Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kaelah's Corner (Aug 2011):
Dachshunds in Space

It's almost unbelievable but it's true – this is my second blogiversary! I would like to use this post to thank all of our dear readers who accompanied me on my journey. No matter whether you are a new reader of this blog, a long-time reader or someone who just comes over from time to time. Blogging without an audience is boring and it's good to have you here. A special thank you goes to all the diligent commenters and those who provide such a thoughtful input to the discussions in the comment section.

I'm not sure whether anyone still remembers my first blogiversary post, but a brief look back might bring up memories of a little let's-get-the-readers-involved operation that was started there. In short, the readers could vote for a special outfit and strokes with an implement of their choice for a small blogiversary clip.

As a result, I had to face the challenge to come up with a storyline for a clip that involved a spanking in a Star Trek outfit, consisting of two strokes with a paddle, three strokes with a flogger, nine strokes with a riding crop, eleven strokes with a switch and finally twenty-one strokes with a belt. So I did, and after quite a lot of preparation Ludwig and I filmed a little clip back in November 2010.

It took me some time to get all the post-production done (in several phases, amidst all my other work), but now I can finally proudly present to you the result of my first-ever film editing work! Of course, we didn't have any professional technical equipment and no professional set or any assistance when shooting the clip. But I think that, for a little private fun clip, the result is quite nice. And if you take a closer look, you might find out that a lot of love for detail went into it. The clip is completely in English this time, so no subtitles are necessary.

What is the storyline of the clip? Well, you'll find out when you watch it. It definitely has all the ingredients a good Star Trek fan fiction clip needs: A lot of heavy talk and a bit of action, some techno-babble (or rather, scribble), the aliens and planetary system of the week, a lot of rather stiff acting and a profound moral message.

And before anyone asks: Yes, Klingon and German accents sound quite similar! And Half-Klingon's also tend to look quite bored when they talk about their aggressive Klingon side. That doesn't mean that it isn't there, really. It's just underneath the surface, waiting to be let out... Joking aside, those of you who have read my Mind Going Blank post might recognize that there is indeed some real-life background to the premise which I have chosen.

So, I hope you'll enjoy the clip (and kindly overlook little weaknesses, especially my German accent which was quite strong on the day of the shoot). It's made for you and published for free!

WMV format, resolution 720 x 576, 238 MB: link

(Click on "Free Download", wait for the counter to count down, then solve the captcha and download the file.)

Again, thanks a lot for being here, and please enjoy! As those who have read Ludwig's Semi-Hiatus post already know, we're on a trip to Shadow Lane. That's means we won't find the time to promote this clip on forums and alike. So, if you like the clip, feel free to recommend it to your friends. And if you don't like it, simply recommend it to people you don't like, either! Anyway, it would definitely be great if you found the time to just say hi in the comment section. Constructive criticism is of course also welcome. So long, let's see what year number three will bring!


  1. Excellent! One of the few times when both my inner geek and my inner spanko were giving standing ovation... Hut ab!

  2. Wow, what a great blogoversary present for your followers. Very witty little film and K looks just so gorgeous - a brave Klingon warrior indeed.

    Hope you have a great time in Vegas.

    Kind regards

  3. Dear Kaelah

    You passed your exam with flying colors as far as I am concerned! Congratulations to you (and Ludwig) to this marvelous video and to your 2nd blogiversary. It was totally worth it to wait a year for this clip and also for "manipulate" the outcome of the vote a bit.

    Ursus Lewis

    PS: I especially enjoyed "my" eleven belt strokes. *g*

  4. What a lot of fun! So much thought had gone into the clip -- which was very enjoyable. And here was I thinking that it was going to be a long hiatus!

  5. (Commented before but for some reason did not take) Anyway wonderful production Thanks to all concerned

  6. Wow, I just learned I've been promoted to official representative of the planet Sch'wit and examiner of Kaelah's test...

    Here's my verdict: You pass with flying colors! Welcome to the academy.

    And thank you both for the wonderful video. Like Ursus, I especially enjoyed "my" part of the beating - and more specifically the last two of the switch strokes ;-)

    All the best,
    Arjuna, "Oracle of Sch'wit"

  7. Looking forward to downloading this... Star Trek AND spankings?

    I shall have to view this with a big fat cigar and a jug of Klingon Blood Wine!


  8. Enjoyed the clip. Happy blogiversary.


  9. Thanks, Kaelah, I really enjoyed that! Heartfelt albeit belated congratulations on your second blogiversary, and may there be many more to come!

  10. A very nice one, indeed. At some times I felt remembered to the "flying circus", especially when Ludwig first came to scene. But nothing that could reduce my respect!

  11. Thank you, everyone, for your kind comments! I'm glad you had fun watching the clip.

    It's good to see that obviously all those who participated in the voting so far seemed to like their new “titles” and enjoyed “their” part of the spanking.

    @ Prefectdt: I hoped you liked the Armstrong & Miller reference in your “title”?!

    @ Ursus: Mr Commissioner for Democracy, speaking of manipulating votes, I hope your adjutant Saro is fine?!

  12. I also hope adjudant Saro is fine. She kind of deserted. She now lives closer to you than me. *sigh*

  13. Outstanding, thank you for the very delectable gift of films on your blogiversary.
    You passed with flying colors as far as I am concerned, what a cute screenplay! And, well taken! Was it too hard? No stunt doubles were used, yes? :-)
    "Enter the Dachshund" came with the bonus of non-English, which was great - my learning in German is limited to long-ago classes in school, and listening to German movies' soundtrack. So, EtD helped me advance from my limitations of too much "Das Boot" language.

  14. @ Ursus:
    I'm sorry to hear that your adjutant deserted. It's always sad when a friend moves away, no matter whether the friendship is vanilla or kinky! :-(

    @ Val:
    Thank you so much for your kind comment, I'm glad you liked the clip! No, there were no stunt doubles needed, although the spanking wasn't exactly soft. Especially the switch (innocent looking but mean little thing) and the belt were quite painful. But, heh, no pain – no gain (not a Klingon saying, but it could be one)! :-)

    My old caning experiment, the clip on which I'm going to work next, will at least partially be in German, again. But I'm not sure whether the vocabulary is any more useful than “Das Boot” dialogues for everyday vanilla conversations! ;-)

  15. Can you reupload this to ? I also should say I found this by the "Girls on Porn" podcast.
