Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pandora Blake's Blogiversary Caning

Plebiscites are a popular pastime in the spanking blogger community, especially when they result in public floggings. This week, Pandora Blake has offered herself to the sadistic mob to celebrate her second blogiversary. She will get a caning to honour the occasion, there will be a free video of it on her blog, and you, the readers, can contribute to the number of strokes. At the same time, you get to help Lucy and Paul of Northern Spanking after their recent troubles.

That's what I call a great two-in-one deal. Here is how it works:

- To add a stroke to Pandora's blogiversary caning, please join Northern Spanking and leave a comment on her blog entry with the username of your account (not the password!).

- If you're already a member of Northern Spanking and would like to get involved, please leave a comment on her blog entry with your username. Existing signups will still contribute a stroke, but probably with a different implement.

- If you'd like to vote on which implements are used for each set, please let Pandora know your preference in your comment. Hint from Ludwig: vote for the cane for new signups, and for the strap for existing signups.

- If you've already done the above and still have the urge to hurt the girl (of course you do!), then repost the link and spread the word. Remember, it's for Lucy and Paul as well.
(How many stripes is she going to get? Join Northern Spanking and make your mark.)

Needless to say, I was only too happy to help out. The more so because it allowed me to exact a bit of revenge for Pandora's vote on my own comeuppance caning. It must be said that unlike the cruel majority, she voted for the less severe 12 stroke option back then, which didn't win. Perhaps I should have been equally merciful with her in return? In theory, I could have tried to use my free reviewer account at Northern Spanking to add one stroke with the lighter implement. But that would have been incredibly cheap, and certainly against the spirit of the good cause.

As a sadist, I tend to believe that generosity is a far nobler virtue than mercy. So I signed up for a proper, paid membership. It's a support gesture for Lucy and Paul which I wanted to make, anyway. And if it contributes to Pandora getting the sort of no-nonsense hard chastisement I enjoy watching, all the better. She is not going to die from it. Actually, I think she would be disappointed with anything less than memorably painful. At least that is the way I felt about my own trial at the hands of the readers.

In our world, clemency is a sign of neglect, while cruelty is a proof of affection. My inner sadist believes that, if any spanking model deserves the honour of a severe thrashing for her blogging, it's Pandora Blake. Her writing is literate, fluid and beautifully structured, her observations are frequently captivating and never less than interesting. She is passionate about her work and quite prolific, too - often writing even longer posts than I do, but with an effortless clarity I wish I had.

In sum, one of my favourite kinky blogs, run by a very spankable young lady. Let's give the Fräulein a proper set of welts so she can celebrate her blogiversary in style - happy, contented, and sleeping on her belly for a week thereafter.


  1. Hello, Ludwig,

    Just found your blog through Dr. Ken and I must say I like it very much, and am enjoying catching up. I agree with your decision concerning Pandora Blake, and your words about clemency, neglect, cruelty and affection. Looking forward to visiting often.


  2. Actually doesn't your paid account and your other account entitle you to count 1 stroke with the main toy, for your new account AND 1 stroke with the alternative toy for an existing account. :-)


  3. Good point, Prefect. I don't imagine there are many members with two accounts, so there's no reason Miss Blake shouldn't accept that.

  4. Michael: Thank you, I appreciate that. Come back often, I hope you continue to like what you see.

    Prefectdt, Niki: It is a good point indeed, and one I've already thought about myself (hey, you know me...). The one downside is, I don't want Pandora's bottom to be excessively reddened before the cane starts making its delicious mark. Then again, one additional stroke with the other implement is obviously not going to make a huge difference.

    My thinking was, I'll just wait until Sunday to decide if I'll throw in the other account as well. In the meantime, I'm keeping an eye on Pandora's blog entry and the rising numbers of strokes. I imagine she is doing the same. Getting nervous yet, Fräulein? Heh heh...

  5. Thanks so much for playing, Ludwig - these comments and the emails I've been getting from Indiana really made my week :) I am more than happy to accept both strokes from you, and you definitely win points for being able to contibute two! We've managed to collect ten new members for NSI, and 25 strokes for my poor bum in total. Which I am entirely gleeful about because my hands survive to blog another day. Speaking of nerves - I think I actually felt nauseous with fear for the entire weekend whenever I remembered that hand-tawsing was running second on my poll. Why do we do these things to ourselves? But it's okay, all I have to endure is fifteen whacks with a bloody great nasty tawse on the bare bum and while that's hardly a doddle, my hands are grateful for it.

    Speaking of which, I'm sort of with you on cold caning. Any bright ideas? I'm currently toying with the idea of having two separate punishments filmed on different days, or having the caning first and the tawsing second. Disadvantage of the first being that I think it loses some of the oomph, disadvantage of the second being that after ten hard cold cane strokes I will want a cuddle and some cold cream, not another beating! What do you think?

  6. I'm glad you enjoyed the comments, Pandora. When you call for a spanko community plebiscite like that, you can expect massive gleeful attention. I speak from personal experience - my "Your Vote Counts" post still holds the record for most reader comments, by a large margin.

    The people (myself included) may have spared you the hand punishment, but that is because we fully trust Mr C to dish out a thrashing worthy of the occasion using the tools we have provided him with. No need to throw all the eggs in one basket - I'm sure that your paws will get some good whacks one day when circumstances demand it.

    In the meantime, let's see if you still feel so lucky when the moment comes to bend over for the tawse and cane. Which brings me to the question, in which order? Splitting the punishment into two sessions would mean losing a lot of impact, so that one is definitely out. Doing the cane first and the tawse after that sounds like an interesting option, though. It may be unorthodox, but why not give it a try.

    I'm a fan of cold canings, but at the end of the day, which instrument comes first isn't of paramount importance. What really matters is that both are laid on with a will. After all, it's your blogiversary and we want you to get your full enjoyment out of it... *wicked evil grin*
