LOL-Day to you as well!

    @ Bleue D'âme: I am happy you've found our blog and hope you will enjoy reading more.

    @ Minelle Labraun: Welcome, thank you very much for „delurking“ and for your kind words!

    @ Lindy Thomas: You actually already wrote a comment on LOL-Day in 2015! It's good to see that you are back this year. Thank you for your kind words.

    @ Michael M: That's a nice phrase indeed! It will definitely be used in the story.

  16. Happy LOL Days...Found you through Hermione...have never visited before but will be back. My five words are a phrase..."kiss off, don't want to!" :D


  17. @ Diary of Daisy: Welcome and thank you very much for your kind words!

    @ Cat: Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Your phrase will be part of the story.
