Wednesday, July 9, 2008

In the Village Stocks

I fear that the time has come for me to stand in the village stocks and atone for past misdeeds. Here is that much-anticipated video of me being caned by Niki Flynn. Quite severely, I might add, just like the readers demanded it. Thirty strokes, on the bare, with gusto. You voted for it, you waited for it, now let's get it over with.

(Actually, and I mention this right away before the inevitable gloating begins: I ended up getting 32 strokes. Yeah, I miscounted at one point. Dumb embarassing mistake. It seems like Niki was really making an impression when she fired off thost last few swishes. Or maybe it was my subconscious agreeing with Keith and Tigerbutt - see the comments section of this post.)

No need to go into the backstory again. In recent weeks, you've all been following the news of my impending suffering with sadistic glee (bastards!). And in the unlikely case that this is the first you hear of it, you can read up on how the whole saga unfolded here:

Kinky Siberian Holiday
Your Vote Counts
Someone's in trouble...
The Readers Have Spoken

The gist of it is also mentioned in the introduction of the video.

I suppose the one advantage of these virtual village stocks is that the jeering mob can't throw rotten tomatoes. Verbal taunting only, and I can live with that. Admit it, you wouldn't have brought any vegetables, anyway, you are just here to watch the public flogging. After all, that's what the crowd here in the CP blog village is really lusting for. So, without further ado:

AVI format, resolution 720 x 576, 168 MB: link

(Click on "Free Download", wait for the counter to count down, then solve the captcha and download the file. The video uses the Divx codec and MPEG Layer-3 for audio.)

Be advised, it is a pretty severe thrashing and may not be to everyone's taste. But that's the kind of headspace Niki and I like to explore, and after all the buildup and public drama, we wanted to do something that is worthy of the occasion. So, I suffered properly and certainly didn't enjoy it at the time. I suppose we can call it a genuine comeuppance, and I'm happy and excited to have it immortalized on film. Again, the technical quality isn't perfect, but it's a marked improvement over The German Lesson. And as free clips go, I think this piece of work here is pretty damn good, actually.

It's a lot of fun to see Niki on the other end of the cane. Proving, if it were needed, that she really is a Lupus girl in every sense of the word - receiving pain, and dishing it out. After making the video, we were joking about how it might reduce her daily dose of "will u spank me?" spam mails. See, boys, this is what you are letting yourselves in for! But I'm not sure, maybe she will get even more requests now...

As you can see, Niki has great technique, very accurate, fluid whippy movement, and not too shabby in terms of impact... A pleasure to witness. Unless you happen to be the one who gets it. Tops take note, and watch the wrist flick in slow motion.

As for me, I don't switch to the other side very often, so it's always special and an interesting "reminder". I hadn't been caned in almost a year, which is why I get some pretty dramatic-looking welts (and yes, they felt as painful as they look). It's a pity that most regular victims, for obvious reasons, don't mark so easily. With me as the tender canvas, Niki had drawn blood within the first ten strokes. She used one of my canes, which is covered with dried splatters now, so I've retired it and keep it as a souvenir.

Blood-stained trophies and kinky fun with friends aside, one intriguing aspect of the whole thing was the act of filming it, and filming it for publication. Actually, in addition to the usual creative joy and the social experiment with the reader vote, that was part of the attraction for me - to get a glimpse, at least on a very humble level, of the spanking model experience. And even though I can't seriously compare myself with the professional victims, it's interesting how much you learn just in one scene.

(For one thing, you never realize the full scope of your countless physical imperfections (slouching posture, chicken breast, et cetera...) until you see them magnified like this. Niki assures me that this is the normal perception and largely delusional. Ah, well. I suppose so.)

Maybe I'll do another scene like that someday. But not for a while. Got to restore the natural order of things first. There will be more twists to come in The Caning Saga, I'm sure. We'll wait and see. In the meantime, I hope you like the clip. You should, you voted for it. And because of your harsh verdict, it took three days before I was sitting comfortably again. Happy now? I suppose so, especially the sadists who called for the 30 strokes option. I won't be playing any April Fools' Jokes on you next year, promise.


  1. This was well worth the build-up, Ludwig and Niki. Fun to see Niki's sadistic side, which seems remarkably well developed :-). Also fun to watch Ludwig react stoically even phlegmatically, blood or no blood. And still cheeky just before the 32nd stroke? And I thought "Bavarian Brat" was just a cute nickname...

    Thanks for this!

  2. A fine example of the categorical imperative on Niki's part and a fitting demonstration of stoicism on Ludvig's.

    (Have I got this right? Surely, someone with some knowledge of philosophy must read this!)

  3. Indiana - I'm glad you liked the clip. I wouldn't call my reactions stoic or phlegmatic, though. They may look like that to an observer, but it's certainly not how I felt at the time! We all express suffering in slightly different ways, and this just happens to be mine. I don't scream and holler a whole lot, I gasp and wince instead. That's my natural reaction, neither downplayed nor exaggerated.

    I suppose the reactions might be too muted for some peoples' taste, but rest assured, I was in pain. Actually, this is pretty vocal by my standards. Niki did elicit a few yelps, and she certainly made an impression, especially towards the end. Heck, one of the strokes (err, "29", first attempt) even affected my maths skills (left a particularly vivid stripe, too).

    So, stoicism notwithstanding, there is entertainment value for the sadistic observer, I suppose... *blushes*

    Keith - I'm no expert on Kant myself, but I think you got it right. The categorical imperative is best known in its first formulation: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law." And yeah, if all canings ever filmed were applied with Niki's skill and vigour, that would certainly be great, wouldn't it?

    Mind you, it wouldn't persuade me to take one more often myself...

  4. Oh lord, trust a German to turn a friendly bout of Schadenfreude into a discourse on Kant! (I know "Bavarian" hardly counts as "German", but still...)

    Seeing it on film makes me realise just how meek and merciful I am. (That's my Imperial title, btw: Niki the Meek and Merciful.) Next time, boy-toy, the gloves are off!

  5. I think your idea to restore the "natural order of things" ie Nick on the receiving end is exhalent and should be put to a vote

  6. or at least excellent

  7. Hhhmm, now we're seeing Niki the Meek and Merciful bite back-- verbally this time. Seems absolutely appropriate after that little comment the Bavarian Boy-Toy made about the Natural Order of Things. Not as absurd as the Bonsai comment, but right up there! :-)

  8. Boffo performance!

    Nikki clearly had the right idea in ordering Ludwig to strip. Hopefully, she set a precedent!

  9. Those downloads took a while but they where well worth the wait. Perhaps Niki could improve her swing a bit with a couple of steps run up, if she studied some videos of tennis players in action she could....... Did I hear someone shouting shutupshutupshutup?


  10. Redhead said...

    Having discussed Stanley Kubrick’s “Clockwork Orange” w. N before, I really admired the “Barry Lyndon” episodic style of scene breaks and the use of Händel’s Sarabande he used in Barry Lyndon. Even if unintentional, those were very respectful nods to the master. Even the old clock clicking off the sentence in the background set off a sense of doom. But I didn’t see it see it as doom. I saw it as just two friends being friends. But that’s my take.

    So if there’s a next time, maybe the less ponderous “German Dances” (both verb and noun intentional *grin*) by Franz Schubert, which Kubrick also used a lot in Lyndon, would make a super juxtaposition to suffering and underline N’s precsion. I really like it when my spanking partners and I select our music preferences.

    Now do you know about Spiessrutenläufe (running the gauntlet)? Because there’s one in Lyndon too. That’s one of the first things I ever discussed staging, w N as a young woman masquerading as a soldier and caught during the war of the Palatinate succession (Pfälzischer Erbfolgekrieg). The one in Lyndon (it’s years since I saw the film) I think used der Grosse Fritz’s Hohenfriedberger March. (Incidentally, and it’s not too far from you, but you might be able to see a Rutenlauf at the end of the month as part of the Wallensteiner Festspiele in Memmingen – which only take place every few years. Now Schubert’s “Der Wallensteiner Lanzknecht beim Trunk” would be the ideal piece for that) But back to you guys, because it’s your show.

    What made your scene so good for me were the natural surroundings (dress) and incisive sense of sadistic competence with the cane and forthrightness to get it right from N. Meek & Merciful, hmm…I like the matter of fact, I-just-enjoy-doing-this demeanor. That’s much more telling, because it looks real. Fabulously delivered without any distracting, showy dramatics. But well taken too, (liked you were able to let go with your groans and grimaces towards the end) she knows what she’s doing. I really liked her corrections of your posture – she’ll explain why. It did need constant attention. 


    PS. what did she say after stroke three?

  11. Niki ought to know that what Kant said is "do as you would be done by"...but since Ludvig is no expert on this one, he needn't be Meek and Merciful during the return match, I guess. I suggest The Blooded Bavarian is a more appropriate title.

  12. One of the most enjoyable canings I have seen .. although I am sure it was not too enjoyable for Ludwig!

    The look on Niki's face as Ludwig removed the last vestige of his clothing was priceless. And the frisson after the first stroke was palpable. And the chemistry between Ludwig and Niki was equally evident.

    I thought that Niki did an enviable job of laying on the strokes. Not too hard, not too light -- with evenly spaced, parallel lines.

    A sequel soon? ;)

  13. A sequel? Well, as a matter of fact, I was just in Germany for a few days and you'll never guess who I happened to run into...

  14. I'm usually not into F/m scenes at all, but I find Ludwig's resilience very attractive. He knows what he's gotten himself into and confronts it head on, with great dignity.

    Lovely! :)

  15. I think my favorite moment was the look on Niki's face after she commented, with studied casualness, that it's usual to start over after a counting error. Then she hesitated just long and sadistically enough to make poor Ludwig worry before imposing a much more moderate penalty.

    Of course, I might be tempted to hesitate a bit longer if my victim were to call me a sadistic bitch. *WEG*

  16. What did I say after stroke 3? "Nice ass!" ;-)

  17. Ludvig, this was priceless.
    I don't usually like F/m spankings, this was unusual, certainly better than the German lesson.
    When you two get together again, I hope that you film it.
    I seen Niki topping before, but never as good as this.
    Warm hug,

  18. Indiana: I note that you have adopted the use of the sexist "boy-toy" term. It almost sounds like some naughty girl is trying to provoke me into teaching her some manners...

    Redhead: Of course the nods to "Barry Lyndon" were intentional. I'm a huge Kubrick fan, and I thought it might be fun to contrast the ponderous music and antiquated language of the title cards with the light-hearted banter of the actual scene.

    I'm glad you liked Niki's I-just-enjoy-doing-this demeanor. I do, too, and it's exactly what excited me about the scenario. On those occasions when I switch, I am not looking for an authority figure or a stereotypical "distant goddess" (yawn). I'm looking for a "kitten with a whip", playful yet genuinly sadistic, which is infinitely more interesting to me. The whole scene was supposed to be natural rather than formal, like a long-awaited scene at a spanking party.

    Keith: I like "The Blooded Bavarian". That is definitely progress from "The Bavarian Brat". Kudos.

    Paul: Niki and I did get together again recently, and we filmed a little something. M/f again, and well-earned on her part... *grins*

  19. I think if Luwig dares another slip of the tongue and there is a sequel, the music will be by Brahms, "A German Requiem", with the " - und alles Fleisch es ist wie Grass" part. Then there will be blood.

  20. posting on u-tube has paid off well, Ludwig. i found the mini clip by accident. i am impressed and amazed. stubborn man. if you ain't received in over a year, how the heck did you take that so well? and be able to smart off during? you took your licks well, and w/ dignity, but i think that kinda almost defeated the point. you should have gotten much more. not because you deserved it, but because your tolerance is just too damn high. i'll be reading the rest of your stuff as well.

  21. Lady Rose: Very kind of you to say that I should have gotten much more. As always, my sadistic blog readers only have my best interests in mind!

    However, as I wrote in this comment thread before, we all have slightly different reactions to pain. Mine tend to be not as loud as those of many others. More along the lines of gasping and wincing. That just happens to be my way of reacting. But just because I'm not screaming the house down doesn't mean that I'm not feeling anything. On the contrary, I can assure you that the caning did make a proper impression on me, no doubt about that. It was quite painful, I was definitely relieved when it was over and I felt the marks for a couple of days afterwards.

    If you've read more of my blog, you will know that I'm really a top, and I must say that, in my usual role, I prefer the "defiant type" bottoms who try to restrain their reactions and don't want to give the top the satisfaction of showing too much. Because when you do get a scream or some other strong, anguished reaction from such a bottom, it is all the sweeter - you know you had to work hard for it.

    Despite my best efforts at macho stoicism, Niki did manage to get a few loud yelps from me, buckling knees and one or two curses I muttered under my strained breath. She even made me lose count at one point, an embarassing moment that earned me two additional (and extra hard) strokes. She was quite happy with her efforts afterwards, and she had good reason to be.

    It was certainly severe enough to make me a wee bit concerned about the next thrashing I'm going to get at her hands, for losing that bloody football bet last month:

    It will only be 18 cane strokes this time, but I'm getting 30 with the martinet before that. Again, more than enough to make an impression, all the more so because I'm not usually on that side of the cane. I'll have to try my best not to miscount again.

  22. I finally got round to downloading and watching this. Good work Niki, I do like F/M, hell, I'm a switch after all.

    I think Niki has a much nicer bottom though and it needs to be on display constantly ;-)

    Thanks you two.

  23. Did I see the beginning of an erection around number 4? xxx

  24. @ Martin: I don't know what you mean by "around number 4". There is indeed the beginning of an erection about 7 minutes into the video, when I am naked and the caning is about to start.

    I remember that I was really surprised by that when it happened, because I did not feel aroused in any way. I think it was just the nervousness. I tried to suppress it because it did not correspond at all with my ideas for the video and with how I wanted people to see it ("Oh, look, he is a pain slut who loves to get whipped!"). But, as you surely know, you really don't have any voluntary control over an erection...

    It ended very quickly once the first cane strokes started landing, though, so that was all fine.

  25. Just to say that a fantasy was fulfilled today when I was able to act out this scene with me in the part of Ludwig while watching the clip. I must confess to having had a warm up and the strokes not being quite as severe but overall a wonderful experience. Turns out that trying to keep an eye to the video while wielding the cane is more difficult than we realised it might be so a simple preparatory tap from Nikki got me a full on lick with the cane. Add to that the extra you earned us both Ludwig and it made for a thorough, and thoroughly satisfying, session that I will remember for a long time to come. That memory will be particularly vivid for the next couple of days as it happens. Big thanks to you and Kaelah. Simply.

  26. @ Simply:
    Good to hear you had such a great time reenacting the scene!
