Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bound By Illness

Murphy's law, according to which "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong", seems to have a firm grip over my life these past two and a half weeks. To start with, I was extremely - and I mean extremely - busy with work. The next thing I know, I encounter two separate and persistent computer problems, one with the PC itself and another with my internet connection - as if I didn't have enough to do already! That took a while to fix And to top it all off, on Wednesday, just as I finally have some free time to return to blogging and write my behind-the-scenes report about the pet girl shoot with SM-Circus and Pandora Blake back in March, I get ill. Within one or two hours, I suddenly feel so sick in my stomach that I can hardly move, and I spend the rest of the day in bed instead of at the keyboard. Same thing today. It must have been something I ate, even though I have no idea what it could have been.

Anyway, enough yammering. I just wanted to give you a quick heads-up and let you know what is going on - or rather, what isn't going on. The illness comes at a very inconvenient moment (doesn't it always?), because the BoundCon fetish convention which is annually held here in Munich starts tomorrow, and I'm supposed to meet a lot of friends there. Including Direktor Sands and company, my partners in crime from the circus, Pandora, as well as pet girl Marlin and the Gladiator from Hell, who were also at the shoot. My original plan was to introduce them all here on the blog before I see them again at BoundCon, but obviously, that didn't work out, so I'll have to write about it all afterwards, one thing after the other.

I'm lucky if I can go to the convention at all. After a bit of "chemical warfare" the last two days, resting a lot and consuming only tea and zwieback, I feel a little bit better - well enough to crawl out of bed and make this post at least. I still feel the sickness in my stomach, though, so I'll keep this short and I'll go back to sleep. Hopefully, I will feel another little bit better tomorrow, and I'll be able to make a short appearance at BoundCon at least. Murphy willing, normal blogging service will finally resume next week.


  1. I hope you feel better soon, Ludwig. At least well enough to lose yet another beautiful woman at the Circus.

  2. Sorry to hear that you are feeling so icky, get well soon.


  3. Aw Ludwig!

    Hope you feel better soon! I was wondering what had happened to your posting schedule...

    As for the PC're having them because you're on a PC! Get a Mac, they're awsome =D

  4. What a bizarre coincidence - I've had food poisoning the past few days too! So I can totally sympathise; I know how absolutely miserable it is. :-(

    Here's hoping you're well enough to go to Boundcon.

  5. Niki and Ludwig, none of you have been to Mexico recently?

  6. Ugh, that is nothing I'd wish on anyway. I hope you're feeling better and take heart from the fact that you're posting again.

  7. I was really sorry not to see you at the con - I was crashed out at the hotel when you were there on Friday, and I hoped to see you on either of the other two days. I wasn't quite myself until late on the Saturday either.

    Hope you feel better by now; I look forward to your return to regular blogging :)
