Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Movie Review: Wild Party 2

Rigid East (released in 2002)

Entire Story In Fewer Words Than Are In This Sentence:
Music teacher thrashes five noisy girls

Victim Appeal:
As in the original Wild Party, five different girls are in line to be severely caned. All of them are new faces and quite lovely ones, too. I'll spare you the fake Czech names given for the actresses in the credits. Their characters are called Anna, Dana, Hana, Jana and Tana. That's alright, then! I'm not quite sure who is who, though, so I'll refer to them by physical description if I need to pick out one.

Speaking of which, there is enjoyable variety here: a cute light haired brunette, a tall and lanky dirty blonde, a dark-haired girl with a somewhat detached look, a dyed redhead and a petite wide-eyed blonde. All have a girl-next-door look I find quite enticing. Pretty, attractive girls next door. And in contrast to the first film, where the victims kept some of their clothes on, we get to see them stark naked this time. So in terms of eye candy, I like the sequel better, actually. The girls also put an effort into their acting, especially the small blonde. Numbers, looks, performance - the victim appeal is substantial on all counts.

Gratuitous Sadism:
The film is set in an art school. The girls play theater students practicing with two young male actors and the director. Their rehearsal is a tad too loud for the sensibilities of a music teacher nearby (Jan Zlatousty, the father from the first video). When the man angrily storms into the room, the director calms him down and promises that there will be no more disturbances. Teacher goes away, rehearsal continues. Then the director has to leave, and in his absence the boys and gals turn the practice session into a "wild party". Wine is served, and the party game of choice is a hybrid of "spin the bottle" and "strip poker". Before long, the girls are all tipsy, naked and even noisier than before. Tsk tsk.

When the boys go out to get more booze, the young ladies take it to the next level with some lesbian kissing and caressing. I'm not really into that, but it's a cute little scene. There's also some heavy tickling with accompanying screams and giggles, which alerts the music teacher again. The guy is really pissed off now and hammering on the door (the girls had locked it in an uncharacteristic fit of modesty). Thinking it's their male companions with the wine, they open up. Oops! You can imagine where this is going now (it's a CP video, after all...).

To cut a long story short, the teacher is outraged to find five naked, half-drunken students, he's going to have them thrown out of the school, but one girl who knows him from her music lessons remembers that he has an alternative method to deal with misbehaving pupils. This, of course, turns out to be a nice and proper caning. After some reluctance and a nervous, agitated chat, the ladies all agree that it's better to be chastised than expelled. What follows are five very hard thrashings, werewolf-style, 30 vicious cane strokes for each girl. The teacher lines them up kneeling on the floor and then deals with them one after the other. While one naughty student bends over a table to take her punishment, the others have to count the lashes.

Best Reactions:
The beatings are severe even by RGE / Lupus standards, and just like in the first "Wild Party", the victims show the kind of intense, agonised reactions which the true sadists among the viewers will find highly satisfying. They get lovely, dark welts, too. Four of the girls are quite vocal, with subtle differences. While the tall dirty blonde and the dyed redhead just scream like banshees for the most part, the dark-haired beauty in the middle of the pack lets out tortured moans and goes into hyperventilation. The little blonde, who is the last one to be caned, is already crying before the first stroke (not surprisingly perhaps, given the prolonged buildup she had to sit through, or rather kneel through). She howls and wails loudly during her ordeal and is a tearful heap by the end. Fun stuff.

However, I liked the brunette best of all. She is the first in line and endures her torment in a positively restrained manner compared to the others. Part of the reason is that it isn't quite as hard - the teacher still seems to be warming up a bit in the beginning. But it's still a considerably violent caning and he fires off some impressive strokes later on. Still, the girl never breaks down, and I find her toughness immensely attractive.

She is in visible pain, grimacing, biting her lip, even crying out and squirming strongly after some of the lashes. But she takes it like a trooper and with an air of brave resilience that makes her "loud moments" all the more satisfying. She even breaks into a defiant out-of-character chuckle from time to time, which is saying: "I can't believe what I'm doing here today!" She still has that grin afterwards, prompting the teacher to ask if she wants to go over the table again. By that time, it's a grin of relief, though, so she declines, rubs her well-striped bottom and politely thanks him for the correction she just received. Good girl, that brunette, and very enjoyable to watch. Even though I think that she should have received a dozen extra for cheekiness (and to test the limits of her defiance a bit more...).

Best Line:
The music teacher sarcastically compliments one of the more vocal, screaming girls on her nice singing voice. That was quite funny, albeit not too inventive - I think most tops have used the old "You have a good soprano!" line at some point. I certainly have and got some amusing, angry reactions, which of course merits more and even harder strokes (hence more "music").

So my favourite line of the movie was one spoken in between the canings, when the teacher calls another girl forward and growls: "The next one of you simulants!" I thought that was great, especially as the shrieks of agony from the young ladies weren't simulated at all, obviously. And the teacher knows that, too. Good line! I haven't used it myself yet, but I will someday, in a session with multiple victims.

Nice Psychological Touch:
There are two scenes I liked a lot on a psychological level. The first is when the girls discuss whether they should agree to the caning. The teacher actually leaves the room for this, saying that he will be back shortly and that they have five minutes to make up their minds. That was a nice touch, to grant them privacy - it's both courteous and threatening and it enhances the next scene considerably, the lively (and fearful) debate among the girls.

The other scene that adds an interesting element is at the very end, after the girls have been thrashed and get their clothes back on. They leave the school with hanging heads and find their two male colleagues outside, waiting for them. The boys, of course, had been on their way with the wine when they heard the enraged music teacher approaching, so they ran away and escaped punishment - they just took off to save their own skins, basically, without trying to warn their friends. To see all of the students reunited now adds a stong feeling of injustice to everything that has happened, but also a hint of heroism - we pity the girls because they were the unfortunate ones who got caught, and at the same time we admire the courage they showed by taking the caning. This ending on a sympathetic note is typical of many RGE / Lupus films.

How Good Is It Really?
"Wild Party" was excellent already, and the second film is one of those cases where a sequel is arguably better than the original. It didn't totally blow me away like part one did, but that is simply down to the fact that when I watched part one for the first time, I hadn't really seen anything like it before. By the time "Wild Party 2" came out, I was already a die-hard RGE / Lupus fan and knew pretty much all of their stuff. But in terms of severity, there isn't any difference - the sequel easily equals the first film and even surpasses it a bit.

As well as that, it is more professionally produced, with all the technical craftsmanship the werewolves are now known for. It also has a more interesting story and location (I love music teacher scenarios!), the action scenes are better filmed, and the girls are all naked this time. So while "Wild Party 2" doesn't quite have the legendary status or the impact the original had on me (and undoubtedly on many other viewers), it is objectively an even better film, and a classic in its own right.

What You Learned:
Now I know what the father from "Wild Party" does for a day job - he is a music teacher. Or is he? While the actor is the same, it is never confirmed that this is the same character and the same universe. Somehow, I'd like to think it is, but we can't say for sure. What does it matter, anyway? Well, it matters to me. It's interesting. These are the kinds of questions I ponder when I'm sitting home alone and the power goes out.


  1. OK, I only skimmed this one, but the soprano line made me laugh. If anyone commented on my singing voice during a spanking, it would be to tell me this was the first time in my life I wasn't flat.

  2. Half of 30 is 15...right?

    Apparently, the music teacher can't isn't good at math. He says "It's half over" after 14 then 16 strokes :P

    But overall, it was pretty good :P

    I think the blonde at the end - his violin student - got it the worst...Maybe it was intentional, or maybe it was because the teacher had already had a warm-up. The one with black hair was annoying and wouldn't stay in position - but that's understandable. It WAS her first spanking, after all.

    Those welts are soooo dark...almost scary looking but kind of pretty at the same time.

    LOL at the soprano comment - also my favourite line of the movie :P

  3. What man would'nt wish to give these naughty women a good caning. I know I would?.

  4. Have any of the 5 girls in Wild Party 2 done anything else? I've looked but haven't found another appearance by any of them.

    Also, the black haired girl got the giggles right before the 2nd girl's caning started. I've wondered what caused that.

  5. @ Ratel: Tina Skodova, the redhead who is the last one to be caned (and probably the loudest in her reactions), appears in another Lupus film, "The Governess". But it is an acting only role and she does not get spanked. I don't recall ever seeing any of the five girls from "Wild Party 2" in action anywhere else.

  6. Thanks for the information. I believe Wild Party 2 is my favorite Lupus video due mainly to my liking of the 1st and 3rd girls that were caned. Since I've never met a girl who has made a studio spanking movie, I don't know what makes them quit after being in just one movie. I have talked to several girls that appeared in a few porn movies before quickly calling it quits and they all told a similar story along the lines of how they didn't like what they were doing and felt degraded.

    And then there are those like Victoria Young who for a while was like the Energizer bunny that just kept coming back and coming back. That girl could take that cane. But the career of the girl who thinks people that like spanking films are "crazy" is likely over now given Mood's legal troubles. She seemed due for a lengthy hiatus anyway.

  7. @ Ratel: The Lupus / RGE team are very nice people, really, so I think it is unlikely that any of the girls had a genuinely unpleasant experience. But it is of course possible that they discovered that getting spanked is not for them, and that they'd rather not do it twice. Or that they had second thoughts about doing erotic videos. Or that it was simply a "one off" thing which they only wanted to try once, anyway.

    In any case, some girls in the industry come back for more, others don't. Unfortunately, it's often the really interesting ones who don't come back. The first girl in this video here is a good example - I loved her reactions and her whole presence. Alas, to my knowledge, she never did another video. Neither did Rose Sardy from Elite Club Special Case, who starred in one of my all-time favourite caning scenes.

  8. Yes, Ludwig, Rose Sardy was memorable for me as well in Special Case although it was the scene where they tied them together that I liked the best. To some degree, Rose reminds me of
    one of the girls that appeared in Elite Club Case 7.

    Here's some possible trivia about Wild Party 2 although I'm not certain it's correct. I was wondering earlier in this comments thread about why the black haired girl in Wild Party 2 got the giggles right before the 2nd girl's caning started. I had a friend who grew up in Prague watch that scene with me and she gave this insight; When the first girl is kneeling down right after being caned, Tina, the blonde, asks her, "Did it hurt?" and the first girl replies, "mmm hmm." My friend speculated that the first girl then made a gesture that got the black haired girl to start laughing.

    Normally, I would never show part of a caning film to this young lady but I'd just been unexpectedly diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma blood cancer the previous day and was feeling rather fatalistic. It had changed her mood as well.

  9. @ Ratel: Thank you for that interesting insight from your friend from Prague. Also, I am of course very saddened to hear about your lymphoma blood cancer - I hope that it is treatable and that you will be able to live as long and healthy a life as possible in spite of it.

  10. @Ludwig,
    Off topic.
    Thanks for the concern. Essentially all lymphomas are treatable but the cure rate is around 50%. Normally, a person is stricken with an NHL lymphoma in their '60's but I've almost certainly had it since I was 33, nearly 2 years ago. Two previous doctors had diagnosed me as having a strained abdominal muscle which was technically correct since the muscle had been strained out of its normal position by the cancerous tumor.

    I'm in the early stages of treatment and won't know how I'm progressing for a few more weeks.

  11. @ Ratel: I am glad to hear that it is treatable. A cure rate of 50% is not as comfortably high as one would wish for, but there are other forms of cancer where it is far worse, so I suppose that this is positive to hear, too. I've lost friends and family members to cancer, so I know what it feels like at least from the perspective of a loved one. I also know others who were completely cured.

    If you would like to let me know how you are doing, or just chat about some kinky topics, you are always welcome to send me a mail. I would certainly be glad to hear from you.
