Friday, February 15, 2013

Ban Porn – Save Our Women And Children!

You are here because the title of this post caught your interest? Great! Or maybe you are here because you want to look at the spanking porn on this blog? If so, shame on you! You are responsible for long-term damage to children and sexual violence against women. That's what the government of Iceland has found out.

You might tell me now that scientific studies conducted in the EU and in the US indicate that it is highly unlikely for children to stumble across pornography online without having explicitly searched for it and that the vast majority of the few children who do accidentally come across porn doesn't suffer any shock, either. But, are you sure? Since the argument that porn must be banned because it is dangerous for children has been repeated so many times by so many different people, there must be some truth to it, right?! Don't let those filthy scientists (who might already be corrupted by their own sexuality and porn) get in the way of the protection of our children! Oh, and don't even bring up cyber nannies and all that stuff. These softwares might be widely available, easy to configure and use and some of them even free of charge, but they would require parents to actively make an effort looking after their children, and invest entire minutes of their time. We can't expect them to do that, can we?

As for the women: The government of Iceland is supported by a professor of sociology and women’s studies from Boston named Gail Dines who is an anti-porn activist and says that porn harms the women who appear in it and violates their civil rights. She is a professor and a woman, so she must know best! Men who appear in porn are obviously not harmed, since they are not mentioned, but that's logical, isn't it? After all, men are strong and can look after themselves whereas women are more delicate and therefore need our protection and care. Women in porn might even think that what they do there happens consensually and out of their free will, but we know it better, don't we?

That's why the government of Iceland plans to ban online porn. Porn magazines are already prohibited, but until now the internet has still threatened children and women through the presentation of brutal, unloving sexual acts. Soon, after a Chinese-style firewall will have been installed, that huge danger will be eliminated. Hooray! And, as a positive side effect, women won't have to worry about their husbands watching porn any more. I am sure Iceland will be a much safer and happier country afterwards.

If my arguments haven't already been enough to convince you, let's take a look at what happens to people who come into contact with porn. Take me for an example. I am a soft, delicate woman, but instead of fighting for women's civil rights like Professor Dines, I have been so corrupted by porn that I even decided to participate in writing a blog about it. What's worse, I have published fetish pictures and videos and enjoyed it! Some days ago, I even had dinner with an infamous producer of porn that involves poor women getting beaten. And you know what? I liked him and thought that he resembled a very friendly and intelligent huge teddy bear (more about that in another post). I am obviously a very confused woman who clearly has forgotten who is the enemy. That kind of corruption must be avoided at all costs, don't you think?

And, since the importance of free speech and personal choice is highly overrated, anyway, I have some more suggestions: When I was a child, even at an older age, I was very easily disturbed by all kinds of TV films. For some reason, I never came across any disturbing porn, but I couldn't watch thrillers, I got scared if someone died in a family series and I even remember a Mickey Mouse episode set in a clock tower which caused me nightmares. So, please widen the ban, Iceland, there is much to do: films, songs, books, news magazines – the majority of them depict some kind of violence which can disturb innocent children! And adults spend too much time with them, anyway. What's worse, these evil instruments can lead people to believe in having their own opinions and taking free decisions on how to live their lives. They might even come across studies which prove that all of your talk about porn, disturbed children and violence against women is total nonsense and only a cheap attempt of covering your real intent, which is to force your own conservative, fear-driven, anti-carnal sexual mores on others.


  1. When I was a little boy I watched Snow White in the cinema. It frightened me to death and my parents had to take me out. I had nightmares for years after. Most porn disgusts me so I don't look at it. I might start and then just turn it off or go to something else. I DO think porn in the form of sexy nudes in newspapers and magazines at child level are not a good idea but the Internet has to be searched to find it and there are things like NetNanny. Anyhow what the hell are kids doing with unrestricted unsupervised access to the Internet? Porn is not the only danger to them. In Britain we had a woman government minister who wanted to ban prostitution to "protect the girls". The thought that actually pushing it further underground into the criminal world might leave them in more danger seemed never to have crossed her mind. They are all the new Puritans but devoid even of love of God merely loving some vague poilitical correctness.
    Old Tom

  2. The only porn I buy is that featuring Mistress Michelle of Berlin.
    She uses men as toilets and she is very good.
    Vanilla porn though is quite boring, and will soon die.

  3. The Nanny state knows what is best for you.

    Dear God I am emigrating
    Old Tom

  5. @ Old Tom:
    Welcome, and thank you very much for your comments! I am not sure whether the news article about the UK following Iceland really has to worry you, though, because the "expert" who is quoted there is that anti-porn professor who also supports Iceland in their process of banning porn (Iceland has also banned strip clubs and the like, which shows that this has absolutely nothing to do with the protection of children). I hope that said professor hasn't as much influence on the British government as she might like to have. Some of the comments posted by the readers of the article you linked to were actually worrying, though. There really seem to be quite some prude, anti-carnal people out there who would love to use whatever pseudo-argument they might get in order to force their mores on others and get rid of the things which frighten them. Fortunately, there were some rather critical comments as well, so let's hope that reason will win over hysteria.

    @ Anonymous:
    I actually don't think that vanilla porn will ever die out because it has a lot of fans. That's the good thing about freedom of choice: different people can choose different things which cater to their different tastes. I don't know Mistress Michelle, but I read a few comments written by her on a forum and she seemed to be a nice and intelligent woman. Personally, I am not into films that depict men being used as toilets, but as long as the models have given their informed consent and are treated and paid well I have no problems with such videos.

    @ Our Bottoms Burn:
    Unfortunately it seems so (or at least that's what the Nanny state thinks)... :-(

  6. Where I live, any type of impact play aka spanking is technically illegal. Banning something isn't going to stop anyone from doing it, much less thinking about it. If anything, it brings more attention to it leading others to see what the big fuss is about. Thought police disturb me.

  7. @ Lea:
    Thank you for sharing your experiences! I wasn't aware that impact play is theoretically prohibited where you live. You are right, though, I don't think that prohibitions can keep adults from engaging in consensual private acts that don't affect anyone in a negative way. Still I find it very sad that consensual erotic acts are criminalised in certain countries and areas. And I think that the whole anti-carnal, "sex is evil" attitude does a lot more harm to children and adults than even the most tasteless consensual porn could ever do.

  8. I'm with you! I must admit I have been curious seing all kind of porn at some point. The pictures I make in my Blog are often pervy and sadistic, but there is a WORLD between this and who I am in real life, who won't kill an insect and is cautious not to force anyone to anything.

    I think in many cases these online S/M pictures even have some therapeutic virtues

    Cheers! : )


  9. @ Alex:
    Welcome and thank you very much for your comment! The difference between (kinky) fantasies and reality is indeed an important one. Unfortunately some people can't distinguish the two.
