Saturday, February 23, 2013

Holiday and Kinky Fun in Hungary

It has really happened! Finally, Ludwig and I had a few days off and took this chance to spend a holiday in Budapest. Most of the time we went sightseeing or simply relaxed. But there was some kink-related fun as well.

First of all, we came across the advertisement which you can see at the top of this post. Obviously, it is about a beer which was offered at a local bar. But honestly, who doesn't get any second thoughts when looking at the half-naked sexy devil pushing out her bottom so seductively? I am quite sure that the marketing manager who developed this advertisement must be one of us!

I had asked Ludwig to write an e-mail to Pedro, the Mood Pictures producer, and ask him whether he would like to meet us. We had planned to meet before, when Pedro was visiting Germany, but it had never worked out. This time it did, though, and we met for a lovely dinner.

I joked to Pedro that every time I visit an Eastern European country (Eastern from the German perspective; as Pedro rightfully pointed out, Hungary and the Czech Republic are of course in Central Europe), I end up in the car of an infamous porn producer. In Prague it had been the car belonging to Thomas Marco from Lupus Pictures. The funny thing is, while Ludwig has of course been a guest top for both, Lupus and Mood, I haven't ever worked for either producer.

Pedro is well aware that the videos which Mood produce aren't really my cup of tea. The wonderful thing about him, though, is that – in contrast to many of those who condemn Mood Pictures – Pedro is very well aware that preferences can differ and that only those should buy their products to whose kink the videos cater and who enjoy them. And despite of not being personally interested in, for instance, M/M scenes or funny scenes, Pedro showed a great interest in which kinds of scenes and videos I like and how kink works for me.

So we had not only a nice dinner together, but also a wonderful chat. We talked a lot about kink, of course, but also about movies, Star Wars (Pedro is a fan, big plus for him in my book!), politics and the like. The legal situation which Elite Pain and Mood are facing was explained by Pedro as well. Ludwig is going to give you a complete update about that soon in a separate post. Hours went by in the blink of an eye. Pedro for me is now filed under the label huge, intelligent and friendly teddy bear. Despite all that, most Mood Pictures videos would probably still scare me. But, as Pedro put it, that simply means that I don't belong to their target group, nothing more and nothing less.

We had asked Pedro to
either bring us some of the infamous canes which they use at Mood Pictures or tell us where we could buy them, because like the canes one typically gets in Germany those are peeled and medium thick, but they are slightly heavier which makes them very good to handle. We used such a cane during our very first play and for my first really severe caning. Unfortunately, I broke it some time later while practising my caning technique. Sadly, the shop which sold the canes doesn't exist any more and the Mood crew now has to find other canes for their clips as well. So, Pedro could neither give us one of the old canes nor recommend a shop where we could get them.

Still, he brought us a different type of cane as a gift. It was a rather long, medium thick, unpeeled one. Ludwig and I tried it out when we were still in Budapest on the day before Valentine's Day. I had found a nice new corsage in a shop for only about 11.50 Euro (I tried on two pieces and took one home, that's how I like my shopping tours), and we used the opportunity not only for trying out the cane, but also for taking some lovely pictures. You will get to see those soon. Here is one preview picture, though, which doesn't fit the theme of the others because it shows me in a toppy pose. So this is for all those among you who are into female tops. You can also already catch a glimpse of the cane in this shot.

On Valentine's Day, Ludwig and I went on a wonderful sightseeing trip. Instead of buying each other presents, we decided to have a lovely special dinner which we both enjoyed very much. So, for us there is no need to have a separate Valentine's Day and a Steak and Blowjob Day. We simply try to make sure that we are both having a good time each day.

Ludwig told me a few days after our trip that I finally appear to be happier and calmer again. I guess it shows how strongly needed the holiday was. The time was too short to generate a longer-lasting effect, though, I fear. Thus I hope that we will have the opportunity to travel again for some days pretty soon. And who knows which kind of kinky adventures might await us then?


  1. Very nice picture. It sounds like it was a lovely holiday and much needed break!

  2. Great that you guys got a break from whatever stressful endeavor's you are involved with.

    I think you meant corset instead of corsage? Anywho, it's quite good looking on you and I see you as what you are - a switch. So while your finger is directing me over your lap, I can equally imagine your backside in that corset.

  3. @ Lea:
    Thank you! The holiday was indeed much needed. :-)

    @ Our Bottoms Burn:
    That's the great thing about being a switch. The pictures showing my bottom will be featured in a separate post.

    As for the corsage / corset: I was referring to another meaning of the word corsage, the one we usually refer to when using the word in Germany. In English, corsage usually seems to be referring to a small bouquet of flowers. But it can also refer to the article of clothing on which the flower was originally worn. As, for instance, this Wikipedia article explains, a corsage is almost like a corset (which is why the two are often confused nowadays) but a corset is tighter. That means that – in contrast to a corsage – a corset has the ability to change the body shape.

  4. I have some fond memories of Budapest visits (although they where vanilla trips), especially the first on in 1992, when it was still very communist influenced. I can imagine that you two had a good time there.

    that is a very toppy picture as well :)


  5. I am glad that you had some much needed time off together.

    Also, beautiful photo of you in a corset with nice stockings.

    The Mood videos are very severe. I guess the cane is a little thicker than a Junior cane and long.


  6. Dear Kaelah,

    I must be slipping: I saw the Ördög bottle, had a sudden thirst for dark beer, but missed the enticing female devil entirely. I didn’t make the same mistake, however, with your lovely, corseted image; how could I ignore the slender cane and your finger pointing to your thigh. Toppy, yes, but in a very delightful and elegant way I must say.

    I’ve been away, but now I’m back, and I’m so glad to be greeted by your delightful account of Ludwig and you in Budapest. I’m only slightly envious of your trip, but maybe I’m lying? I’m a lot envious.

    My wife has recently returned from a trip to Germany and Austria where she visited her sister who lives in Siegen. While Siegen is not Central Europe, where else can one walk and see so much beauty, so much art? Maybe she and I will retire there; if so, I must get started right away on my German, which, I’m sorry to say, has languished these past few years.

    Take care,


  7. Thank you for the fun account of a fun trip, Kaelah - I'm glad it helped perk you up a little. Just reading about the relaxing (and exciting) time you had has perked me up. And it's always interesting to hear a bit about the people behind famous names like Mood.

    Mega sexy picture! I'd very much like to go over that lap. Really looking forward to seeing the rest of the set :D

  8. Glad you found time to have dinner with Pedro, Kaelah. One is too likely to wrongly pigeon-hole such personalities if one just relies on the written word. But I'm glad you weren't persuaded to become a Mood bottom. Yours is much too pretty.

  9. So glad you found time to have dinner with Pedro, Kaelah. It's too easy to misleadingly pigeon-hole such personalities if you don't meet them. But I'm also glad you weren't persuaded to play a Mood btm. Yours is much too pretty by far.

  10. @ Spankedhortic:
    Budapest is a very beautiful city indeed! Glad you like the picture as well. :-)

    @ Joey:
    We had a lovely time in Budapest. Thank you for your nice compliment on the photo. :-)

    The cane is indeed very long, I am sure the other pictures are going to show that even better. I am not so familiar with the usual thickness of junior and senior canes, but I think your guess about the thickness of our cane is correct.

    @ Annapurna:
    Welcome back! Thank you for your kind compliment. I hope you will have a chance to go on a nice holiday trip with your wife soon, too. There are indeed many beautiful places in Austria as well as in Germany. I don't think you will get any Ördög, but both countries have very good beer, too. :-)

    @ Penny:
    Thank you very much for your lovely compliment! I'm happy that the post perked you up. The rest of the photo set will be published soon.

    @ Peter:
    Don't worry, I don't think that Pedro has any reason to persuade me to bottom in one of their videos! I am quite sure that they have enough models who want to work for them and who are less complicated than I am (regarding limits like no frontal nudity and no severe scenes without several breaks).

    That said, I am convinced that if I worked for Mood, I would be in safe hands. When I told Pedro that I need breaks during severe scenes, he instantly replied that their models get breaks, too, which are of course cut out in the final video. Their new safeword policy (more about that in Ludwig's post on the subject) sounds very good as well. And I would only ever do such a severe scene with Ludwig as the top, anyway, which means I could be sure about the accuracy, too. I have to say that these aspects really made me think whether there would be any chance to make a video together one day. Still, I guess that most of the storylines wouldn't be my cup of tea, plus I would be scared of delaying the whole production process by needing too many and too long breaks. That's why I assume that it is maybe better for me not to try it.

    Finding good tops seems to be more difficult, anyway! Co-topping with Ludwig would of course be great, but I am not sure whether I would be the right person for that, either. First of all, I don't have so much experience, and secondly, I don't know whether I would feel comfortable playing so hard with women whom I don't even know well. I have to admit that it would be easier for me if the bottoms were men. :-)

    However, the idea of participating in a Mood video didn't come up during our conversation, anyway. We had a lovely time and a very nice talk, though!
