Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kinky Hotel: The Swimming Pool

During our trip to the US and to Shadow Lane, Ludwig and I found some sweet spots in our hotels that invited us to take some sexy / kinky pictures. I'm going to show you the first set of them today. Of course, having an outdoor pool in the sun is always great. Especially if it isn't overcrowded!

For me, swimming is a wonderful exercise. It makes me feel refreshed and it is a good workout at the same time. But of course, one can also have a lot of fun fooling around in a pool. Ludwig and I did both, swimming lanes and making fun.

One activity to irritate your swimming partner which I can highly recommend is forming a triangle with your hands and starting to hum the musical theme of Jaws while chasing the other person, pretending to be a shark. The only risk: I nearly drowned because I laughed so hard when I chased Ludwig and the same thing happened to me when he turned the tables and started hunting me...

Swimming pools are of course also nice places for kinky play and common settings for spanking clips. Girls and boys in swimming suits are always a favourite. Unfortunately, real action was out of question in our hotel pool since there were too many people around. But at least we managed to take a few quick snapshots when we were alone for a short while.

A spanking under water might have gone unnoticed, but, well, due to the water resistance it doesn't really work. That's why spanking storylines involving a swimming pool usually only start there while the spankings take place on the edge or somewhere outside of the pool. Underwater spanking could provide a good workout for the spanker, though. Maybe it's an idea for a new sports trend?

Have you made any experiences with pool spankings in private play? In a private or even in a public pool? And has anyone of you managed to spank someone in the pool itself (with or without any tools)?


  1. Lovely pictures. We had a pool back when we lived in Arizona and were able to get in quite a few spankings there. Don't have a pool here in Florida, but we do get to house sit for family that does... and we certainly take advantage, ;) Have had some fun in hotel pools, but like you point out privacy is a big issue. Even vanillas get silly on vacation though, so not much is made of a light and playful spanking given over a swimsuit. We did a GREAT 'pool spanking' in Orlando under a waterfall... with 200 or 300 people looking on, lol. Here is a post we did about it:


    Really do enjoy the more private opportunities. A bare bottom spanking given right out of the pool... can't beat that.

    ~Todd and Suzy

  2. Your bottom sure did brighten my morning. Thanks.

  3. Impressive views...no matter which way one takes it. I've been amusing myself floating through your blog, Ludwig. I'm not sure how - or from where - but I came across you 'getting yours' on Niki for the - ahem - cattle prod incident a few days ago, and have since read the story concerning April Fool's Day, "Bonzai", and the fact that cute, sweet, Niki has a very dark, evil little heart!

    (Don't you dare deny it Niki...LOL! Woman to woman - spanko to spanko - don't even deny it. We all do - an' we lyin' like a rug iffen we claim we ain't.)

    (Sorry - I've read too much Terry Prachett with his use of dialects, and that tendency just pops out now and then. Honest.)

    Anyways...Ludwig dear - I think you were had but good. I'm rather impressed, actually - with Niki, that is. Hollywood just doesn't know what they're missing!

    Time to scoot..this being bloody long for a comment - ought to get one of my own if I'ma ramble that much!

    (P.S. I laughed hysterically over the "Miracle Whip" incident. I'm American (blame the English tendencies on a Turkish-born, German-educated fiance. I do.) Said fiance and I have had *several* such confusions - he speaks English better than I do sometimes - but it *is* his fourth language. He had a fit one day when I said I was going to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich, and lectured me for a good 15 minutes about eating garbage and empty calories and being good to what is his...you get the idea. I had *no* bloody clue what he was going on about - until I realized that he had confused "jello" and "jelly"...LOL!)

  4. @ Lady J: Welcome to the blog. Quite a few new readers still come in through Spanking Tube, even though the clips I made with Niki Flynn are now several years old. It's nice to see that people are still watching and reading the old stuff, but it almost feels like someone else's life from where I am today.

    Niki retired from the Scene in 2009 and has moved on to other things. We are still good friends, but she is no longer a public figure and I won't talk about her here. Also in 2009, and even more importantly, I met my partner Kaelah. We have had a very happy and loving relationship ever since, and we write the blog together now. Actually, she has been writing it mostly by herself this year, with me busy with other things. But I will be back very soon.

    So, as you can see, many things have changed in the brave new world of Rohrstock-Palast. But if you liked the old posts and video clips, then I trust that you will like the new ones as well. Happy reading!

  5. You are to be congratulated on your good fortune, sir. Not only is Kaelah beautiful, funny, and willing to let you release your sadistic urges on her - not only does she obviously adore you - but she's even writing your blog for you. Impressive!

    It may have been a video that drew me here (it wasn't SpankingTube - I only found "Comeuppance" there *after* I found your blog); though it's only been a few days, I don't recall. But it was the philosophy, not the pictures, that caught my attention. (That's mah story an' I'm stickin' to it...LOL!) I had always thought that women were more drawn to the...inner workings of this particular (perhaps any? my knowledge on others is seriously limited). Admittedly, that's based on the fact that woman *generally* enjoy stories, and want videos to have that extra something, whereas men "generally* are just happy to look at their topic of choice and don't need the frills.

    (One only needs to watch porn to get *that* idea...sheeeeesh. And while I know *you* will see the "generally" - everyone else, please take note before jumping me. T'is my own fault for making such a sweeping generalization, I know, but still!)

    Anyways..discovering that this was not, in fact, always the case was rather interesting. A man - speculating on the internal workings of such things? Damn. T'was unusual enough to catch my eye. And while I don't have the time to indulge myself fully, I have been skimming some of your articles (and Kaelah's). I love intellectual debate at least as much as spanking, so watch your inbox - I'm sure I'll come across *something* I disagree with eventually...heh.

  6. @ Todd & Suzy:
    Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences! Sitting a house with a pool sounds really cool. That way you don't have all the work that comes along with having a pool but you can use one from time to time. And a pool spanking under a waterfall with so many viewers sounds fantastic as well. The pictures look like you had a lot of fun! :-)

    @ Our Bottoms Burn:
    Thanks, Bogey! :-)

    @ Lady J:
    Welcome and thanks for your comment! I hope you are not too confused any more about Niki and me. If you chose the “My Videos” category on our site, you will find a bunch of clips which are featuring Niki and Ludwig. The two newest clips (“Enter the Dachshund” and “Dachshunds in Space”) show Ludwig and me. Those two clips can only be downloaded here and are not available on Spanking Tube, yet. And there are more clips to come! Like Niki, I also have a sadistic side (maybe even more than she had) and there will be clips with Ludwig on the receiving end as well. For example the football bet clip which we shot with the wonderful Leia-Ann Woods and which is waiting for post production.

    And don't worry, I'm not writing Ludwig's blog for him. Like every dachshund I've just taken over the place... ;-) Joking aside, I love writing and posting pictures and clips. That's why I joined Ludwig on the blog. I'm glad that the post about our “miracle whip” incident made you laugh!

    Oh, by the way, I found Ludwig's blog via Spanking Tube. But, like you said, the pictures (and the sight of his firm bottom) had of course nothing to do with my interest in him. I was fascinated by nothing else than his philosophical ramblings... ;-)
