Friday, February 28, 2014

Kaelah's Corner (Feb 2014):

(Thomas Rowlandson - Midshipman)

It's carnival! In Germany, carnival is of varying importance depending on the region you live in. In Cologne, Düsseldorf and Mainz, for instance, there is one party after the other, often employees get at least one day off and everyday life comes to a halt for several days. In other cities, like Munich, carnival plays a rather minor role. Still, I have seen people dressed up in costumes in the "village of millions" as well.

I haven't planned any carnival-related activities this year, but I have organized carnival parties with a bunch of female friends for some years. Nobody was forced to dress up, but some of the guests did. And we girls chose a motto beforehand and tailored fitting costumes (or, as in my case, paid someone to do the job). We even coreographed a dance for the party, of course also related to the motto. I have to admit that I don't always feel comfortable in all-female company, but we were a really great gang and being part of a group of similarly dressed up women was a lot of fun!

Which brings me to today's topic: Kink and dressing up. While I am not an avid roleplayer, dressing up and costumes still play an important role in my kink. First of all, I definitely have a uniform fetish! And I like spanking scenes to have at least a slight realistic touch to them which is why I prefer the actors to be dressed properly when watching spanking porn. For instance, I favour a realistic school uniform over the sexy variant with a mini-skirt.

If I could choose one costume that I would like to wear for a spanking scene, it would be an 18th century British Royal Navy uniform as shown in the picture above. It would be great to be either subjected to a caning or back whipping wearing that uniform, or to kiss the gunner's daughter. And of course I wouldn't mind to subject a willing victim to the same treatment. You can even buy realistic looking 18th century navy uniforms in some stores. Unfortunately, these uniforms are extremely expensive, so I have refrained from buying one so far. Well, maybe one day...

How about you? Does dressing up play a role in your kink? What would be your favourite costume if you could choose one? How would the scene for which you would use said costume look like? I look forward to reading about your fantasies in the comment section! For now, I wish you a happy carnival season. Alaaf and helau!


  1. Role play is something I have so wanted to do but I am having a hard time convincing Ty to go along with it. I don't like the naughty school girl, nurse, maid or police officer that they sell on most online stores. I want something more realistic. One of these days, Ty will humor me and I bet he will love it.

  2. Kaelah, if you ever buy that uniform, I will jump on a plane and come and shoot with you right away :)

    Glad you enjoyed Carnival!

  3. These days, as you know we have a domestic discipline regime so the only time I get punished now is for real faults. Sorry if that sounds terribly stuff, but its fact.

    However, when I played CP games I used to take the role of stable boy - white shirt, jodhpurs and riding boots. And before punishment (from the cane rather than the crop) I usually had to do some work outside in the yard wearing a heavy pvc raincoat, which meant I got to indulge in my rainwear fetish too. But when i failed to do my work adequately I would suffer badly when the Lady of the Manor would cane me without mercy.

    Like you, I love the naval uniform too - tight-fitting white breeches and long black boots again (there's a common theme for you!). And kissing the gunners daughter has long been a fantasy of mine.

    It comes from being influenced by watching black and white TV as a child, when it seems so many films including CP scenes and rarely a naval film would pass without at least one really good flogging scene. And it always seemed the boy ratings would get a dose of the cane too. Delightful!

    There's comprehensive analysis of British Naval corporal punishment on Colin Farrell's excellent website Corpun.

  4. Back in the days when I used to spank as well as be spanked I delighted in spanking women dressed as schoolgirls, maids and nurses. Like you I preferred uniforms that were realistic rather than "sexy". At that time I didn't really think of getting dressed up myself. When I realised that I was happier being punished than punishing initially I didn't put on any special clothes for my punishment. Then my Mistress and I started getting dressed up for my beatings, me as a schoolboy (not a very convincing one admittedly) and her as a headmistress with a gown and mortar board.Since those tentative attempts at role play I have been punished in a variety of costumes. She likes to dress me in female clothes, not something I had ever considered previously, so I have been spanked and beaten in all the costumes I mentioned above and others. Whilst it not an essential part of the experience I do find that it adds a frisson of excitement to what is already an enjoyable experience.
    Like you I have also enjoyed fantasies about 18th century seafaring although mine tend to revolve around pirates. I am usually an innocent cabin boy on a ship of fearsome lady pirates and I always end up bent over the cannon for a caning or lashed to the mast for a whipping. Unfortunately we do not possess the necessary clothes to act out this scenario but who knows perhaps one day.
    P.S. I think you would look fantastic in a tight midshipmans outfit, bent over for a caning.

  5. During a recent short trip to Hamburg, I came across a store which is specialized in expedition apparel as well as naval uniforms. In front of the store, they had sailor suits on sale.
    I immediately thought: "That's something for Kaelah".
    They have an online store as well. Contact me if you want the details.

  6. I am under the impression that more than half shy away from role play because it's not something they feel comfortable doing. And it's not the role they resist, but just the fear they will fail. I wonder if these people have much fun in life?

    We don't need a uniform. I can put on a suit or tux, Bacall can wear her furs and pearls.

    Have fun in life, we only get one shot.

  7. Kaelah - I'm utterly unconvincing acting a role in c.p. and much prefer a genuinely close rapport with my "bottom". But, as I fear you will guess, to apply cane or whip to a beautifully dressed feminine bottom under gentle restraint, I find exhilarating in the extreme. Soft and shiney to a degree (not too much), delicate and feminine, long and slinky, body-hugging, perhaps in provocative red satin or taffeta, worn by a warm and friendly woman, must be my ultimate stimulant for evening C.P. dress, while personally I settle for shiney running shorts.
    Sorry but you did ask for it !

  8. Do midshipmen have tiny feet? Seems a bit of a disadvantage on a rolling deck!

    Knew a woman who wanted to play as a stowaway re. the "Master and Commander" film. Although it was the
    doctor that apparently floated her boat.


  9. My lovely Kaelah,

    You might say, I have a fetish for uniforms, but don't own a single one.

    A World War II outfit is most appealing, and for my wife, if she were game, she'd be wearing a tight, red cocktail dress, spilt up the sides with more than enough cleavage showing.

    Deliver is everything; I mean one’s lines, of course, so dress rehearsals would be necessary, such a pity.

    Tension and suspense make the scene, naturally, especially if it involves an interrogation with many trick questions, as mine certainly would. I would need an examination table too, upon which my lovely harlot would be tied. A riding crop would be perfect, but predictable, as would silk rope. My subject must be bound, but not gagged; it’s hard to beg and plead that way, the more pleading the better. It makes for great theater. No tears—I hate that—better still would be a vile temper made to bend beneath an accumulation of strokes.

    Now that’s class.

  10. Obviously, we use costumes when playing school (Internat). I am slipping into a school master's robe and mortar board when playing headmaster.

    The girls are wearing typical school uniforms. If we wouldn't dress up, we could never get into the "spirit of things" considering most of the participants being well beyond school years.

    In Spanking Court, the "Personnel" is wearing dark suits, the judges also black robes. The convicts have to slip into orange punishment robes. Here again, there should be at least a ghost of reality hovering over the proceedings. Even if the whole event is aimed solely at providing a nice set of stripes across the bottoms of the "criminals", without some realistic role play, the whole event would be boring.
    Costumes are definitely part of it.

    In Carnival, costume is a "must". Last season in Cologne, I was one of the many Scots. The complete and very nice costume was purchased over the internet and quite cheap. And - of couse - nothing beats an original costume session in one of the big halls in and around Cologne.

  11. @ Blondie:
    I find role playing really difficult, especially with my mate! I think it is easier for me with people who aren't as close to me as he is. Like you, I definitely prefer more realistic outfits. I hope that you and Ty have fun trying out new things!

    @ Pandora:
    If I ever get such a uniform, I will tell you right away! I am sure we would find a great scenario for a clip. :-)

    @ Respecting Mistress:
    Clothing fetishes are great, aren't they? Thank you for sharing your fantasies!

    @ Simon:
    You seem to be a much more experienced role player than Ludwig and me. I keep my fingers crossed that you will get the right clothes for your pirate scenario one day. And thanks for your kind compliment, maybe there will be a picture or clip of me one day bending over for a caning in a Midshipman outfit.

    @ Fenris:
    Wow, that sounds cool. I have planned to write you soon, anyway. It would be great to get more information about that store.

    @ Our Bottoms Burn:
    It seems it doesn't take much to get you and Bacall in the right mood for a spanking. That's great, the less you need to get in the mood, the easier you can have fun together!

    @ Peter8862:
    I am not very good at role playing, either, at least not in an intimate setting. Your dresses are really beautiful, so I can easily understand why they get you in the right mood and make your female play partners feel sexy wearing them.

    @ Vince Reynard:
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I don't seem to be the only woman who is inspired by naval movies then.

    @ Annapurna:
    Seems like you've got a lot of work to do to bring your fantasy role play scenario to life! I can definitely understand that details are important, though, and that you strive for perfection. The dearer a scenario is, the more important it is to get it just right!

    @ Ramon Herzog:
    I absolutely agree with you, getting into the right spirit at a spanking event without at least a minimum of a fitting setting including the clothing would surely be extremely difficult. And I think dressing up is already half the fun. I assume that it would be easier for me to get into character at a bigger (and therefore more formal) event than in an intimate setting featuring only Ludwig and me.

    Carnival in Cologne must be really great! I haven't ever been there but I have been told that it is very special. The Scottish costume must have looked great as well.
