Monday, November 30, 2015

Kaelah's Corner (Nov 2015):
Coming Home

Due to me being still slightly ill, it has been quiet on this blog since LOL Day. Unfortunately, Ludwig couldn't jump in, either. The reason for that is a very good one, though. We have finally decided that it is time to take our relationship to the next step!

That means we are moving in together. And as those among you who have done this before surely know (especially those who lived alone for quite a while before taking that step), merging two households into one requires quite a lot of work. Since I wasn't fit enough to get many things done in the past weeks, Ludwig had to help out a lot. So, lots of vanilla stuff (but really good vanilla stuff), not much time for kink.

Well, at least not much time to practise any kink or write about it. I had a lot of time to fantasize about kinky stuff, though, since I partly was so tired and drained of energy that I couldn't leave my bed for very long. So, lots of time to create stories about errant cadets and strict officers in my head.

As for Ludwig and me, it is wonderful to see what a long way we have come! On LOL Day 2008 I wrote my first-ever comment on this blog and Ludwig became aware of my existence for the very first time. Well, at the time, due to my nickname and its original spelling, he thought I was a German guy with a Turkish background, as he explained in his post about how we became a couple. But I soon convinced him otherwise when I sent him my first e-mail.

So, it all started out with this blog and with a common interest in an erotic kink. And now, seven years later, our life together consists of so much more than spanking. The kink is still there, though, even if its importance has decreased and its focus has changed. In fact, Ludwig is facing the prospect of a severe caning right now. Well, actually he asked for it. And who am I not to oblige to such a nice request?

At first, I have to recover a bit more from the sickness, though. And of course there is still lots of vanilla stuff to be done before our home is as we want it to be. But I am sure we will be able to fit in a caning somehow. After all, it only takes a few minutes, right? Okay, plus the time we need to set up the cameras, shoot the intro, get the lights right and so on. Thinking about it, maybe we should block a day or two...


  1. I wish you both much happiness in your togetherness, now you have moved in together.
    Oh and make sure Ludwig gets what he wishes for on the caning front and perhaps a little more!

  2. Good luck on your new life together. Hope you get better soon and can enjoy all the work of putting your households together!

  3. Congratulations and Good Luck

  4. Happy to see you blogging again.
    I wish you luck in your new living arrangements.
    Keep healthy.

  5. Congratulations!

    Speaking from experience, a rich imagination is helpful in times of sickness, but it does not beat being well again.

    All the best to both of you.

  6. Wishing that your new life together is filled with joy and happyness

  7. Kaelah, it's great that you're feeling better .. but even better that the two of you are going to move in together. I've been hoping that your relationship would move on to the next level -- which is doing the washing of clothes together, isn't it? Of course, if there is a bit of spanking as well (and some nice videos for us), so much the better.

  8. Kaelah,

    Happy that you are feeling a little better.

    Wishing you much happiness.

    Love and best wishes to you both,

  9. Good luck!

    I once was separated from my wife for just 6 months. That was long enough!! Good that you took that step, finally. Weekend partnerships are a drag!


  10. It's great to know you are now really sharing life to the full and that our well-proven mutual interest will strengthen the bond. Hope too that you are both well and fit again. Congratulations !!

  11. Merry Christmas Kaelah and Ludwig.

  12. @ Jimisim:
    Thanks for your kind wishes! I am not fit enough to provide Ludwig with a severe caning at the moment, but don't worry, it's still on my to-do-list! ;-)

    @ Rich Person:
    Thank you!

    @ Simon:

    @ Our Bottoms Burn:
    Thank you for your kind wishes!

    @ Gustofur:
    Thanks for your kind words! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well!

    @ Svetlana:
    Thanks a lot! You are right, feeling well again definitely beats the joys of a rich imagination in times of sickness.

    @ Downunder Don:
    Thanks for your kind wishes!

    @ Spearthrower:
    You are right, and it's not only the clothes, it's also cooking, cleaning up and the like ;-) Of course spanking makes it even better indeed!

    @ Ronnie:
    Thank you!

    @ Ramon Herzog:
    Six months? We managed more than six years! ;-) Of course you are right, though, at a certain point a weekend relationship and all the traveling become exhausting!

    @ Peter6682:
    Thank you very much for your lovely wishes!
