Saturday, August 31, 2013

Kaelah's Corner (Aug 2013):
Creative Fourth

Yes folks, it's true, it's my fourth blogiversary! In August 2009, I published my very first post titled A Very Warm Welcome. That was the beginning of a very exciting journey.

Right now I have to admit that my kink plays almost no role at all in my life, though. It's a difficult time, but also an important one. I'm caught between taking control and letting go. I'm going through grief and fear, yet learning more about how to find peace in life. At times I am surrounded by darkness, but I believe that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. In short, this is a time of change and growth.

Which means that my relationship with Ludwig is changing, too. Because as partners change over time, their relationship has to evolve with them, otherwise they have no future together. The great thing about it: New wonderful things come up as well. Buddhist philosophy and meditation practice might not sound as exciting as, for instance, making kinky video clips. But they are great things to explore together as a couple.

In the spirit of change, I have decided to try something new on my blogiversary. Since suffering and loving kindness are so closely bound together (and since this is of course an erotic spanking blog), I have had the idea that Ludwig and I could write and tape a kinky audio story for you.

And we would like YOU to participate in the creative process!

So, if you want, you can give us a two-word phrase in the comment section, which we will then include in our story. Of course, the phrase should make at least some sense so that the story won't become completely ridiculous. I'm looking forward to reading your creative ideas!

All suggestions which are published up to and including Sunday, September 8th (German time) will be used in the story. Anonymous comments don't count, though. If you don't have a blogger profile you can use the Name/URL option and give yourself a random nickname – there is no URL necessary!

Thank you very much to all of you who have accompanied me (us) during the last four years. Quite honestly, I am not really sure what the future will bring and whether I will ever be back as the avid blogger I once was. Right now, my blogiversary has inspired me to try this creative experiment, though. I'm curious to see how it works out. And then we will find out what comes next.


  1. Can I take part as well? I should think so - I am the original creator of this blog, after all!

    I will start with a hopeful and optimistic note: "joyful dachshund".

  2. Happy blogiversary.

    Phrase - laboured gasping


  3. I have enjoyed all of your posts, even if I did not grasp/grok them all. Happy Fourth.

    I have no clue what you mean in the second paragraph, but may it end soon.

    strenuous grasping

  4. My comment went poof when I pressed Publish.

    Happy Fourth!

    strenuous grasping

  5. Happy 4th year! I greatly enjoy your videos and blog.

    I'd like to add "supreme candor"

  6. Congratulations on 4 th. The 2 word phrase has to 'Kaelah's bottom'

  7. Four years!? I can't believe it! But obviously its true.
    So all my best wishes for both of you during times that are bound to involve frustration, anger, joy and new ventures. Its called life!

    My two words:

    Panties down!

  8. Oh, happy blogiversary, Kaelah!

    Let me add a "foreign schoolboy" to your list.

    Best wishes!

  9. Here's a phrase for your story: "spread wide".

    Happy Fourth!

  10. Happy blogiversary!

    cane strokes


  11. Happy Blogiversary, Kaelah!

    I haven't been around much for your 4th year of blogging, but I look forward to being more attentive during your 5th year.


  12. Thank you all for your kind comments and your suggestions!

    @ Ludwig:
    Of course you are allowed to take part :-). I like your phrase very much and have used it in the story.

    @ Spearthrower:
    Now it is clear where the story will take place!

    @ Spankedhortic:
    Thank you, Prefectdt! Your phrase is noted.

    @ Our Bottoms Burn:
    Don't worry, your first comment didn't get lost. Thank you very much for your kind words and for your phrase.

    @ Gustofur:

    @ MasonPearson:
    There will be knee socks in the story.

    @ Fessee13:
    Thank you very much for your kind words and your special phrase.

    @ Mikewill:
    Thank you! It seems like I will be part of the story then...

    @ Donpascual:
    Yes, it's already four years! Your two words are noted.

    @ Olli:
    Thank you very much. A foreign schoolboy is a sweet idea!

    @ Rich Person:
    Thanks! A challenging phrase. :-)

    @ Bob S:
    I'll overlook the „the“ and take your phrase as two words! ;-) Joking aside, that's definitely a very kinky phrase.

    @ Lea:
    Cane strokes are always welcome! Well, maybe not always... ;-)

    @ Indy:
    It's great to hear from you! I haven't been much around blogland lately, either, so I know how it is when other things in life take over. It would be wonderful to hear more from you again, though. :-)

    @ Eric:
    My first thought was: That's a very nice thing of you to say! But then I realised that it was a phrase for the story. ;-) The deadline was already over when you published your comment, but the phrase fit very easily into my story, so I added it after all.
