Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Got Balls?

4:0! Yes folks, it is once again time for the Football World Championship. Since Germans love football, this means an almost non-stop party here during the upcoming weeks. I felt in the mood to increase the fun even a bit more and therefore decided to re-use an old idea: Increasing the suspense by offering a bet!

As the long-time readers among you know, this isn't the first football bet on this blog. The last one between Niki Flynn and Ludwig didn't end well for the mad king. At least he got to spank Niki with the German flag in return.

This time I would love to make a bet with you, the readers. Which means, not only I have to offer a wager, you have to offer one, too, in case you want to join.

The rules are as follows: The bet will be on the results of the last 16 games of the group stage, on the four semifinal participants and of course the new World Champion. You will get one point for each correct guess of the winning team of one of the games (Team A, Team B or draw), two more points if you predicted the correct number of goals for each team, two points for each correct final four participant and finally four more points if you guessed the new World Champion right. That makes a total number of 60 possible points – which I think fits a spanking blog very well.

To participate just fill in the sheet below and post your guesses in the comment section. In order to play, you have to post the comment under a nickname, so that it is possible for me to reference to the participants when I publish the ranking. And you have to tell us about your personal wager and the stipulations under which you offer it.

Netherlands vs Chile:
Australia vs Spain:
Cameroon vs Brazil:
Croatia vs Mexico:
Italy vs Uruguay:
Costa Rica vs England:
Japan vs Colombia:
Greece vs Côte d'Ivoire:
Nigeria vs Argentina:
Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Iran:
Honduras vs Switzerland:
Ecuador vs France:
Portugal vs Ghana:
USA vs Germany:
Korea Republic vs Belgium:
Algeria vs Russia:

Final Four Teams:

World Champion:

My wager:

You can come up with your very personal ideas, but the wager should of course be somehow related to our kink and to this bet. For instance, you could offer to take a spanking from a play partner should you fail to reach a certain number of points / end up lower than me in the final ranking list / … Or you might offer to write a spanking- and football-related poem or whatever creative wager you might come up with.

Here are my guesses:

Netherlands vs Chile: 2 : 1
Australia vs Spain: 0 : 3
Cameroon vs Brazil: 1 : 4
Croatia vs Mexico: 2 : 1
Italy vs Uruguay: 3 : 0
Costa Rica vs England: 1 : 3
Japan vs Colombia: 1 : 2
Greece vs Côte d'Ivoire: 1 : 3
Nigeria vs Argentina: 0 : 3
Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Iran: 1 : 0
Honduras vs Switzerland: 0 : 2
Ecuador vs France: 1 : 3
Portugal vs Ghana: 3 : 0
USA vs Germany: 0 : 4
Korea Republic vs Belgium: 1 : 1
Algeria vs Russia: 0 : 1

Final Four Teams: Brazil, Netherlands, Argentina, Germany

World Champion: Germany

My wager: I will take a spanking from Ludwig, with one hand smack for each point I end up short of 60, plus one cane stroke for each competitor who ends up higher in the final ranking list than me. You will get to read a report about the scene including pictures. If more than 20 people participate, you will even get a video (this time a very simple one with just one camera, so that the editing won't take too long).

So, got the balls to join? You can make your guesses until Sunday the 22nd 23:59:59 German time. I hope for many participants and lots of fun with lively discussions about the current ranking. Let the games begin!


  1. Very brave of you to make your predictions so early. I think I'll wait until Sunday before I put mine in.

  2. @ Simon:
    I tried to wait as long as possible with my predictions, but I couldn't even wait until every team had played their first match because then the time between the release of the post and the deadline for the bet would have been too short in my view. Realising that no one has participated so far, though, I could obviously have waited a bit longer... I look forward to seeing your predictions. Don't miss the deadline!

    @ All:
    I wonder why nobody has joined so far. Is it a) because the bet is too complicated, b) because one has to offer a wager or c) because everyone is just waiting until the very last minute like Simon? Right now it looks like I neither have to be scared of many cane strokes nor will the scene be captured on video. Well, we will see what happens during the next 50 hours! Maybe some of you will decide to participate after all. I really hope so. Betting is so much more fun with more participants!

  3. Either none of our readers is interested in the World Cup, or they are all cautious like Simon and hedging their bets until shortly before the deadline.

    I was going to wait myself, but decided to post my bet now. Maybe that will draw some people out...

    Netherlands vs Chile: 3 : 2
    Australia vs Spain: 1 : 2
    Cameroon vs Brazil: 0 : 3
    Croatia vs Mexico: 1 : 1
    Italy vs Uruguay: 2 : 1
    Costa Rica vs England: 2 : 1
    Japan vs Colombia: 0 : 2
    Greece vs Côte d'Ivoire: 0 : 1
    Nigeria vs Argentina: 0 : 2
    Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Iran: 0 : 2
    Honduras vs Switzerland: 0 : 1
    Ecuador vs France: 0 : 3
    Portugal vs Ghana: 0 : 2
    USA vs Germany: 0 : 3
    Korea Republic vs Belgium: 0 : 2
    Algeria vs Russia: 1 : 1

    Final Four Teams: Brazil, France, Netherlands, Germany

    World Champion: Netherlands

    (I could have done the patriotic thing and bet on Germany to become World Champion, but that would have been boring insofar as it would have been the same prediction as Kaelah's. So, for the sake of a little diversity, I am betting on the Netherlands.)

    My wager: I will switch to the bottom side once more and take 1 stroke with our nasty little rubber flogger for every point under 60. I took a back whipping with this implement in our video with Leia-Ann Woods, but never more than a few tryout strokes on my bottom, and I am curious what a longer spanking with it would be like. We won't make a video of the scene, but you can get a photo of the marks.)

  4. Okay here we go:
    Netherlands vs Chile: 2 : 1
    Australia vs Spain: 1 : 0
    Cameroon vs Brazil: 0 : 2
    Croatia vs Mexico: 1 : 2
    Italy vs Uruguay: 2 : 2
    Costa Rica vs England: 2 : 2
    Japan vs Colombia: 0 : 1
    Greece vs Côte d'Ivoire: 0 : 2
    Nigeria vs Argentina: 0 : 1
    Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Iran: 0 : 1
    Honduras vs Switzerland: 1 : 1
    Ecuador vs France: 1 : 3
    Portugal vs Ghana: 2 : 1
    USA vs Germany: 1 : 3
    Korea Republic vs Belgium: 0 : 2
    Algeria vs Russia: 0 : 2

    Final Four Teams: Brazil, Netherlands, Argentina, France

    World Champion: Netherlands

    I will take one stroke of the cane for every point under 60 and should Kaelah get a higher score than me an additional stroke for each point more than me she scores. Also should Germany win as she predicts I will take a further 6 of the best. Since my Mistress is Italian I will also take an additional 12 lashes from her flogger on whatever part of body she chooses should Italy win.

  5. @ Simon:
    Wow, that's really brave, you might be in for a long caning! Thanks a lot for participating. Right now it's just the three of us, but there are still a few hours left, so maybe we will find some more players?!

  6. Ah well! It looks like it's just you, me and Ludwig. Are we the only three people with an interest in spanking and the world cup? Perhaps you're right and it was a little complicated, also of course there it will be a long time before we know the result.

  7. Don't worry, Simon, the three of us are going to have a lot of fun, nonetheless! After the first four matches the ranking looks like this:

    1. Kaelah: 7 points (I really scored 3 points two times, yeah!)
    2. Simon, Ludwig: 3 points

    Which means that Simon already earned himself 9 cane strokes, Ludwig 9 strokes with the flogger and I 5 hand smacks. We'll see what today's results will bring!

  8. This time our guesses weren't all that good. Who would have thought that Greece beats Côte d'Ivoire? The new results after day two:

    1. Kaelah: 8 points
    2. Simon: 5 points
    3. Ludwig: 4 points

    That means already 20 whip lashes for Ludwig, 19 cane strokes for Simon and 16 hand smacks for me. At least you are safe as far as the whip lashes are concerned, Simon, since Italy is already out of the tournament...

  9. I'm beginning to think that I'm going to have a very sore bottom shortly after July 13th. 19 strokes already and that's not including the 3 points I'm behind Kaelah. If my current average continues I will be on 38 strokes before we even get to the semi-finals.

  10. It seems that all three of us are going to end up with rather many strokes! Here is the new ranking:

    1. Kaelah: 11 points
    2. Simon and Ludwig: 6 points

    That means 30 strokes for both Simon and Ludwig and 25 strokes for me.

  11. This is exactly the reason I have never been a gambler, a complete inability to forecast anything. I am an anti Cassandra in that whatever I say the opposite happens. My only consolation is that Ludwig appears to be no better at it than me and you are having only marginally more success. At least after tonight's matches we can have a short period when we don't have to worry about accumulating more points.

  12. Oops forgot to put my name on the last comment, sorry.

  13. I'm not very lucky when it comes to gambling, either! We are much closer after the last four games because both Simon and Ludwig got three points one time for an absolutely correct guess. So this is the current ranking.

    1. Kaelah: 13 points
    2. Simon and Ludwig: 11 points

    That means 37 strokes for Ludwig and Simon and 35 strokes for me. We will see who makes it into the semi-finals!

  14. No extra strokes yer for anyone as all of our teams have made it through the "round of sixteen" although none of them were particularly convincing.

  15. Congratulations Kaelah, I make it 25 points for you and 17 for me and Ludwig. Therefore with the extra 8 strokes for the difference it looks like I'm going to get 51 strokes. I will send you a photo once they've been administered.

  16. Cool, I really predicted the final four participants and the World Champion correctly! We had a great party here in Germany. :-)

    As Simon already said, that leads to the following final result and ranking:
    1. Kaelah: 25 points
    2. Simon and Ludwig: 17 points

    That means 35 hand smacks for me and 43 whip lashes for Ludwig. Simon, correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't that make 57 cane strokes for you then? 43 for the points less than 60, 8 for the points I scored higher than you and 6 for the fact that Germany won the championship? I have to admit I almost feel sorry for you, but I also look forward to the photo and the story about your caning!

    @ Stan/E.:

  17. Dear Kaelah and Ludwig,

    I wish I had been reading your blog at the time of the last World Cup. It would certainly have made for some additional interest!

    You must have been disappointed not to have got more bets in response. My memories of what happened are sufficiently vague that the fact that the matches have long been played is not too much of an advantage.

    I am thinking of setting myself up something on these lines. Maybe one cane stroke for each point missed below 60, each point below the eventual winner's score counting double, an extra six if the team I want to see beaten wins the cup(!) and finally an extra stroke of 'interest' for each month between the date the final was played and the date I actually take the strokes! That should get me something comparable with Simon's!

    All I have to do now is make up some predictions before looking at the results....


  18. I have made my predictions. This list gives my predictions in plain type, the real results in italic, and my points score in bold

    Netherlands vs Chile 1-1 2-0 0

    Australia vs Spain: 0-3 0-3 3

    Cameroon vs Brazil: 0-4 1-4 1

    Croatia vs Mexico: 1-2 1-3 1

    Italy vs Uruguay: 2-0 0-1 0

    Costa Rica vs England:1-0 0-0 0

    Japan vs Colombia:1-1 1-4 0

    Greece vs Côte d'Ivoire: 2-0 2-1 1

    Nigeria vs Argentina: 0-3 2-3 1

    Bosnia and Herzegovina vs Iran: 1-0 3-1 1

    Honduras vs Switzerland:0-2 0-3 1

    Ecuador vs France:0-2 0-0 0

    Portugal vs Ghana: 1-0 2-1 1

    USA vs Germany: 0-3 0-1 1

    Korea Republic vs Belgium: 1-2 0-1 1

    Algeria vs Russia: 1-2 1-1 0

    Final Four Teams: Italy, France, Germany, Chile Brazil, Germany, Netherlands, Argentina 2

    World Champion: Germany Germany 4

    Total points - 18

    Since football is not really my sport, I feel that I was not disgraced, coming in just 1 point ahead of Simon and Ludwig. The only result I really remembered was Germany’s win in the final, though, as I looked at the results, I realised there were others I should have remembered.

    Total cane strokes – 42+7+6+6=61. That's 42 short of a score of 60, 7 which count double because they fall short of Kaelah's winning score, 6 because (of course!) I most wanted Germany not to win (sorry, Kaelah!) and another 6 because this debt will be paid not in July but in January 2015 (it may in fact be February!)

    And even that total is depending on my punisher accepting that I really did remember Germany's win - she may think I cheated by reading it in the comments on the blog! Although she is not German, she is a good speaker of the language, so this is actually quite appropriate!

    Oh Simon - you are getting me into an awful lot of trouble...!

    One point - I know that this blog is closing soon - will it be around long enough for me to post a report of how I paid my gambling debts? Certainly no later than the end of February!


  19. @ Ernest:
    Thanks for participating! I look forward to hearing how you paid your debts. :-)
