Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Ballgown

On our last Love Our Lurkers Day (or Global Day of Delurk, as we call it here), we let you vote on which of three videos you would like to see. The majority of you voted for the clip Office Discipline, not knowing that it is the one F/M clip among the bunch (then again, we have quite a few F/M fans among the readers of Rohrtock-Palast). We said at the time that we would eventually publish the other two videos as well. Today, we present you with The Ballgown.

This was the runner-up of the LOL Day vote, and a fairly close runner-up, too (6 votes versus 8 for the winner). Gustofur, Hermione, Secret Spanko, Chross, Spearthrower and New one voted for it. Secret Spanko wrote: "I like the idea of disrobing from a classy ballroom gown." And Spearthrower: "Like the ball season in Vienna (spankers' ball sounds great to attend)." Indeed it does.

Well, as it turns out, the special thing about this clip is that it features a caning over the ballgown, so no disrobing (sorry, Secret Spanko). Kaelah is a big fan of corporal punishment over the clothes [I am indeed!] and wanted to do one video like that sometime. I usually prefer to watch CP on the bare, where one can see the spankee's beautiful bottom and the marks in development. [Don't worry, guys, you get to see the marks, anyway, albeit only at the end of the clip. I made sure to edit a long marks sequence for you.] But I too am happy to try something different for a change. So we fulfilled Kaelah's fantasy. This clip does not have any storyline, it is simply a festive caning in festive clothes. [Plus, it features some rope, too!]

The dress is Kaelah's Chinese dress which already turned heads when we visited the 2011 Shadow Lane party in Las Vegas. I got properly suited up as well. We hope that the video will please dress lovers like our friend Peter in particular. And the rest of you will hopefully enjoy it as well. [By the way, the thin fabric of the ballgown didn't offer much protection from the bite of the cane, so there is no need to worry that I didn't feel the sting.]

MP4 format, resolution 720 x 576, 92 MB: link

(Click on "Free Download", wait for the counter to count down, then solve the captcha and download the file.) 


  1. Link blocked - may contain virus - it's a ,exe file

  2. @ Anonymous: I don't know what you are doing to get this warning. My guess is that you have clicked on an advertising banner by mistake.

    Follow the exact instructions I posted above: go to the link in the post and click on "Free Download" (do not click on "Premium Download!" or anything else). Wait for the counter to count down, then solve the captcha and download the file.

    It is an .mp4 video file, not an .exe file. If you get an .exe file somewhere, you are doing something wrong.

  3. That dragon cane obviously packs a punch. Ludwig was not using a great deal of force but the immediate effect was clear. Very nice indeed and good job, well done by Kaelah. Delightful marks which must have lasted a few days. I always enjoyed the early Lupus movies with the Victorian bloomers that did not reveal all. Something to be said for the caning over a ball gown!

  4. Hello,I am a Chinese spanking enthusiast.I much admire you and Kaelah's wonderful kinky play especially Ludwig got heavy strokes towards to Kaelah with quite severity.By the way,I want to know where can download your clip ‘The Final Test’.I really like it.Thanks a million.

  5. sometime has a pre-ticked box which selects a 'download manager' (probably spyware) rather than the actual file. You have to untick it to get the file you want. That's probably what anonymous is seeing. It appears fairly randomly, I don't think there's any pattern.

  6. @ Spearthrower:
    Glad you liked the clip! The dragon cane definitely packed a punch – and the thin fabric of the ballgown didn't offer much protection.

    @ Lavata Jack:
    Welcome, and thank you very much for your kind comment! Pandora has published "The Final Test" for free on her site Darker Dreams: Unfortunately, the site seems to be down right now, but I am quite confident that it will be back in a few days. If you like the clip, you can support Pandora by making a donation or buying a membership for her site Dreams of Spanking where you find one more scene featuring both Ludwig and me plus another one featuring me spanking Pandora.

    @ Mike:
    Thanks a lot for sharing your observation! Obviously Ludwig and I haven't run into that pop-up so far.

  7. Hallo!

    Ich bin ein grosser Fan eurer Videos und folge gespannt eurem Blog :) eine Frage (vielleicht ein bisschen blöde) habt ihr noch mehr deutschsprachige Videos (vorzugsweise OTK), weil die sind im Internet leider sehr rar zu finden.

    Liebe Grüsse und weiterhin viel Spass bei eurer Arbeit :)


  8. A fine addition to Kaelah's caning videos! The marks are well spaced - excellent job over her dress Ludwig. Though she did get to more very convincing acting in the office video - a fun spoof - thanks for both. - Eric

  9. Thank you very much indeed for your blog about the ballgown - my particular perversion ensured that I enjoyed it immensely. Ludwig did well to space the strokes so evenly working blind, so to speak. The long flow of a ballgown is such a natural com-plement to a whippy cane ! - Peter

  10. unfortunately my connection block from this site! very sad!


  11. @ Anton:
    Herzlich willkommen und vielen Dank für Deinen netten Kommentar! Leider haben wir nicht viele Videos auf deutsch, weil wir dann immer Untertitel basteln müssten, was ziemlich aufwändig ist. Außer unserem ersten Video, das ja auf deutsch war, wird es demnächst noch ein weiteres deutschsprachiges geben. Allerdings ist dies das sehr harte Caning-Video von unserem Experiment. Das ist nicht OTK und ich weiß natürlich auch nicht, ob es von der Härte her Dein Geschmack ist.

    @ Eric:
    The marks are indeed great! Ludwig and I plan to make another clip which involves more acting again. Plus, there are the videos which we shot with Pandora and Tom that are also still to be published. Those involve a fantasy storyline and acting, too. So, there is more to come...

    @ Peter8862:
    Very glad you liked the clip, as it was of course inspired by your special fetish! :-)

    @ Klumarer:
    Sorry to hear that you are having difficulties to download the clip. In case it shouldn't work out at all, don't be too sad. It will take a while, but sooner or later we plan to publish the clip on Spanking Tube as well. You can watch it there then.

  12. @ Kaelah

    Danke für deine Antwort :) ok dann bin ich schon gespannt, ich seh mir ab und zu auch gerne harte caning Videos an.

    Könnt ihr mir vielleicht, Seiten mit deutschen Videos empfehlen?

    LG und schönes WE, Anton

  13. @ Anton:
    Freut mich zu hören, dass Dir das harte Caning auch gefallen könnte! Das mit den deutschen Clips ist eine gute Frage. Auf Spankingtube scheinen einige Deutsche zu sein, vielleicht findest Du da auch den einen oder anderen deutschsprachigen Clip. Außerdem könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass deutsche Community-Seiten wie Spankingträume oder Spankingfreunde Dir bei der Suche mit Tipps behilflich sein können.
