Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Global Day of Delurk 2009

Today is the fourth annual Love Our Lurkers day. It's an event first established in 2006 by Bonnie of My Bottom Smarts and organised by her ever since. Once per year, we spanking bloggers invite our lurking readers (the ones who are around, but never say a word!) to come out of the shadows and leave a comment. 87 different blogs joined in last time (see this list by Bonnie) and gathered a total of 1,971 comments - records, both, and a pretty high benchmark for 2009.

Last year was when I first took part in this tradition, too, with my then-new blog. I called it the Global Day of Delurk 2008 and got a respectable 16 comments. Not all of them were genuine, first-time delurks, but quite a few were, including one from a female German reader calling herself K'Ehleyr. She had just started to explore her kinky fantasies and to look for spanking-related material on the internet. My post inspired her to leave her first-ever comment on someone's blog, and a week later, she emailed me with some questions about spanking and the scene. K'Ehleyr and I became penpals, we eventually met in the flesh, I introduced her to the practical side of CP... And, to cut a long story short, we are a couple now. If interested, you can read the full version in Where No Man Has Spanked Before. Under her new name Kaelah, my lovely Klingon mate writes a monthly column on the blog today. You will hear (and see) a lot more from her in the future.

If that "too good to be true, but true nonetheless" story doesn't tempt you to write a comment this time around, then I suppose nothing will! I'm off the market now, but who knows, one of your fellow delurkers might be the partner and soulmate you've always been dreaming of? With all the jolly, kink-obsessed, sophisticated spankos around here who devour my movie reviews and my dry philosophical ramblings, your chances aren't too bad. Or maybe the comment you leave will change your life in some other unexpected, joyful way? You could at least give it a try.

At the very least, we could formally introduce ourselves and you'd help me to get to know my audience better. I'm always curious to see who is reading, how they found my corner of the web, how long they've been around, what they like and dislike. So, if you want to say hello and leave a short message, today is your day. (Moreover, my mad scientist twin is always looking for new test subjects for his human experiments, same as last year - so he, too, would be pleased.)


  1. Hello! :) Delightful and thoughtful blogging. I feel quite guilty for not saying so more often. I've especially enjoyed your reviews and accounts of your spanking adventures.

  2. Ludwig, thanks for all the dry philosophical discourse (you don't find that on many spanking sites) the lively stories, the personal tales of love, adventure and tribulation and the enlightening reviews.

    Keep up the good work!

    Looking forward to hearing more from Kaelah too!

  3. As I tend to rarely comment on other blogs, it's time to do so now :)

    Weiter so!


  4. I guess I am one of those first time readers of yours since today is the first day I have found your blog. Am enjoying it and congrats on being a couple now with the one your met from last year.

  5. Ludwig,

    Just wanted to post a short note on how much I enjoy my visits to your always interesting blog.

    Wishing you all the best both personally and blog wise for the future.

  6. Great LOL Day story! Very-very cool. We're not lurkers here, but do enjoy your blog and we're glad we checked it out today.

    ~Todd & Suzy

  7. Dammit, I've been leaving comments here since the beginning and haven't met my soulmate yet! I demand a refund!

    Seriously, happy Love Our Lurkers Day to all.

  8. Hi Ludwig
    You've helped me in the past with file sharing issues and thanks to you I've become quite the expert at stopping copyright theft this year!

    Great blog as always, here's a gnuine de-lurk from me

  9. You want to take your revenge someday I would be up for some of that!

    If you can give it you gotta be willing to take it.


  10. In case anyone is wondering about the previous comment, Fred is referring to my comment on his blog, here:

    Love Our Lurkers - 4

    @ Fred: Oh, I'm willing to take it alright, and I'm still going to do that F/M scene someday to pay off my lost football bet - betting debts are debts of honour. Not with Niki Flynn, though, as she is retired now.

    My revenge on you will be of a different kind. I'm not into M/M canings. But I'll come up with something else, something sinister and unspeakably evil... *grins*

  11. Ahh...it was exactly one year ago that I delurked myself from this blogging world =) It's great that you're still writing Ludwig, and thanks for including Kaelah's Corner - your posts continue to be interesting to read. I must admit, that lately, I've gone back to lurking on this blog. Perhaps that will change soon =)

  12. Ludwig, your blog is always worth a read. Thanks for your efforts and your dry wit. How about doing a story on Sophie Fennington, English spankee of the 80's par excellent. Has she retired? She takes an intense caning in a clip over on Spanking Tube.

  13. Hi Ludwig,

    Thanks for joining in LOL Day!

    With warm regards,

  14. Hey Ludwig!
    Another delurker for you. Been enjoying your blog for over a year now. Found you via not-Niki's not-blog. Love the reviews, the ramblings, the links - keep up the good work!
    Devastated by the abrupt ending of the Ludwig and Niki show - that was spanking as I like it, adult, consensual, light-hearted, but real.
    I've been in a spanking relationship since ten years before you were born, so it's too late for me to come out now, but I admire enormously the openness and supportiveness of the on-line community I stumbled upon here. Which is why I decided it was time to at least say hi. Hi!

  15. I'm not sure whether I'm a lurker or not, as I'm not sure if I've commented before, but I always read and don't comment half as much as I should!

  16. Not a lurker, but I don't comment as often as I should. Happy LOL IV to you and Kaelah!

  17. Hah, love is making you soppy :)

    Hooray for this blog, and for you! You have a knack for starting fantastic discussion threads. Perhaps you will inherit the hosint of the Most Inventive Spanko Comments On the Internet from not-Niki?

  18. Late (sorry) but happy LOL day anyway.


  19. I regularly read your blog (weekly) and very much enjoy reading the interesting and enlightened commentary and news. I have been reading since you started writing.

  20. I think I actually am a lurker! But I do read your blog quite often and it was lovely to meet you and your lovely girlfriend last month :)

  21. It's great to know that something that good can come from LOL day! Your blog is excellent, and I always enjoy popping in to do some reading!

    Dr. ken

  22. Obviously not a lurker, but I love your blog. And I love the story of you "meeting" your mate on a De-Lurk Day! That's the best LOLD story I've heard so far.

  23. Happy LOL DAY lUDWIG:)!!!

    I adore your blog:)

  24. Hi guys, this is a bit rude of me to do to send a blanket email out to everyone (I can deal with the hate as everyone will benefit from it ;-)), but it is easier for me to do by going down the new update list. Check the new page out http://spankinguniverse.blogspot.com and if you like it feel free to add it to your blog list. My latest post on my main site details what my goal is, if you like what I have done and link into it, then everyone should get major dollops of hits from it as we will all be sharing the same traffic.

    Your blog has already been added to the update list.

    Whenever you post your link goes straight to the top of the list and the readers will click on that one first. You should have already been getting the traffic today from the link from my own site. So far I have added 79 spanking blogs to the list.

    Richard Windsor.


  25. Ludwig,

    I think I'm a lurker (don't think I've commented before) but I read your blog regularly and wanted to thank you for being such a consistent writer.


  26. Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment, especially to the eight first-time delurkers: thepinkpoppet, Ian, Chief, Anonymous (another one, but presumably a new one!), Anna, Spearthrower, cutiepie and Serenity Everton. You are what Love Our Lurkers day is all about.

    And thank you to everyone for your words of encouragement. I know I write a damn good blog, but it's always nice to hear it. *grins*

    A few replies:

    @ Indy: Don't give up hope! You'd be quite a catch, you know.

    @ Chief: Right on, sink those bloody pirates wherever you can.

    @ RPT (Fred Bloggs): See my first comment above.

    @ ! (Rachel): I'd be delighted to see you commenting again, you were always interesting and entertaining.

    @ Anonymous: I don't have any info on Sophie Fennington, but I'm sure that she is long retired. The scene you are referring to is probably from "Canings and Cold Showers", arguably her most popular movie. I might give that one a review one day.

    @ Anna: It's sad indeed that the "Niki and Ludwig Show" has come to an end, but I'm sure that Niki made the right decision by retiring from the Scene this year. Also, wait until you've seen the "Kaelah and Ludwig Show"!

    @ Pandora: I've always been soppy, I simply didn't have much opportunity to show it until now. I'm a soppy sadist. Two souls - alas! - are dwelling in my breast.

    "Perhaps you will inherit the hosint of the Most Inventive Spanko Comments On the Internet from not-Niki?"

    I must warn you, I am susceptible to flattery. The way I see it, there are quite a few other good candidates for that hosint, including yourself (see, I can be a flattering snake, too).

    @ EmmaJane: We enjoyed meeting you, too.

  27. Hello,

    Here's a delurk post to add to your collection.

    I rarely comment on blogs anymore, but for you I will make an exception because your stuff is just so damn good.

    I found you last week following a link. What a delight. How you met Kaelah is a wonderful story.

    I think you are absolutely an adorable sweet sadist.

    I'm a sucker for intelligent witty blog writers with a wry sense of humor.

  28. @ Rosie: Thank you very much for your delurk and for your kind words. Yes, I try my best to provide witty and humorous insights into my life as a sweet sadist. It's good to know that I seem to be successful at it.
