Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Sauna by the Lakeside

On our trip to Finland, Ludwig and I got the chance to spend some time in a small private outdoor sauna located at a beautiful lake. I love going to the public sauna for a day of relaxation, but I had never had the chance to use a private sauna like this one before. It was heated with fresh firewood and as you can see, it was quite steamy in there.

The best thing about the experience was the lake, though. The water temperature was about 12 degrees Celsius, rather cold in my view, quite cosy in the eyes of our Finnish host.

At first it was a real shock to go into the water after having spent time in the hot sauna. My feet hurt the most when touching the cold ground of the lake. But after a while I got used to the temperature and so Ludwig and I shot quite a few nude pictures of me in the lake at sunset surrounded by beautiful nature only.

I like how the lake reflects my image in the third picture. And I really love the second picture in this post which shows me walking into the lake, even though (or maybe right because?) it is a bit blurred.

(Russian Venus by Boris Kustodiev, picture taken from Wikipedia)

Unfortunately Ludwig and I didn't have any birch twigs like they are used in Russian saunas in order to improve the circulation (as they say). Has anyone of you tried that? But it was a wonderful experience nonetheless. And I hope you enjoy the resulting pictures!


  1. Looks and sounds wonderful....but 12 degrees!!! Here anything under 20 degrees is considered as "freezing" and not fit for human habitation.

    My experiences are all going from the sauna to a nice outdoor hot tub; no heroics at all.

    I think the first photo is the best; steamy and blurry and slightly mysterious.

  2. Lucky Ludwig. He get to see the other side too.
    This from a kinky old man.

  3. Always great to get another contribution from Kaelah.

    All best


  4. You have a whole-body halo!

  5. mmmmmmmm, it is a paradise your nudity in that cold lake! Your bottom is fully sexy exposed! I love it!


  6. @ Downunder Don:
    12 degrees is indeed very cold! Well, just the right thing for a masochist, I guess. ;-)

    @ Gustofur:
    Grins. By the way, I spontaneously broke my rule of no frontal nudity for the picture in my last post...

    @ MasonPearson:

    @ Anonymous:
    You are indeed right! :-)

    @ Klumarer:
    Thank you for your kind comment.

    @ Dark Sexy Side:
    Welcome, and thank you very much for your comment! We have been to Helsinki and to the Finnish Lakeland in East Finland.

  7. But the frontal nudity in the post you reference isn't you, or is it? 😜

  8. @ Gustofur:
    Of course that's me in the picture! I spontaneously shot it with the timer function of my camera on the evening I wrote the post. :-) Who did you think it was?

  9. Beautiful images and I love the way things have progressed between you from the start of the blog to now. I normally lurk more than comment... just wanted to help it to that magic 5000 figure :)

    I have never taken myself seriously on my blog/s and actually enjoy how I am more "tabloidy" - every blog fills a need, as does our spanking sites and way of life.

    Now I am with Sarah Gregory - our lives have changed drastically - as our sites and core purpose and direction are changing too (partly due to the antics of ATVOD in the UK, as you know too well) we now work closely together in the USA and I spend half my time there now which is both a shame and a blessing and it hurts that I find less time to film in the UK now which impacts on local models :(

    I know that Sarah & I want to visit Iceland at some point and explore - so might try to do some filming while we are there too... might be a bit cold though for much outdoor spankings or nude shots like you managed so well in Suomi Finland!

    OK, enough, I'm waffling. Keep up the great work :)

    John - aka Chief

  10. @ John Osborne:
    Thank you very much for your kind comment! I am glad you enjoyed the photos. We had a lot of fun taking the pictures. Outdoor pictures or videos in Iceland – that sounds great but challenging indeed! They would surely look beautiful, though.

    The whole ATVOD stuff is horrible. I am glad that you and Sarah Gregory have found a way that works for you. But still the whole thing affects you negatively and makes your lives less easy. I keep my fingers crossed that it turns out to be possible to fight against ATVOD. I hope that Pandora won't lose her business which she has built up with so much energy, her heart and, of course, her money!
