Friday, March 19, 2010

To Everything There Is A Season

So, this is it. The last day of winter! No more lonely walks in the snow. No more breathing the cold, clear winter air. What’s better than enjoying the sight of a peaceful landscape lying quietly under a white blanket glistening in the sun?

Following the tracks of rabbits, squirrels and deer into the woods. Becoming one with nature. No other people around. Except maybe for that strange guy who is living here in the woods all alone. Well, at least that’s the story being told in the village. But that’s just a legend, isn’t it???

When you find out the truth, it is of course much too late! He’ll grab you from behind, fight you down, rip off your clothes and shred them into pieces. A few minutes later you’ll find yourself tied to a tree, completely naked and cold. At first you might try to get him on your side with a shy smile.

But that won’t impress him at all. He’ll walk around you, inspecting his prey from every side. And he’ll enjoy your shivering and that special expression on your face, once you realise that no one will hear you scream, except maybe for some rabbits, squirrels and deer.

And then he’ll step behind you. When you turn around you’ll recognize the single-tail in his hand. And you'll know that you’re going nowhere, until he decides to let you go…

Well, thinking about it, spring is a nice time of the year, too, isn’t it? ;-)


  1. What a lovely post! I'm looking forward to the warmer season too, even that would mean, no such nice pictures anymore!

    I'm wondering what this young lady did to the the stranger to end up tied to a tree...

  2. *Do* tell us that Ludwig didn't waste the opportunity, and that there's a follow-up post to come describing the rather lovely flogging that you no doubt received just after these photos had been taken...?

  3. @ Ursus:

    I don't know. Maybe he just decided to whip her because HE enjoys it? Or maybe he is of the opinion that walking through the woods all alone is very irresponsible for a young woman. Maybe he thinks she needs to be taught a lesson on how dangerous it can be in the woods in case one meets the wrong guy?

    @ Abel:

    I'm sorry to dissapoint you by telling you the truth about this little photo story. Actually, I just wanted to shoot some nice „damsel in distress“ pictures in the snow without any storyline. So, we didn't even take a flogger with us. And it wouldn't have worked, anyway, because I underestimated the effect of standing barefoot in the snow for several minutes. Being an INTJ of course I insisted on doing the pictures properly, which means completely nude. After a few minutes I didn't feel my feet any more (now I know why the girls usually wear shoes on pictures like that, even if they are totally naked otherwise ;-) ) and we had to rush inside and revive them with warm water...

    The idea for the little story just came up when I thought about how to present the pictures on the blog. But since you are a fantastic writer, Ludwig already suggested that you could surely write a wonderful fictional account on how the whipping scene unfolded!


    @ Ursus and Abel (and everyone else who likes to join in):

    In case you have any additional suggestions for the story and the characters, alternative storylines matching the pictures, ideas for prequels and sequels ... everything is very welcome!!! :-)

  4. Splendid pictures of a wonderfully beautiful brave and tender girl!

  5. Pity she didn't have a stripy arse, the pic needs a bit of colour. Guess you can't have everything...!

  6. For new photo stories or videos, go to this site and buy some inexpensive period dress. Nun? Peasant girl?
    Something to play with.

  7. "To Everything There Is A Season"
    - So true. Early spring is the season for birch twigs and supple, stingy switches. Just came to think about it.

  8. Kaelah naked in the snow - the pictures are intriguing (only one set of footprints) but the thought of pneumonia is much too off-putting. I'm still shivering....

  9. @ Frants:
    Thanks for the idea with the costumes and the link. I’ve just taken a look at the site and had to laugh because the first costume I saw was a big yellow cock (I’m talking about the animal!). I don’t know how to use that for a spanking scene, but it looks hilarious! Concerning the birches … I’ll just pretend I didn’t read that part, okay?

    @ Peter8862:
    It was quite warm that day because of the sunshine. The only critical aspect was being barefoot. But Ludwig instantly helped me to warm up my feet as soon as we had taken the pictures. So, I still have ten toes and you can enjoy the pictures without any thoughts about pneumonia and things like that! :-)

  10. Kaelah! You're so gorgeous! Stunning pictures.

  11. Dear Kaelah,

    your reddish cheeks only foreshadow the colour of you ass cheeks.

    Next time you should stay longer in the snow. You will forget about cold feet in the first few minutes, as soon as your body and round booty gets rubbed by the crispy cold snow.
    A fine cure for your firm cheeks!
    That's your first lesson.

    For keeping warm in the cold snow for half an hour first time, you will be rewarded next day.
    Same place, same time.

    The twigs there are good enough to mark your round buttocks a bit.
    And with your legs wide, also your pussy can get hot in the cold snow.

    Only after you really got hot enough from all this ice-cold love, you will be eaten out by your favourite chipmunk until you scream all deer from the forest.

  12. This nude young women in the snow, tied to a tree is the most enchanting beauty I have seen on a spanking blog (the best of its kind). Welts can be arousing but she does not need that. She is tied, naked, with her glorious bottom exposed. May I say she is proud, waiting to be enslaved.

  13. @ Caroline:
    Thanks a lot for your lovely compliments... :-)

    @ List of Charybda Go Club:
    That's almost a poetic comment you've written. Nontheless I prefer being spanked in a warm place rather than in the snow...

    @ owolfgang:
    Thank you for your kind comment, I'm very glad you liked the pictures!
