Thursday, October 4, 2012

Do You Have an Inclination for BDSM?

A while ago, Bogey made a post about an online quiz titled Do you have an inclination for BDSM?. Of course, the general answer to that question is clear in my case, so no need to take the test. But the quiz does not only tell you whether you are kinky or not, it gives you a nice overview of your inclinations towards specific directions of kink. That's what I find very funny about the quiz, and so Ludwig and I decided to take the test as well. And here are our results, accompanied with some comments:

I scored as a switch. My complete results are:
Switch 86%:
Not really surprising for any reader of this blog, is it?
Masochist 82%:
That didn't surprise me, either. Masochist for me doesn't mean that I am into extreme pain or that I like any kind of pain. But in the context of spanking, the pain plays a crucial role for me. Without it, a scene isn't real.
Bondage 75%:
This is something I don't write about a lot, but something you might have realised from my picture posts. I love restraints almost as much as spanking. Being bound is extremely sexy to me and it gives me a feeling of great freedom.
Exhibitionist / Voyeur 61%:
Hmm, I write a blog about my sexual fantasies and I post pictures and videos. Who would have thought that I have an exhibitionistic streak? I think I am even more of an exhibitionist than a voyeur. Poor Ludwig has made his experiences with that, especially when I insist on taking kinky pictures outside or at public places.
Sadist 50%:
Yeah, scream for me, bitch! Oops. Ahem, yes, I guess I have an affectionate kinky sadistic streak.
Experimental 50%:
I assume I am less open for experiments than some of my fellow kinksters. But I would say I am more adventurous than the average person.
Dominant 43%:
Being a dachshund, I am a natural pack leader. Okay, just kidding. But I am indeed more dominant than submissive. For me, dominance doesn't mean controlling anyone's real life, though. It is just about control in an erotic context. And even then, the control doesn't have to be about denying my partner anything or making him do anything for me. What gives me the biggest kick is being the one who is in control during erotic play and making Ludwig melt by giving him pleasure (and the occasional spanking). Reactions of pleasure are as good for me as reactions of struggling during a spanking.
Degradation 36%:
I love degradation in one context only: Very explicitly sexual scenes with my mate. And even then, most things only happen in my head. Those things can be very hot, though.
Submissive 25%:
There's not much to say about this part. I have written about it several times. I am a bedroom submissive only. Which means I am only submissive in sexual play and even then only in a context in which I derive pleasure from a scene as well.
Vanilla 21%:
Hey, what do you mean with "pervert", huh? Missionary style sex can be very nice as well from time to time. And maybe one day, when Ludwig and I are in a really experimental mood, we might even switch the lights off and leave our socks on.


So much for my results. I am handing over to Ludwig, who scored as a switch as well.
Switch 93%:
As every long-time reader of this blog knows, I am a switch. Not an "even" 50 / 50 switch, because I play much more regularly as a top than as a bottom, but playing on the bottom side from time to time is very important to me.
Sadist 71%:
Sadism, not dominance, is the core of my kink. I enjoy inflicting pain much more than I enjoy being in control or forcing my will on someone.
Masochist 68%:
Seeing this category rate so highly is probably the biggest surprise of the test for me – according to the test at least, I am almost as much of a masochist as I am a sadist. Well, given that I usually go for pretty hard thrashings when I switch, there might be truth in this.
Experimental 61%:
I do enjoy trying things out, but I think the result is a little too high – I don't consider myself more inclined towards experimentation than Kaelah. I think I am more curious about watching new things than about trying out new things.
Exhibitionist / Voyeur 57%:
I'm a spanking video buff, which is a form of voyeurism. This category should probably be higher for me, but it isn't because voyeurism is lumped together with exhibitionism, and I am somewhat less of an exhibitionist. I think the two should be rated separately. They are quite different fetishes.
Dominant 46%:
As I wrote above, this is a less pronounced aspect of my "toppy-ness" than sadism. It is fun to be in charge every once in a while, though, in a dominant roleplay.
Bondage 46%:
I find bondage interesting enough, especially when restraints are used in combination with corporal punishment. But it is not one of my core kinks on its own.
Degradation 21%:
Thrashing someone and inflicting pain on them is, for me, a form of enoblement, not degradation. I dislike practices and scenarios that are strongly degrading, and prefer those where the spankee can maintain some dignity even under adverse circumstances.
Submissive 18%:
No, I guess I am not very submissive at all, even when I switch.
Vanilla 14%:
Well, I'm definitely more kinky than vanilla. Then again, it's not like I don't enjoy good old-fashioned vanilla sex at all. This should probably be a little higher.

We are curious to hear about your results. Do you have an inclination for BDSM? And if not, what the heck are you doing here?


  1. I have taken that quiz, and I must admit, it annoys the hell out of me. So many of the questions are phrased in a black/white way, with no room for nuance. I suppose that's why we had five choices between Strongly Agree and Strongly Disagree, but I found in many cases that none of those options really worked.

    That said, the quiz claimed I am 50% Switch. Say WHAT??? In what universe?

    They did get one thing spot on, however. Degradation: 0%. :-)

  2. I don't waste money on sites without pain.
    They are a joke.

  3. I took the quiz, but I said PFFFT. Disagreed. It called me a vanilla. Obviously wrong! :D And yes, I agree with Erica that the test has no nuance.

    I'm me. :D

  4. I took the test, I'll put the results up on my blog in due course.
    (The idea of Kaelah in just her socks is really appealing.)
    I don't think these kind of tests really tell you anything you did not already know, but they can fun.

  5. I took the quiz as well. I scored 100% submissive,but very high as a sadist, about 70%. That one confused me.

    I know I am kinky. Do not need a test for that.

    Thanks for sharing.


  6. I took the test and I came out 71% switch. That may be true. The rest: Experimental: 57% Say what?! I don't think so. Maybe around 25%.
    Vanilla: 46% I think I am more than that.
    Masochist: 32% close.
    Dominant: 21% I think I am more than that, but the test asked the wrong questions.
    Submissive: 11% I may like to be spanked, but submissive? No.
    Sadist: 4% I may be a switch, but I would not enjoy inflicting pain just to hurt someone.
    Exhibitionist/voyeur: 4% This is low because I am not an exhibitionist. I am probably around 35% voyeur.
    Degradation and bondage both rated 0% Right on!

  7. Oops, I didn't expect so many people to take that test (at least partly) seriously!

    Just to clarify that, I don't believe that the quiz results can really be used in order to describe anyone's kink accurately, neither do I think that anyone really needs to take a test like that in order to learn more about their kink. It's just a funny pastime and the results can either be surprisingly accurate, like in Ludwig's and in my case or funnily wrong (like in Bogey's case who joked about having scored 50 percent vanilla).

    Of course the questions don't leave lots of room for nuance, but this is a common method, even for real questionnaires (like the MBTI test), not only for fun games like this. I don't think that one should take the final percentages too seriously, either. I would say the final order of the different kinks is much more important than the percentages. And, the result doesn't have to be 100 percent or 0 percent in order to show that one is or isn't interested in a certain form of kink.

    So, in short, it's just a fun game, please don't take it too seriously and don't have a bad time because of it!

    @ Erica:
    As I wrote above, not leaving much room for nuances is quite common even for real tests (this is just a fun game in my view, not a real test). And I think you are right, this is what the five categories are for (with the middle category meaning neither – nor).

    50 percent switch, huh? Better don't tell anyone or there might be a huge line of people in front of your door who want to be spanked by you! ;-) 0 percent degradation, that's really impressively accurate! I assume you scored as a masochist (since you are not really submissive)?

    @ Ana:
    So, you are vanilla, huh? Now that is a revelation! ;-)

    On a serious note, I guess this even makes a bit sense, given that the test is very sex-oriented and doesn't really cover non-sexual spanking scenarios. Maybe you should set up a new test for that purpose. :-)

    @ Fred Bloggs:
    I'm glad that someone really took the test as the funny pastime that it was meant to be! I am looking forward to reading about the revealing results! ;-)

    @ Joey:
    Hmm, maybe you can use that for your mean face as the Spanking Wizard of Halloween? Just remember a test told you that you are a real sadist when you try to threaten people with your mean face. ;-) And of course you don't need a test in order to know that you are kinky. You are not only kinky, you are even writing a kinky blog! :-)

    @ Bobbie Jo:
    Sounds like the test results were quite accurate in your case. Hey, you are a switch and you read kinky blogs and even comment on them! I think that passes as being quite open to experiments. :-)

  8. The test is more fun than accurate, but it does confirm tenancies.

    "I love restraints almost as much as spanking. Being bound is extremely sexy to me and it gives me a feeling of great freedom."

    It's interesting, a conundrum, that being bound makes one free. I can only see the obvious, that being bound, having your freedom taken away suppresses any self assigned guilt and allows you to experience what you really want. Does that make a whit of sense?

    You: For me, dominance doesn't mean controlling anyone's real life.....
    Ludwig: I enjoy inflicting pain much more than I enjoy being in control or forcing my will on someone.
    A good match and the same for us.

    PS I like that rope matches your undies. Grin.

  9. I'm unsure how the math works out on the survey... but I think it's a cute and kinky test! I loved reading your responses to each of the results!


  10. Kaelah -- you're right, Masochist was the top score! Followed by Exhibitionist. :-D

  11. I usually find tests/surveys/polls stunningly inconclusive. And it was! But so fun. Thanks :)

  12. My results:
    100 % Switch
    96 % Experimental
    79 % Masochist
    71 % Bondage
    61 % Submissive
    61 % Sadist
    46 % Dominant
    43 % Exhibitionist / Voyeur
    39 % Degradation
    21 % Vanilla

    Guess I can call myself an officially certified switch, now.

  13. I don't take these things very seriously at all, but this was surprisingly accurate, at least for identifying my strongest impulses.

    My top four were switch (100%), experimental (86%), masochist (86%), and sadist (61%). These were followed by (in order): submissive, bondage, dominant, vanilla, exhibitionist/voyeur and, last, degradation.

    The only category that seemed out of whack (so to speak) to me was exhibitionist/voyeur. I think that's because the questions were all about sex, rather than spanking. I've never wanted to be watched having sex, but I'm not above playing to an audience while spanking or being spanked.

    Thanks to you and bogey both for the amusement!

  14. This is how mine turned out-

    Switch 75%
    Submissive 64%
    Experimental 57%
    Bondage 54%
    Masochist 50%
    Sadist 32%
    Degradation 29%
    Vanilla 25%
    Dominant 21%
    Exhibitionist/Voyeur 4%

    I didn't need a quiz to tell me the last one. Lol. I'm extremely uncomfortable being watched in intimate situations, sexual or spanking, anything really. And I feel like a creep watching other people. At parties I try to wander around and have a conversation so I'm not just standing there watching a scene going on.

    In a spanking scene, I'm not at all a switch either. But as you said in your comment, this addressed mostly sexually oriented questions which doesn't necessarily translate to actual BDSM activities. Interesting, nonetheless.

  15. @ Our Bottoms Burn:
    I know that the combination of restraints and the feeling of freedom that goes along with them can be rather difficult to understand. I think I couldn't have imagined it before I had tried it, either. Let me try to explain it: I think the point is that restraints officially give me the right to focus on myself only. Under normal circumstances my mind is always busy with planning something. But when I am bound (and, even better, blindfolded as well), my body and my mind know that it's time to relax, to let go of all responsibilities for a while and to focus on the wonderful sensations only. And in this sense, being bound makes me feel free. Apart from that I find restraints very aesthetic and sexy which gives the whole thing another positive note. ;-)

    @ SpankCake:
    Glad you liked it! :-)

    @ Erica:
    Exhibitionist? You? What a revelation! ;-)

    @ Emen:
    I think fun is the most important thing when it comes to tests like this one. :-)

    @ Fenris:
    100 %? You are indeed a certified switch now. :-) And you seem to be very experimental, too! It's interesting that your masochistic streak seems to be stronger than your sadistic streak, though. Is that result accurate?

    @ Indy:
    Another 100 % switch! Seems like you all have a much stronger inclination for BDSM than me. ;-) You are right, the questions that related to the exhibitionist/voyeur category were indeed very much about sex. I think it is safe to say that you definitely are an exhibitionist/voyeur when it comes to spanking. :-) I'm glad that you had some fun with the quiz.

    @ Lea:
    It's indeed interesting that you scored as a switch (but I guess you are absolutely right that this depends very much on the questions)!

    Well, maybe your masochistic streak will make you switch more often in the future? I mean, because of the wonderful pain in the hand (and the marks which you can show around afterwards). ;-)

  16. @ Kaelah:
    I think it is pretty accurate although it depends on the situation, the people involved and other factors.
    I really have a lot of kinky exploration to do to be sure about my inclinations. Or maybe inclinations can change, over time.
    Overall, I don't think that inflicting pain itself in a consensual erotic scenario is my main kink. My sadistic and masochistic inclinations are almost purely based on CP and spanking and the accompanying rituals. Other ways of inflicting or receiving pain (e.g. needle play) are not interesting for me.

  17. @ Fenris:
    I am absolutely with you about the appeal of rituals! And I look forward to hearing how your preferences turn out and change as your journey continues. :-)

    @ Fred Bloggs:
    Your post is very funny, thanks for sharing! Apart from the exhibitionist/voyeur category, the results seem to have been quite accurate in your case.

  18. Sorry to comment two weeks late; I am behind with my blog reading!

    I just wanted to say that I loved your articulation of the feeling of freedom that bondage gives you, Kaelah: really beautifully put and words that I can totally relate to.

  19. @ Penelope:
    I can absolutely relate to your problem of being behind with blog reading (and commenting, as you can see from my late reply)! Thank you for your kind comment. :-)
